Friday, April 25, 2008

Lembit & Gabriela's Cheeky Little Earner

Word reaches me that Lembit Opik and his Cheeky Girl have sold exclusive rights to their nuptials to HELLO Magazine. The BBC wanted to invite the happy couple to their election night bash at City Hall on Thursday but were rather taken aback to be told that they were now exclusively tied to HELLO and therefore could not appear together on camera before the wedding - even at a pseudo-political event. Money talks, eh?


  1. it really is rather annoying that this annoying individual is making a well paid career as a celebrity (predict Lib Dem loss in Montgomeryshire) through his 'career' as an MP.

    This is not what people should go into politics for.

    How much time does he spend not attending to his constituents because he is building up his profile.

    And what it is with his jaw? he looks like he broke it and had it set by a drunk surgeon!

  2. mind you - he does give hope to ugly blokes like me!

    If even Lembit can attract a rather handsome young lady like Miss Cheeky...

  3. I bet 50p she'll divorce him as soon as he loses his seat.

  4. In all honesty you don't think that Lembit would pay for anything when someone else will put their hand in their pocket do you?

    After all he is an MP. Read his ex fiancee's book. It explains a lot about the man. He will self destruct like some of other LibDem MPs.

  5. What did Sian Lloyd and Miss Cheeky 1 see in Lembit? Well, among other things, Opik's polite nickname is allegedly "Tripod". Perhaps a post-Parliamentary career in the Office of Government Commerce might be beckoning. (See the logo.)

  6. What really incenses me is that when Mark Oaten was outed Opek argued that MPs were entitled to a private life a few weeks after having appeared in Hello. And here he is at it again ready to cash in when it suits.

  7. Anon 11.12. I doubt it - he will earn bazillions more as a C rate celeb than as a D rate MP!

    She will divorce him when he has banked a few quid, and she can get half.

  8. Has Hello Magazine lost its mind? Who c-a-a-a-a-r-es about the zero? Will anyone other than his mother and her sister buy Hello magazine because they're in it?

  9. As a regular reader of Hello, I was gobsmacked to see a whole article dedicated to this utter nonentity and his Cheek. What a ghastly little oink he is. His only claim to fame appears to be that he is rather worried about meteorites striking the Earth. When he isn't bonking Miss Cheek or whoever she is, he is allegedly representing some poor farmers in the Marches. My advice to them is to ditch him thoroughly at the next election!

  10. According to the TV schedules the delightful couple were on a programme called 'Celebrity Mr & Mrs' today. Embarrassing.

  11. What system allowed thise into England , because at the age of 49 I was not allowed.
    And as for proportional representation the local side gets Moore support than the league of Whales

  12. "What system allowed thise into England , because at the age of 49 I was not allowed.
    And as for proportional representation the local side gets Moore support than the league of Whales"

    This is the most incoherent and ungrammatical comment I have seen on this site for some time.
