Friday, April 04, 2008

Shadow Cabinet Media Tarts: March

Each month Julian Nicholson and I compile a list of the best media performers in the Shadow Cabinet using mentions on Lexis Nexis as the index. I am not quite sure what Owen Paterson has done to come in at number 2 - perhaps someone could enlighten us!

1 - David Cameron 1916
2 25 Owen Paterson 548
3 -1 George Osborne 312
4 - William Hague 272
5 -2 David Davis 217
6 9 Alan Duncan 125
7 5 Philip Hammond 96
8 -1 Michael Gove 88
9 -4 Chris Grayling 82
10 1 Nick Herbert 81
11 -5 Andrew Lansley 80
12 -3 Liam Fox 77
13 -3 Eric Pickles 71
14 7 Theresa Villiers 64
15 10 Peter Ainsworth 62
16 -2 Theresa May 55
17 -9 Jeremy Hunt 50
18 - Caroline Spelman 35
19 -3 David Willetts 34
20 - David Mundell 32
20 -1 Grant Shapps 32
22 3 Cheryl Gillan 31
23 7 Francis Maude 26
24 -7 Andrew Mitchell 18
25 -4 Lord Strathclyde 17
26 -3 Oliver Letwin 15
26 2 Patrick McLoughlin 15
28 -15 Sayeeda Warsi 9
29 -3 Dame Pauline Neville-Jones 6
30 -1 David Lidington 4
31 - Baroness Anelay of St Johns 0

Liberal Democrats
- Nick Clegg 530350


  1. Who is Owen Paterson?

  2. Owen Paterson is the Shadow NI Secretary. I would guess his appearance is due to Ian Paisley announcing his resignation and he may have been quoted in various pieces?

    Although I did have to search his name to find out who is was!

  3. Owen Paterson actually takes the NI brief quite seriously. He visits the Province on a near-weekly basis and is often on the news here
