Friday, April 25, 2008

Austin Mitchell and the War of Gordon's Tin Ear

The ever irrepressible Austin Mitchell has some caustic words for our beloved Prime Minister HERE. He says he "he does tricks to dish the Tories without thinking them through" and that he has a "tin ear for the problems of the people". What can he mean?


  1. I don't know about a tin ear - more like his NHS hearing aid batteries gave up years ago.

  2. Does he not have two tin ears?

    Who can recall The Clangers?

  3. Poor ole Austin, an honest and principled person having to deal with the NuLabourites leadership that doesn't give a damn, apart from holding onto the levers of power.
    Why doesn't he stage a coup {that's not just the preserve of the Trots} with other like minded MP's?

  4. Tin ear, glass eye, false smile, wooden heart, oh and (apparently) clunking fist.

  5. Iain,

    Have you noticed how little mention there is of the Labour Party in Austin's website?

    I can't find a single statement to say that AM is a Labour MP. Even his contacts link to the constituency fails to mention that it's a Labour constituency.

    Either his ego has grown to the extent that he feels that everyone who might read his blog already knows who he is, or he's not that proud of the party that he works for. He can't have it both ways.

  6. The PM is in trouble. But he is clever. Double first a year ahead of schedule. Yet despite losing an eye. Thta is not a sign of stupidity.

  7. Oh poor Gordon. He's like Archie Andrews...everyone loved the old ventriloquist on the radio in the 50's. They all laughed at his jokes, thought him a good fellow and loved his skill - all agreed that he was wasted on radio. Then he was put in the spotlight that was telly, his lips moved and everyone realised he really was crap...

  8. If I lived in Austin Mitchell's constituency I'd vote for him because he's a brave politician who says what I think about the EU.

  9. Dirty European Socialist is really getting desperate in his futile attempts to 'big up' Gordon.

    Points out that he managed to obtain an academic qualification with just the one eye ....

    pathetic ... just pathetic

  10. vervet you are offensive and low brow. What on earth are you on. He got a double first one year ahead of schedule even though he lost an eye. You are offensive, there was no call for that. What is pathetic about what I said. You are the pathetic one.

  11. DES - this is no place for mud-slinging, just as it is no place for your monotonous (and usually wildly O/T) comments. Grow up.
    Thread terminated.

  12. Can DES explain why having one eye only makes the slightest difference to one's exam results? I have extremely long sight in one eye, which is also lazy, so like our mucus-slurping Prime Minister I can only read with one eye.

    I got a First in my degree at University. I have never in my life thought to claim that I was somehow 'cleverer' than anyone else who got a First - with the sight of two eyes. Please can you explain the relevance of this?

    Incidentally I checked on wikipedia and there is no reference to our Snot-eating Prime Minister getting his degree a year early. Are you sure, DES, that this isn't simply another of Gorgon's lies? What wikipedia does tell us, though, is that "from 1976 to 1980 he was employed as a lecturer in Politics at Glasgow College of Technology... [and] from 1980 he worked as a journalist at Scottish Television, later serving as current affairs editor until his election to parliament in 1983".

    So please, if he is so clever that he can get a degree early with the sight of one eye, why is it that he utterly failed to get a decent job?

  13. "Have you noticed how little mention there is of the Labour Party in Austin's website?.
    I can't find a single statement to say that AM is a Labour MP."

    His website is HERE


    What part of "Austin Mitchell has been the Labour MP for Grimsby since 1977." do you not understand?

  14. Since some bloggers have made an issue about Gordon's one eye, does this explain how he 'missed' seeing the extra tax 5.3 million low income people will now be paying? Apologies to the memory of Lord Nelson, who was a brave soul.

  15. Anon 2.42 said
    - " ... if he is so clever that he can get a degree early with the sight of one eye, why is it that he utterly failed to get a decent job?"

    Some people would consider that being the Prime Minister is a fairly decent job.

    - " ... I got a First in my degree at University. I have never in my life thought to claim that I was somehow 'cleverer' than anyone else who got a First"

    And you followed it up with a PhD?

  16. Anon 3,.39 said
    - " ... some people would consider that being the Prime Minister is a fairly decent job"

    Most people woudl say that Gordon is utterly failing at it. That seems to fit with his prior employment record.

    - " ... I got a First in my degree at University. I have never in my life thought to claim that I was somehow 'cleverer' than anyone else who got a First"

    I got a job. Why don't you?

  17. Anon 4.04 pm said ...."I got a job. Why don't you?"

    Bit of a non sequitur there.

  18. Why do the morons here believe that academic ability is an indication of an individual's capabilities in the political (or any other, for that matter) field?

    There are many highly qualified individuals who could not organise a piss-up in a brewery. I judge by performance rather than some arbitrary 'pre-qualification'.

    Brown's performance over the last decade has been a classic examplar of reasons to avoid employing academics at all costs.

  19. DES = The Great Deciever has got a 1st. So What? He may be clever, but he's a clever idiot. Intellectually autistic in fact.

    In all of my life my greatest distress has been caused by the attention of the cleevr stupid people, predominantly (self proclaimed) socialist. And all of them have been dopes. Clever, yes. But dopes. Gordon is one of these. A dope.

  20. Unsworth said...
    "Why do the morons here believe that academic ability is an indication of an individual's capabilities in the political (or any other, for that matter) field?

    Brown's performance over the last decade has been a classic examplar of reasons to avoid employing academics at all costs."

    John Redwood is another classic example.

  21. Unsworth said...
    "Why do the morons here believe that academic ability is an indication of an individual's capabilities in the political (or any other, for that matter) field?"

    Agreed. Margaret Thatcher got only a second class degree in Chemistry but she was an outstanding PM.

    John Major got only 3 'O' Levels but he was a more competent politician than Brown.

  22. dirty european socialist said...
    He (Brown) got a double first one year ahead of schedule even though he lost an eye.


    Gordon's father was Rector (Head teacher) of the 400 odd year old Kirkaldy High School.

    His mother was privately educated as, in effect, I imagine, was Gordon - by his father.

    Have you ever known a headmaster's child not be a swot who was the favourite of every teacher in the school?

    Anyway, Gordon had been taught at an early age by the pride of Miss Jean Bogie, who ran the local, bespoke, nursery.

  23. Beggar. I meant to say that Gordon was the pride of Miss Jean Bogie but I messed it up.

    The reference to Miss Bogie is not a joke, by the way, although it sounds like one, I understand that she was Gordo's nursery teacher
