Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Manchester Mourns Its Chief Constable

I was very shocked to hear of the death this afternoon of Mike Todd, the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police. I met Mike on a couple of occasions and was impressed by the innovative policing he was overseeing in Manchester. Unfailingly cheerful, he seemed to me to be heading to the top. His body was found on a Welsh mountain today. I am sure his colleagues in Manchester will be absolutely devastated by the news, as he was hugely popular.


  1. Two comments...

    1. The Sky News coverage of this item showed the late Chief Constable in a photo-op with Gormless Gordon. It seems the Curse of Gourd has struck again.

    2. Six years ago my God-daughter was raped in Manchester by two characters who put drugs in a drink. The police didn't want to know. 'We have had no cases of this in Manchester' was the standard reply.

  2. This is very sad indeed.

  3. I dont know the man and it is tragic. Perhaps its got something to do with crime getting out of control. It must be very difficult policing with one hand tied behind your back by the Labour government.

  4. His death is a tragedy for his family - as it would be for any family. Yo have to feel for them.

    But was he a good copper? did he cut crime? did he stand up to the Government on the ridiculous way they are ruining the police force - sorry, police 'service'.

  5. What was he trying to hide?

  6. Anonymous 8:17 asks what he was trying to hide - in light of suggestions that it was a suicide no doubt.

    In light of his heading an investigation into CIA rendition flights, a more pertinent question (In similar fashion to John Stalker) might be 'whose feathers was he ruffling?'. The CIA leave the old RUC in the shade when it comes to requiring people to see things their way.

  7. Iain writes ... 'and was impressed by the innovative policing he was overseeing in Manchester'

    As a resident of Manchester, I'd be interested to read what you believe he oversaw that was 'innovative'.

  8. Committing suicide is a really f*cked up act. Better to just resign and exit stage left than to jump off the stage.

    Now his children have to live with his death and other kids shouting "Your Dad's a serial shagger."

    If he didn't have the balls to face his own mistakes how can he ask criminals to face theirs.

  9. Very sad, but appalling judgement for someone in such a high position of trust. Another reason not to arm our police - although hopefully he'd have failed the psycho-tests?

  10. I would not like to be seen at this stage, at least, to be passing judgment, but....!

    How many cases of, how shall we say, personal misdemeanors, of junior ranks (i.e.constable to sergeant) has he sat in judgment of at disciplinary hearings. It can come back to haunt you, and over the years I have seen many "senior" officers fall because they have to, in the end, succumb to the same judgment they have passed on others. Nevertheless, he was well liked, but I keep thinking back to God's Cop, James Anderton!

  11. Very sad story. My prayers go out.



  12. Not as shocked as I was to see that Guido has decided to run a tasteless, disgusting and offensive 'caption contest' with a picture of the late Chief Constable. Is there no gutter too low to stoop in his increasingly mental obsession with traffic figures ?

    Is he truly aspiring to supplanting the Drudge Report and Gawker for the complete abolition of any standards of taste and decency whatsoever ?

    I for one will be the first to go back to his site if it starts to focus again on bringing some honesty to politics, but I for now will boycotting it until he learns that an asinine schoolboy obsession with 'shock and awe' and refusing to recognise any taboo and that 'nothing is sacred' does not equate to wit, wisdom and intelligence.

    I implore you all to do the same.

  13. DISGUSTING! I shall join you in boycotting Guido's blog.

  14. I too, absolutely appalling taste! No decency whatsoever! Too shocking to even consider the debase, crude and lewd comments made as normal decent behavior. Guido has sunk to lower levels than those he regularly lambastes.
