Thursday, April 03, 2008

Quote of the Week

"Not only does Gordon Brown
not appear to feel your pain,
he is seen as causing your pain."

US pollster Frank Luntz, This Week, 3 April 2008


  1. Agreed, as I heard I thought this was a rather striking quote and one that connects with most of the British electorate

    I felt a lot of Frank's references to election campaigning were pretty irrelevant though, UK Election campaigning (is and will) be fought differently compared to the US.

    Also I know you are not Portillo's biggest fan but I think he has a valid point when he says Brown's experience in office will blow up in his face in regards to the economy - This is a sticky area and why recent Labour local election broadcasts and the like have featured very little of Labour's achievements (Locally or Nationally).

  2. I think we'd all like for Gordon to feel pain....

  3. Straight to the heart of the matter. Interesting also that it took an American to remember the RAF birthday.

  4. Do you recall John Major's Head of Communications saying "If I could get him into everyone's living room personally, he would walk the next election"?

    I was never a big Major fan to put it mildly, but he could certainly be charming and amusing.

    Do you suppose that if Brown tried to get into everyone's living room, there would be a stampede to emigrate?

  5. He is very much repsonsible for the desecration of the South east about to be undertaken as they have delibertaely encouraged rampaging immigration without which we would have enough houses.

    *cough* I know we are not supposed to be talking about it but the revelation of Ken`s fruiting loins does have a political dimension.
    If you look at his cronies on the hard left and the minority racket they all seem to regard women as perks of the job and it is of a piece with the macho posturing fist fight hard drinking arch fixer and bully Livimngstone has revealed himslef to be . This election is about Ken Livingstones personality. I do not see why we should be denied the opportunity to mull it over in a fair and balanced way ...(snicker)

    At least some details would be interestsing why not if he was any other celebrity we could all have a good gorp

    Go on Iain ...what else do you know ?

  6. The probelm with student politicians like Brown and Darling is that they have never done a real job (I don't count Brown's brief time in TV as proper work). They have just schemed and plotted their entire lives and think they know how the rest of us shoudl live our lives (that's Socialism for you).

    Add the Labour hatred of the English and England itself to the mix - whilst creating a constitutional settlement that blatantly favours the Scots, Welsh and Irish - but which the English are expected to pay for and the deep burning fury of the hatred for Gordon brown is easier to understand.

  7. The only thing of ours that Gordon has ever felf is our pockets.

  8. ....and doesn't care about it either"!

    He has to go.

  9. Newmania, we don;t want t go here. remember Petronella Wyatt and Bonking Boris?

    Even scum like Livingstone deserve a private life - because in the end we all deserve a private life. His distinction between private and secret is sound.

    He has never claimed only to have two kids (he just didn't challenge anyone who said that he only had two kids). So he cannot be accussed of hypocrisy. Neither is he known for putting presure on lovers to have abortions!

    All in all, I think the Tory party wise not to make an issue of this.

    I agree that some Labour types (Prescott for example) seem to have dubious attitudes towards the female of the species, but it is not in our interests to use this against Livingstone.

  10. Two years ago I borrowed a small amount of money from my parents to start a business. We raised the capital by mortgaging part of their house.

    The mortgage will be renewed this week as it is now out of term. It is a £150,000 mortgage - so hardly huge. However, the cheapest new mortgage I can find in £240 a month more than I was paying. If I stay on the new fixed rate without remortgaging, it goes up nearly £280 a month!

    Given that my own mortgage has on our home has also gone up, and also basics like gas prices are rising as well, with tax and NI too, I estimate my personal expenditure has (taking into account the new mortgage on my parent's house) risen £600 a month in the last nine months. That means I have to find/borrow or not spend over £7,000 a year extra!

    On top of this, the value of my house has fallen by approximately 5%, and I am now paying more in employers contributions for my staff.

    Why, when things are so tight, is this Government seeking to make things even tighter. DO they want us all to go bust?

    I am so angry and feel really depressed about the way Gordon Brown - who has spent his entire adult life and career on the public payroll - doesn;t understand, care or feel responsible for the situation that I am many of my peers are in.

