Friday, April 04, 2008

LibDems Go Negative in Mayoral Campaign

"I want a new politics, a people's politics...a message of optimism, energy and ambition."
Nick Clegg

The London Mayoral campaign is only one week old and the LibDems have already gone negative. This evening they have launched two attack ads - a fairly soft one on Ken and more hard hitting one on Boris. I guess it shows who they fear most. Normally, they only go negative in the last ten days of a campaign.


  1. I'm not surprised.
    i was at the evening standard debate on Monday and Brian Paddick was unbelievably negative.

    He made Boris and Ken look like best friends, but good looking as he is, he is completely without charisma and knows he's lost this election already and is grudging the amount of time he has to spend campaigning.

  2. Good looking? I hate that disapproving little pursed mouth of his. He has a face you'd never tire of punching.

  3. I hope the country is watching and learning the truth. A vote for the Lib Dems is a vote for Labour and once again their fictional equidistance is exposed as the usual lies.

    It cannot be said often enough. Liberals are Labour-lite and anyone voting for them must do so on that assumption. I notice that there is a suggestion that Paddick may be offered a job in the administration.

    Wouldn`t that just be a perfect demonstration of what they are all about .( In the Guardian)

  4. Once upon a time the bearded sandal wearers could write grammatically. Sadly that is beyond Mr. Paddick's campaign team.

  5. The influence of their new US web guru is in evidence.

    This "vote with donations" is a trick straight out of the US handbook as is the negative campaigning.

    The Lib Dems should be very careful, this will not help them win but could do their public "nice guys" image a lot of damage.

  6. Yes the Lib Dems are worried by the Tories. I had a letter from my LibDem MP the other day. Most of it was devoted to attacking the Conservatives and not the party in power. I found that very telling.

  7. My computer does not show the ads propely - the anti-Ken one says that Labour promised the Crossrail link in 2008 - 8 years on etc...

    Doe that mean it is scheduled to run in 2016 or is their grammar hopeless to the edge of pointless?

  8. Iain, what utter nonsense! It's no wonder you lose so badly against the Lib Dems if you think that's how we work!
    Of course the LD's are worried. Any sensible person, including a lot of Tories must be scared stiff at the prospect of election a twit like Boris as Mayor of London.
