Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Perils of Ugandan Discussions

The Telegraph reports that the Bishop of West Wales and a female vicar have resigned followoing rumours of an affair between them. Apparently the rumours started after they both went on a charity mission to Uganda.

Fellow readers of Private Eye will understand why I burst out laughing when I read that.


  1. Can anyone settle an argument for us...??

    Is there something wrong with the pictures loading from Iain Dale website, or is it a problem with firefox?

  2. "Is there something wrong with the pictures loading from Iain Dale website, or is it a problem with firefox?"

    The pictures load normally on my PC using Windows XP.

  3. It's not just Firefox - a problem with IE browser too.

    Iain - please fix it!

  4. Never mind the pictures. The "female vicar" is the right reverend's chaplain. There is only an impression of an affair, denied by all concerned. This is surely a witch hunt by conservative misogynist clerical bastardos and career rivals within the CofE? Mrs RR got fed up with the goss.

    But the Ugandan relations aspect would be funny, if that is there were any.

  5. I recall several years ago reading that the choirmaster of my illustrious college chapel had been found out and admitted to an affair with the chaplain. Not, I thought, an unusual state of affairs, until I was shocked to read that the chaplain was in fact a woman.

  6. Anon 9:27. Private Eye have for many years referred to any public figure caught in flagrante in an undesirably public sexual posture not with their spouse as "engaged in Ugandan affairs". Apparently it dates back to some incident involving Mary Kenny and a minister in Milton Obote's government and was coined by poet James Fenton. Wikipedia have an entry on Private Eye in-jokes which has more.

    Private Eye in-jokes

  7. Sorry Iain, like Chris Paul, I find all this innuendo rather childish. Time for some facts:

    In 2007 the Right Rev. Carl Cooper and Rev. Mandy Williams-Potter worked together in a missionary position in the diocese of Kigezi, Uganda.

  8. chris paul is fast becoming the saddest, most boring contributor in the history of the www.

    Word verification = feikeu ....

    well if that's your attitude, then 'feikeu' too Mr. Dale !

  9. "...worked together in a missionary position..." Love it dave.h.

    Whilst it's very suitable that clerics should stick to vanilla, I'm surprised someone hasn't yet condemned them for being so hideously white in a Ugandan context.
