Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Former LibDem Candidate Joins Tories

Local councillor defections are never that interesting, but the defection of a former LibDem Parliamentary Candidate is. Today, Andy Sloan, who stood for the LibDems in 2005 in Hull East defected to the Tories. He's also a Hull City Councillor. His comments are interesting...

“I had once believed that the Liberal Democrat Party possessed a set of values and beliefs that were an alternative to the socialist Labour Party. I see now that this view was misplaced and that the Liberal Democrats exist for a singular purpose – namely, to maintain bits of orange on a political map, no matter what the consequence.

“The Liberal Democrat Party stands for nothing except to further its own electoral existence."

Last week's debacle seems to add weight to his accusation. I think I am right in saying that this defection brings to seven the number of former LibDem Parliamentary Candidates who have joined the Tories since the last election, with one going in the opposite direction.


  1. I went the other way. I flirted with Cameron, but decided there was no place for a liberal-minded, progressive person in the Tory party. I doubt whether I'll be changing my mind.

  2. As is usually the case with these local defections, it's down to a personal issue more than anything else. You don't mention in your article that Cllr Sloan had left the Cabinet and just been suspended from the Group for slagging off his own group leader at the budget council.

  3. “The Liberal Democrat Party stands for nothing except to further its own electoral existence."

    ...talk about stating the bleedin' obvious!

  4. Oops I think he just blew to cover for the "Franchise " Marvellous, I hear the sound of arrows being plucked painfully from Lib dem arses all over the country.


    Not above party Politics but beneath it in a moral penumbra of deals and secret offers of cabinet places to Nick Clegg for support on the EU. I am dying to hear why Nick Clegg will not after all go to prison before he carries an ID card....change the name ?

    "This bio metric passport is substantually different to the Constitution...I mean ID treaty ...sorry the ID card"


    At the top of the festering pile of meritricious posing sits the sanctimony personified , Sci Fi writer and Miss Marple impressionist , far left traitor

    Norman Baker ..OUT OUT OUT

  5. I agree with him. Labour and the LabDems are simply about staying in office, there is not even a pretence of governing for the good of the majority.

    The sooner Cameron realises that the public are disgusted with the political process as it stands, and offers an alternative, the sooner he will guarantee a Tory government after the next election

  6. Is it technically a defection when he was actually suspended a week ago on 3rd March? And he resigned this morning, before joining the Tories?

    In any case his credibility is brought into question following his initial statement that actually he had no intention of leaving the party, until he was asked to justify his actions.

    The footnotes are interesting to the press release from the Liberal Democrats. Defeated in a number of selections over 2006 and unsuccessful in a number of internal elections. As well as heavily criticised by residents for failing to turn up to residents meetings.

    Yes a true catch for the Conservatives.

  7. Or of course is it just sour grapes?

  8. So some candidate jumps ship from one political party that is in favour of high taxes, the EU and big government
    ....to the Tories that are sadly now in favour of high taxes, the EU and big government
    Who cares?

  9. do you think:

    Anon March 11, 2008 1:53 PM

    Might just have a beard and wear sandals and socks?

  10. I'm not sure that keeping the map yellow is really what they stand for since there are a lot of LDs who would be scared stiff of any sort of serious electoral success. However I think it undeniable that, as a party, they no longer represent the principle on which the Liberal party was founded.

    Iain I note that you have not given coverage to the Tories most amazing scoop - signing up one of Respect's councillors after the historic split among the vanguard of the socialist movement.

  11. surely not, I always thought it was only Tories that post on Iain Dale.......

  12. A bit of background:


  13. Anon 2:29 asked: do you think:
    Anon March 11, 2008 1:53 PM might just have a beard and wear sandals and socks?

    Well, if he has a beard, that wouldn't be Brian Micklethwaite, then.

  14. Asquith - were you a parliamentary candidate?

    ...because that's what this post is about.

  15. Is it true that, as Cllr Colin Inglis is alleging, that, "they (the Liberal Democrats) are forced to turn to friends and family as candidates to maintain some show of unity?"

    If thats the case then they really are in dire straights!!!

  16. Cllr Sloan says: “The Liberal Democrat Party stands for nothing except to further its own electoral existence."
    Whilst totally agreeing with him, it is regrettable that the same can be said of the other two main parties. What happened to politicians with integrity, vision and principle?

  17. Are you hearing anything about real live MP's coming over too?

  18. I have to say that Councillor defections leave me cold, even if they have been PPCs.

    Whilst I have known a few outstandingly good councillors, in my experience the majority are petty minded people who obsess about who is going to be Mayor next year, whether the Deputy Mayor's consort will be given a gold necklace or gold brooch (at taxpayers' expense), or whether visitors to the Mayor's parlour should get 6 free drinks or 12.

    And as for loyalty to whichever Party they represent - don't make me laugh.

  19. What do Lib Dems find so attractive about Cameron's Tories? After all, Lib Dems are Eurofanatical, anti-family, pro-crime and pro-drugs.

  20. “The Liberal Democrat Party stands for nothing except to further its own electoral existence."

    That has really got me thinking

  21. And where are they now these defectors.... lets start with Adrian Graves shall we? Any sightings???

  22. Off thread - Iain, pity you didn't stay at the Mayflower in Washington after all, you might have been the first to uncover the political sex scandal of the year...

  23. What did you think it stood for before Suz ..I `m genuinely interested I have never worked it out. Apart from its EU fanaticism Lib Dem thinking fits happily into the two main Parties.

    Bit green ..bit keen on animal rights ...luxury issues really . Not enough to justify a Party surely

  24. No LibDem (current or former) would use the term, 'Liberal Democrat Party'. Although it doesn't use the tell-tale 'Liberal' tag, it screams: written by his Tory minders. I wouldn't take it as heartfelt, Iain.

  25. In answer to Geoffrey G Brooking's question, I can confirm that here in Medway many LibDem candidates at local elections are indeed family members of sitting councillors. Anyone here who is bored and fancies "family spotting" in any of our Unitary's four (so far) elections is very welcome to look HERE and check out the wards one by one. Not the most exciting pastime I can think of, but it has its own strange appeal, somehow...

    They don't have much support here; and I have heard from other parts of the country that this happens all over the country.

  26. Stuart, you're right, it does sound like a Tory script But then defectors from whichever party always say stupid stuff when their defection is announced. "I thought my old party stood for something but in the space of a few weeks I've now realised that a different party is really great...etc, etc"

  27. ...whereas we Tory's exist to lose seats?

    I am sceptical about all defections, and would like to see if there is anything else going on below the surface - like hiim NOT getting a winnable/safe Lib dem seat.

    Maybe I am just a cynic but we will see

  28. Adrian

    He has applied for one held and one winnable LD seat in the last year. He was unsuccessful in one, and failed to meet standard for the other to even get to second base.

    He also lost several internal party elections over the last year, including deputy leader of the group etc.

    Like someone already said could it be sour grapes?

  29. 'The socialist Labour Party'???

    Am I missing something here?