    If this is his evidence of him being 'on my side', then I rather wish he wasn't!

  11. 'about to go bust' - as an employer, you should feel proud and honoured to be part of this Govt's social services dept; and as a business owner, obviously you are a filthy capitalist (how many top hats and Havanas have you bought this month, eh?) and therefore, since you probably also employ starving 6yr olds for 12 hrs a day, you are to be despised.

    And as inflation is only about 2%, (Gordon said so) you are obviously fantasising about your cost-of-living increases, so why should we listen to you?

  12. about to go bust said...
    "I am so angry and feel really depressed about the way Gordon Brown - who has spent his entire adult life and career on the public payroll ..."

    Other employees of the ITV company Scottish Television (where Brown worked for 3 years) would be surprised to know that they are on the public payroll.

  13. about to go bust said...
    "Two years ago I borrowed a small amount of money from my parents to start a business."

    One third of new businesses go bust within one year. Like you, most of them blame their failure on other people. Welcome to the real world.

  14. Man in a Shed said...
    "The probelm with student politicians like Brown and Darling is that they have never done a real job (I don't count Brown's brief time in TV as proper work)."

    Same with David Cameron. His only job was as a PR man at Carlton Television.

  15. local election broadcasts and the like have featured very little of Labour's achievements (Locally or Nationally).

    Just what have they to brag about ?

    Incompetence at the highest levels ?

    Hostility to British traditions, near destruction of the Union ?

    Sell-out to the EU ?

    Hostility to the traditional family ?

    Deliberate flooding of the country by mostly unskilled immigrants ?

    Pushing the PC agenda ?

    Ever more control, the nanny state on steroids ?

  16. About to go bust

    I have been running my own business for 30 years, since I left school.

    So I have never had a job working for anyone anyone.

    Someone who gives up a regular job to start their own company must be clinically insane IMO. It is a true hiding to nothing if ever there was one. I do it because it as all I know how to do.

    This country, in fact the world f.....g world hates small business people, successful ones even more so. The only ones that succeed are either very lucky indeed, very rich in the first place, extremely smart, or habitually dishonest criminals.

    My advice is to sack every employee you have on Monday morning and do all the work yourself. Or burn the place down, and claim on the insurance. Or say good by to your house and your family forever.

    When I came into my industry I had over 20 competitors employing over 200 workers. They have now ALL gone bust. I myself in 2000 used to employ 15, and now employ 2 one of which is my own wife.

    There is a long standing joke in my industry.

    How do you get to run a small business?

    Buy a big one and wait two years.

  17. Just what have they to brag about ?

    Incompetence at the highest levels ?

    Hostility to British traditions, near destruction of the Union ?

    Sell-out to the EU ?

    Hostility to the traditional family ?

    Deliberate flooding of the country by mostly unskilled immigrants ?

    Pushing the PC agenda ?

    Ever more control, the nanny state on steroids ?

    YAK40 - Exactly, I happen to agree with you... Labour in recent years have only attempted to do 1 thing... Slam and Slander their opposition.

    In my own opinion New Labour as an entity has been devoid of any decent policies of it's own thinking - and those policies which have been of any logic or sense have been stolen from the Conservative party (having previously slated as unworkable and the like).

  18. Anon 12.24 - I hardly count three years as a tea boy in the Medja company as giving him real expereince of anything.

    At least Blair did a stint at the bar!

    What has Gordon Borwn ever produced which can be sold for a profit - nothing (especially not our goold reserves). What companies has he ever built - none. How many people does he have to go to bed worrying about at night in case he cannot afford to pay their eages - zero.

    In short, this man has not produced one ounce of value to the country since he left his (tax payer) funded University course, and has spent his entire adult life seeking one thing and one thing only - his own empowerment!

    Anon 12.27. I am not blaming other people, I am blaming the Government for taxing and spending unwisely, for wrecking the regulatory system which would hve lessened the impact of the credit crunch, and for generally making it almost impossible to survive as an SME these days.

    The point is, this doesn;t have to be the real world - it can be better if only the GOvernment would stop ruining it for us!
