Saturday, April 05, 2008

Could This Video Do For Boris What ObamaGirl Did For Barack?

Isn't the internet a wonderful thing? I'm the first person to have viewed this on YouTube. Let's see if we can beat ObamaGirl's five million or so!


  1. Weird....but nice.

  2. No it couldn't.

  3. Like Andy says, NO. Boris is beyond Video. Folk will realise that. Ken will win handsomely.

  4. Iain your taste in music troubles me although this is better than Sparks

  5. I loved it! I watched it twice before posting it about.

    I can't stand him, and this may not have been its inention, but were I a Londonder, I might be persuaded to vote for Boris by this.

  6. I can't stand Boris, but Ken's a rug after this.

  7. Embarrassing.

  8. I've just sent it off to my sister (a leftie feminist social worker) and her partner, who live in London. I doubt it will make any difference though...

  9. Who is ObamaGirl and what did she do for Barack?

  10. Who made this video? I personally really enjoyed it. But I wondered if it was the work of a Labour troll, out to annoy Conservatives. If it is - it won't work. Boris's time has come. You just see Chris Paul.

  11. I have just been sick.

    Hoping this meets with your approval,

    yours etc

  12. Why has it been removed? Who got it removed? There was absolutely nothing objectionable in it except it was clearly Tory oriented.

    It was terribly clever. At first I thought it was anti-Boris, then little by little, I thought, "Wait a minute ...!"

    Notice they didn't have Boris speaking, so his OE accent couldn't put anyone off. The only reference was the singer saying, "You're awfully nice!" in a joke posh accent. But no real words at all out of Boris's mouth.

    It showed him doing guy things.

    Even the rap was clever because it was fresh and modern and pointed up how stale Livingstone is, and how outdated all his ancient ideas.

    I thought it was brilliant.

    Why was it removed?

  13. Norfolk Blogger, it hasn't been taken off! I just watched it.

  14. Johnny Norfolk - You're right! It's been removed from the YouTube site, although you can still watch it here.

    How can we find out why it was removed? Petty spite? Too clever and effective by half? How odd. Lots of Boris videos, but not this one ...

  15. Oscar is right its a zaNuLab troll vid. I wish Iain would take it off here. He's not as sectarian as I though.

  16. bozzer pasha - another infestation of little ZaNuLab trollettes. I don't know why I intuit that you are a vicious little socialist girl, but you are.

    They got it off You Tube, for some reason that bears looking into, and now they want it off private blog sites.

    Because it is too clever. And too funny.

    And because socialists, for a reason that is a mystery to anthropologists - in other words, real scientists, not "social scientists" - why socialists can't come up with anything funny, clever, droll or light. Alternative comedians provide an alternative definition to "amusing".

    The left is about the iron fist of control and it aggressively fears originality. It hates people connecting without itself as the intermediary.

    Fortunately, a suffient number of people downloaded this quirky little video and it has already flooded the Anglosphere.

    Quelle dommage!

  17. It puts ObamaGirl to shame - still 'i've got a crush on Hillary' is still the frontrunner!!

  18. Verity you're mental. It is an anti-Boris video.


  19. Bozzer Pasha or whatever. I didn't check the spelling of your nomme de guerre - Why are you so keen to advertise that subtlety is not your strongest virtue?

    This is a pro-Boris video. And it's been removed from You Tube, and Boris is complaining that there are underhand tricks being played against him (to all of our amazement, given that we know what an altruistic, unegotistical, honest fellow Ken Livingston is). By the way, I was especially amused with the newt kissing Ken.

  20. I think it's an awesome video, really funny. Britain doesn't have enough of this kind of stuff on Youtube, and that Vote Boris for Mayor song is tosh!

  21. I don't understand why I'm the only person exercised by You Tube's having removed this perfectly inoffensive (but effective for Boris) video. They've got lots of other videos of Boris, but they've taken this one down.

    Why? Too clever? Iain put it up thinking it would increase support for Boris, but doesn't seem interested that it has been taken down. I am baffled.

  22. I'm not interested because it hasn't been taken down.

  23. It's obviously anti-Boris - "Who needs a competent candidate?", "It's never too soon to elect a buffoon", and the brilliant Schwarzenegger clip. Nice of you to put it up, though.

  24. How absolutely strange, Iain! Someone above mentioned that it had been taken down, so I went to You Tube and pasted in the address under Search and it came up as not being available.

    I'm very glad to hear it's still running.

    5:50 - Duh.

  25. verity said...
    " went to You Tube and pasted in the address under Search and it came up as not being available."

    Verity, still up and running. 6,000 views to date. They must have blocked you personaally. I wonder why.

  26. Ha. It's not pro-Boris. It's also not made by anybody associated with Labour or Ken Livingstone [or, for that matter, the Liberal Democrats, the Green Party, or any other Mayoral candidates]. Did nobody see the 'TRSG' flash up at the end, or bother to watch the other videos posted on Youtube by 'mankiniman'?

  27. What does TRSG mean?

  28. Look at the other videos posted by the same person on Youtube.

  29. 5:33 - Can't be bothered. If it had been interesting, you'd have told us.


    No big conspiracy, honestly.
