Thursday, March 27, 2008

Another Double Digit Tory lead

The Daily Telegraph has a YouGov poll tomorrow with the Tories on 43% (+3) and Labour on 29 (-4). Not sure of the LibDem figure yet. This represents a doubling of the Tory lead from last month. So the last four polls have shown Tory leads of 16%, 9%, 13% and now 14%.

Boris will be a happy candidate tonight.


  1. Good. Let's keep it going in that direction!

    (Maybe the LibDems are away thinking about why they are stuck at 15%?)

  2. it looks like Lib Dems on 17%

  3. Only when Labour stupidity hits peoples' pockets do they switch their votes. Politicians might as well save their breath, and allow money to talk. It's all that voters listen to in any case. It is saying loud and clear 'get rid of Labour'.

  4. This is probably very bad news for the Lib Dems - since they rely on a lot of Labour supporters in the majority of their seats. (Winning here etc etc etc ).

    People are now switching from Labour to Conservative.

    There a very fat, well fed chicken heading towards the Lib Dem fence to roost - and the weight of it is going to cause a collapse.

    How long before the panic sets in ?

    Quite possibly neither Brown nor Clegg will be leading their parties at the next general election.

  5. I doubt that Boris is very happy; winning would end his political career. He's bound to lose in 4 or 8 years by which time he'll be too old to rebuild a parliamentary career. Having taken the job as a safe bet (ie plenty of marks for bailing the party out when no other candidate could be found but with no real prospect of winning) he's now facing the mother of all paper candidates' nightmares…

  6. Brown is f*****d, Balls is f*****d, Straw is f*****d. They're all f*****D and I can't stop laughing.

  7. Wise words from Tapestry for all the Policy initiatives and general chatter of Westminster the Polls moved decisively when Darling slapped £500 on your NI and a bit lesson your car for a normal family.

    Simple really

  8. I'd read martin samuel in today's Times, if I were you. he hits the mail on the head's playing out in that weird way that suddenly everybody starts thinking the same thing....

    In fact, are you thinking what we're thinking?

    hats off to the great michael howard for getting us into this position in the first place.

  9. I am begining to feel happier than I have felt since 1997. I firmly believe that we have all had the Government we we deserved in Labour. Most people are now realising (rather belatedly)that they deserve better.
    The country is such a wreck that many of us that were born here feel as though we are living in an alien place. I could not bring myself to swear an oath of aliegence to Britain. It has ceased to stand for anything I
    respected in the world, all thanks to Blair and Brown and a good portion of the morons who believed in their lies.

  10. Labour are now once again associated in people's minds as the party of high taxation which is bad enough but if it's coupled with the view that they are incompetent too and that also happens to co-incide with a resurgent Tory party that starts to look electable once more then they really are ****ed.

  11. It is quite an achievement to turn a lead of 11% into a deficit of around 15%, and that's BEFORE the recession that most people seem to be expecting hits. I think Broon is spectacularly incompetent and unlucky as Prime Minister. Blair as PM and Broon as Chancellor were incompetent but had the luck of the devil. But Broon's luck is well and truly out now.

  12. an innocent bystander indeed! More a paid member of the Brown Kindergarten.

    What is the matter with you people. One day it will be realised that with age comes experience and knowledge. Youth brings the likes of Balls! Milliband's and Kelly's Nuff said.

    Of course Boris, having rescued London from Left Wing nonsense will be welcomed back into the front bench of the TORY Government and remain there for the remainder of their one thousand year control!

    What did Blair say about the Labour Victory??

  13. Bystander - you couldn't be more wrong.

    Boris does two successful terms as Mayor, stands down voluntarily and then takes whichever plum job he wants on the Tory Front Bench, including the possibility of Leader should Cameron have had enough by then.

  14. Innocent bystander, why is Boris bound to lose in 4 or 8 years. Does your belief in inevitablity rest on Marxist foundations? And even if he did lost, would that mean the return of Dave Spart? I doubt it.

  15. It might be the economy stupid - but the Labour theory was the public would turn to Brown as the man you could depend on in a crisis. The fact that the guff about 'stability' etc has fooled no-one, is a terrible indictment of Brown's strategy. The public were not supposed to trust the Tories more than Labour on the economy. Labour has spent ten years grooming the electorate to believe the opposite. They even thought a recession would be good for Brown's electoral chances. The failure of this gambit is catastrophic for brand Brown.

  16. How many people said that they weren't going to vote?

    And Cameron has been spared a by-election for far too long. Luck that that can't last for ever.
