Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Political Performance Index: February

Vince Cable leapfogs William Hague back to the top of the of the PPI this month, presumably for his performance on Northern Rock. He's the only politician to score more than 6 out of 10. Harriet Harman remains rooted at the bottom, where she has been ever since I started doing this. For unfathomable reasons David Miliband and Ed Davey are the biggest climbers, while Jack Straw and James Purnell have experienced sharp falls. George Osborne and Andrew Lansley are also notable for their declines. Gordon Brown continues his steady improvement. Only 10 out of 42 politicians managed to do improve on their January scores, compared to 12 last month. We'll know when the state of British politics is on the up when that number reaches 22.

1. +1 Vince Cable 6.50 (6.18)
2. -1 William Hague 5.72 (6.42)
3. - David Cameron 5.61 (6.05)
4. - David Davis 5.01 (5.25)
5. +2 Boris Johnson 5.00 (5.00)
6. +3 Alex Salmond 4.75 (4.71)
7. +1 Michael Gove 4.64 (4.93)
8. -2 Chris Grayling 4.58 (5.08)
9. -4 George Osborne 4.41 (5.18)
10. - Nick Clegg 4.38 (4.54)
11. - Alan Duncan 4.32 (4.47)
12. +1 Brian Paddick 4.24 (3.96)
13. +4 Chris Huhne 3.90 (3.76)
14. +11 David Miliband 3.81 (3.28)
15. +9 Ed Davey 3.71 (3.32)
16. -2 Liam Fox 3.64 (3.93)
17. +4 David Willetts 3.63 (3.53)
18. -6 Andrew Lansley 3.51 (4.11)
19. -3 Nick Herbert 3.38 (3.79)
20. -2 Hilary Benn 3.36 (3.71)
21. +1 Theresa May 3.31 (3.52),22. +6 Caroline Spelman 3.25 (3.28), 23. -8 Ian Paisley 3.24 (3.84), 24. +5 John Denham 3.14 (3.25), 25. +1 Nigel Farage 3.10 (3.49),26. +5 Alan Johnson 3.09 (3.07), 27. +5 Gordon Brown 3.04 (2.86), 28. +2 Rhodri Morgan 3.01 (3.15), 29. -9 James Purnell 3.00 (3.61), 30. -3 John Hutton 2.95 (3.41), 31. -8 Andy Burnham 2.87 (3.51), 32. -12 Jack Straw 2.83 (3.54), 33. +6 Jacqui Smith 2.39 (2.35), 34. +1 Ed Miliband 2.35 (2.47), 35. -1 Douglas Alexander 2.35 (2.49), 36. +4 Ken Livingstone 2.34 (2.35), 37. -4 Ed Balls 2.32 (2.50), 38. -2 Ruth Kelly 2.27 (2.46), 39. +2 Des Browne 2.12 (2.26), 40. -3 Alistair Darling 2.11 (2.43),41. -3 Hazel Blears 2.04 (2.37), 42. - Harriet Harman 1.89 (1. 99)


  1. AFAIC Hague can go straight to the foot of the table after his less than stirring performance on Today this morning. His lack-lustre "attack" on the government for its refusal to grant a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty in his discussion with Miliband was woeful. Why, you'd almost think that, were he in Miliband's position, he'd do (or not do) exactly the same. Surely not!

  2. Who gave Gordon Brown more than 1? Why? Seriously.
