Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Top Ten Things for Chris Huhne to Avoid Today

1. Saying 'I told you so'
2. Saying anything
3. Sitting next to Clegg at PMQs
4. Installing phone lines
5. Being seen with Lembit Opik
6. Shaking his head
7. Writing a supportive article for LibDem News
8. Blogging
9. Smiling
10. Voting

Please do feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments...


  1. You missed out:

    'chuckling to himself in the Commons'

    'sniggering like Mutley from Wacky Racers'

    Going to the media and pretending to sincerely say that 'Nick Clegg is the right man to lead this party'.

  2. Oh dear

    Too scared to blogg about Hillary.

    What is this obsession with the Lib Dems...worried are you

  3. It was obvious from the get-go that Cleggers was just another 'Cameronesque' clone:- looks the part( to combat the conservative threat to LD seats at next GenElec), but is not up to the job. Huhne's strengths did show through during the Libbie leadership campaign, and thank f'k the Libbies went for the 'wet' alternative! Cleggers on GMTV spelt out the Libbie position under questioning from Castle & that 'mad woman'-who is sh*t at singing, and his eyes gave away the stupidity of his position. He looked VERY VERY SHIFTY.

  4. Did you mention 'breathing'?

  5. I thought Huhne was the man for the job. I'm just glad that the Lib Dems disagreed with me.

  6. What a f*ck up. Has any leader lost credibility so fast? Not even IDS lost his grip in this timeframe.

  7. Biggest giggle of the day!

  8. Failing to vote for a referendum- since 20,000 voters in eastleigh, 6000 more than voted for him at the GE, just told him they demand one

    Huhne will now lose at the next election. You can't flip the bird to 20,000 of your own voters and survive

  9. Wondering what he'll do when Nick Clegg has lost him his seat with his betrayal on the EU Constitution referendum.

    Come to think of it he should just go for it - if he doesn't he's out at the next election anyway.

  10. At the time, the nick name Calamity Clegg seemed like a bit of a smear. Looking back, it appears to have been oddly prescient.

  11. I hope Huhne shows his leadership qualities by announcing that he WILL vote for the referendum.

    That will put the cat amongst the mice!

  12. He certainly shouldn't restate that he is "available to do whatever the Party might require of me, in whatever role, now or in the future...."

  13. The Lib Dems never quite get it do they ? You have to appoint a leader who will be lucky..

  14. I think Clegg has done a deal with Brown over this anyway.What do you think ...a seat in the Cabinet for saving my lying arse now.

  15. visiting his constituency would be another one...but then he never does that anyway. If it were not for the fact that the Tories in Eastleigh were so totally useless this man would be heading for defeat. As it is the Tories will lose the last council seat they hold in the constituency in May (Hamble) and Huhne will be back with a 10k majority next time

  16. He didn't take your advice on "3" anyway....

  17. Strapworld,

    Are you trying to wind Verity up?

    "Cat amongst the mice."

    Please don't set her off.

  18. The Lib Dems have been taking turns to knife each other in the back ever since they got rid of Charlie Kennedy.

    They will now break up into two equally nasty factions and self-destruct in time for the next General Election.

    The public can now see them for what they are: a sanctimonious bunch of irrelevants who are about to implode.

  19. Poor Nicky Clog, its kinda sad his political career isn`t working out but perhaps he will make a killing playing a floppy fringed Public schoolboy in films where there a bit of a humorous misunderstanding and posh swearing before ........
    "Look .. I was errr y`know , if you wanted to tie the old knot as they say .. skip the broom ...oh damn it and sod a dog WILL YOU MARRY ME"

    Shows a lot of potential for that sort of thing. Waste of air as a Party Leader .


  20. Who are these Liberal Democrats? Are they a part of your System? What do they do? I don't understand. Your commentators say that Members of Parliament are only interested in money and power. That cannot be true of Mr Clegg, for he appears to be dressed in a cheap suit and talks like an idiot and speaks for nobody.

    I prefer Mr Brown because he listens to no one and disdains democracy and makes promises he never intended to keep, and tells lies - which is as it should be.

    Lies are noble, for they come from the heart.


  21. daily referendum.

    Verity and I have an understanding.

    Actually, The Lib Dems likened the Treaty to the difference between a mouse and a man!!

    I thought it was quite clever.

    Please forgive me Verity.

  22. Today makes me very glad I left the Lib Dems.

  23. Hillary won in Texas, as I knew she would, and all Iain can write about is LibDems, LibDems, LibDems, LibDems, LibDems ... Give us a break!

    Obama lost in Texas, and he lost in Ohio, despite having promised to renegotiate NAFTA to bring all the old jobs back to the rust belt (and then telling the Canadian prime minister that he didn't really mean it).

    Obama is on the turn. He's curdling in the heat. He's an egotistical lightweight with no experience in national government (he spent his two years as a senator devoting himself to organising his campaign for the nomination) and he has the air about him of going off the boil.

    I sensed that he was beginning to go off the boil at the end of last week. I think Obama has peaked.

    Just to stay on the topic of this thread, and, apparently, this whole blog, Lib Dems, Lib Dems, Lib Dems, Lib Dems, Lib Dems.

  24. verity - since you are the woman who is so clueless you don't understand what 'high tea' means, then please do continue to demonstrate your ignorance on any and every topic under the sun as frequently as you can.

    It is a source of undiluted hilarity to all of us who actually know and understand something about the British Isles, and just reminds us all of how relieved we should be that you don't live her, and cannot therefore embarrass us at any social functions we might be likely to attend.

    After all, why should you stop your fingers from tappety-tapping, and have us all think you are stupid, when you could continue posting to your heart's content, and remove any trace of doubt from our minds?

  25. Verity:

    It's all about Lib Dems today because we are being treated to the spectacle of them starting to tear themselves apart. It's similar to dog fighting, but with added handbags.

    In some ways it's like watching the sinking of the Titanic.

    Correction: it's like watching the sinking of a rowing boat.

  26. The LD's problem is that there seems to be no principle for which they stand. This was their unique selling point compared to the other 2. You knew that Kennedy stood firm against war & before him that Ashdown was frim in favour.

    The party now offers no sensible & relatively few silly alternatives to the Lab/Tories. Prior to Thatcher they had a deserved reputation as being the party that came up with radical ideas which later became the consensus (Thatcher broke that by being the first to adopt monetaism) but even in that they are now followers. So what would be the point in voting for them?

    Having spent many years supporting them & still having little faith in the alternatives, I regret to see what they have come to.

  27. Probably being seen to use the word 'calamity'. Couldn't make it up, could you!

  28. 3:34 - You betray your origins. It is you, I fear, who doesn't understand what a faux pas it is to call tea "high tea". Very Hyacinth Bucket, if I may say so.

  29. The problem is that Chris Huhne backs Nick Clegg's policy 100%. he said so at hustings meetings and is just as much of a europhile as Clegg.

  30. I still say grrr! Ignoring my political instincts screaming at me, I still definitely would...! Am I now allowed to say 'Huhne for leader' again??

  31. He needs to avoid dying, especially if he wants to be the next leader. Vince Cable was the best they could have hoped for, but he is way too smart to take the job permanently.

  32. verity said...

    "Obama lost in Texas...despite having promised to renegotiate NAFTA to bring all the old jobs back to the rust belt (and then telling the Canadian prime minister that he didn't really mean it).

    Obama is on the turn. He's curdling in the heat."

    Quite right Verity. The working class have seen through the shyster. The yoghurt-eaters will be devastated.
