Thursday, March 27, 2008

LibDem Candidate: Why I Joined the Tories

Andy Sloan was LibDem candidate in Hull East at the last election. In an article for the Yorkshire Post yesterday, he explained why he has defected to the Conservatives. It makes very unhappy reading if you are a LibDem.


  1. It is amazing what Conservative Central Office can write for you when you defect! (and true of other parties when they receive defectors as well). All parties get to enjoy their moments in the sun at times like these.

  2. And What about Dirk Hazell, former Chair of London Conservatives defecting to the Lib Dems. This has been hushed up by the London Tories.

  3. That sounds pretty authentic to me and every word is true , it reflects what a lot of Liberals are saying as he myth of their neutrality collpases and they are revealed as Labour-lite

  4. Yes, it would seem that some of the more generic chunks might have been drafted by CCHQ - though what Cllr Sloan says about the Lib Dems certainly matches my experience.

    Also, whilst I welcome his defection, I suspect there might be an element of thwarted personal ambition behind Cllr Sloan's decision. (Though that hardly makes him unique and is, of course, the 'line' being heavily spun locally by the LDs.)

  5. Perhaps he wants to write "Winning Here" and "The Only Alternative" on his election material, and not have to lie.

  6. Good riddance. That article is utter rubbish. He doesnt actually give any good argument as to how the Tories are:

    'a political party founded on principles and belief.'

    It's just rhetoric.

  7. As someone who lives just outside Hull, I'm afraid I must point out this is hardly a coup for the Conservative Party. Out of the 59 Hull Councillors there are only 2 official Conservatives.
    The struggle for power is between Labour and the Lib Dems and the rise of the latter is not to do with political ideology but competence, ie Labour have proved they couldn't run a fish and chip shop never mind a city.
    However, the Humber will freeze over before the Tories even figure meaningfully on the political map; partly because those who can flee Hull for the surrounding villages -represented by the likes of David Davis.
    As for Mr Sloan (of whom I had previously never heard), I would have been more impressed if instead of simply repeating his general accusation of thirst for power(there's something unusual for a political party) he had given specific details of Lib Dem wrongdoing.

  8. Most of what he says is true (although there is the usual sjip jumer's spin as well), but you could say the same for us as well. What do we really stand for at the moment? DC is playing clever politics by not saying too much, and allowing GB to shoot himself below the waterline.

    But what do we really believe as a party? limited government? lower taxes? nation state?

  9. It does read like it was written by Conservative Central Office. No particular issue on which he broke just that the LDs are all dreadful & the sun shines out of Cameron.

    It would have been better if it had been written by him or even by somebody who understood liberal principles (granted that excludes most members of the LDs)

  10. How about "The Tories: Why We Are Now So Attractive To Lib Dems"? No? Thought not.

  11. But if they are his views, why was he in the LibDems in the first place. Surely he realised that they are not an anti-European party which believes that sort of guff about a 'broken society'?

    I do think that people can change their minds - I have been in both the LibDem and Labour parties and I'm currently in neither - but I'm also aware thats because my politics don't fit any one party easily. I do think, though, that the LD's do tend to attract essentially apolitical people who are good at community campaigning, people whose actual views may be a long way from Libdem ideas.

    Sloan appears to be one of them.
