Gordon Brown: Bottom line is, we're around each other an' this thing, it grabs hold of us again at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and we're dead.
Nicolas Sarkozy: Si seulement je savais comment finir avec toi...
(with apologies to Brokeback Mountain)
have you been drinking Iain? lol.
I'm all confused. My A in French surely didn't work.
I also fell asleep through the snoozefest Brokeback Mountain
Is it just me or do they both look a little... little in this photo?
That's hysterical. But what happened with him and Carla? Where does he find the time to govern France?
You're a brave man provoking the litigious Mme Sarkozy.
You might want to see her complaints about the 'calomnies' of the likes of you published by Le Monde yesterday.
Cheap. Not up to you usual standard at all.
Doesn't the door look greasy? That'll be Brown's sticky fingers!
Nothing to do with Sarkozy, that, I'm sure...
Gordon - "Is there a bogey up my left nostril?"
Ok so what are they doing with their hands
This is a joke, right ?
I don't think he governing France. So many promises and he's let his nation down - I suppose he's been taking some advice from his anglo-saxon mates.
McBean is telling him how to screw the Foreign Legion like he screws the Gurkhas.
Labourr becomes more despicable every day if that's possible.
Ah how triste,I must have spoilt her for other men.
What do you think about the Lords reform story revealed in the FT Iain? Looks fairly sensible to me
Nice one but have to say I beat you to it on this one this morning and the 'Brokeback' metaphor too.
dr kitching
that is a really interesting story. wonder why it hasnt appeared here? maybe Iain doesnt read the FT. shocking thought.
Has Gordon found "True Love" ?
It certainly looks like it.
Has Gordon found "True Love" ?
It certainly looks like it.
Has Gordon found "True Love"?
It certainly looks like it.
Nikolai: (Sob!} Je pense c'est l'heure a dire adieu.
Long pause
Gordon: We'll always have Paris.
Cessez d'hésiter Gordon! Prenez une décision - moi ou votre épouse?
Adrian Yelland - Surely "ton épouse" - or perhaps at head of government level, they're more formal.
Gordon - a l'eau. c'est l'heure.
Nicholas - naturellement. cordiale.
Gordon: I hope you noticed that the £ has gone from 67p to 75p against the euro in the past 2 weeks. So by my reckoning we'll be at par by about mid July, so we'll be able to join up at one to one about the end of August. How does that suit?
Sarky: Merde!
word ver: gdq swiz !!
Any pictures of Carla?
Verity - 'ta épouse'? Assuming that Mrs Brown is in fact female (I know there is some doubt over Mrs Blair), wouldn't that infer that spouse would be femenine in this context? Or does it stay neuter.
God, this is why I gave up French. German is so mch easier!
Adrian Yelland - I will write to my friends in mon village in France, but my gut instinct, which has never served me well in the past but there's always a first time, tells me 'ton' because 'ta épouse' just doesn't work.
On the other hand, it's probably, t'épouse. I'm always so impressed with the French for being able to speak French. Clever sods.
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