SUSAN KRAMER: I actually feel quite guilty because, you know, we had a leadership election in my political party, and what I should have done, and dammit, I didn't, was get together with another woman and the two of us put together a joint thing.TIM DONOVAN: So you thought about it? That would have been sensational!
SUSAN KRAMER: I thought about it too late. You look at the job and think 'Who on Earth wants to give their life to this particular role and give up family?' Well, we should have done it, as a joint thing, that's the answer, and set an example.
Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing? If I were Mrs Kramer I'd be more concerned about keeping my seat.
UPDATE: A reader has left this in the comments: What would Susan Kramer have said if one of her male colleagues had said:
"I actually feel quite guilty because, you know, we had a leadership election in my political party, and what I should have done, and dammit, I didn't, was get together with another man and the two of us put together a joint thing."
Her heart seems to be in the right place at least some of the time, despite being a Liberal and holding a seat which I certainly hope is vulnerable! Can't help feeling she could do just as good a job as Clegg or Huhne. She should have gone for it, but on her own. Losing would have cost her nothing.
Think about it a bit, and a job share leadership seems ideal for the Lib Dems. They could have one leader to appeal to Labour marginals, and one to appeal to Tory marginals.
She's prettier than Clegg.
I don't know about that, bretwalda edwin-higham. Clegg becomes more and more appealing "as the evening wears on". Not that I said that :)
She was less that inspiring when I was forced to sit through one of her talks at school. Very monotonous.
Job-sharing the leadership position? Maybe she should job share it with several other women, then the ones who weren't being the leader that day could make lunch, man the inevitable creche and do the grocery shop.
The Lib-Dems Leadership Cooerative! She might want to move to Sweden where they're just daft enough to think this is a good idea.
The Midlands Section of The Politics Show made dismal viewing for Labour where there are several marginal seats that they need to win at the next election. A straw poll conducted at random in the region could only find 2 people who had a good word to say about labour and the local elections, where Labour is defending an all time low position after the 2004 is expected to see catastrophic results for Labour .
Mike O'Brien made a game effort by stating that Nuneaton & Bedworth, where there only needs to be a 4% swing for the Conservatives to take control had put the Conservatives third in recent council by-elections. What he didn't add was the wards he quoted as being a favorable sign that Labour policies are liked are die hard labour and it's unlikely they would ever vote for anyone else other than Labour(and even when the Thatcherite factor was at it's height and the constituency elected a Conservative MP they voted solidly Labour) but also there are several wards that are staunchly Conservative(and always have been) and others that went Conservative at the last elections being previously Labour and others that are decidedly marginal(in fact it's not beyond possibility that both Nuneaton(the sitting Labour MP is retiring at next general election) and O'Brien's own constituency of NW Warks(Council went conservative at last years elections) could actually go Conservative at the next General Election) so I would be very worried if I was a Labour Councillor or MP the region come May 1.
Susan Kramer followed Jenny (Can I be a suicide bomber, please? Or a creationist?) Tonge into the Richmond Park seat.
It would help the local population immensely if she could follow Ms Tonge by being booted upstairs to the Lords. Immediately.
Has any other constituency ever had to suffer two consecutive MPs who are so far removed from reality? The only niggling worry is that the Tory candidate is Zach (mad as his Dad) Goldsmith ........
There's a joke in this somewhere, along the lines of:
"How many female Lib Dem leaders does it take to change a lightbulb?"
Answers please?
The winner gets Iain's season ticket for West Ham.
What would Susan Kramer have said if one of her male colleagues had said:
"I actually feel quite guilty because, you know, we had a leadership election in my political party, and what I should have done, and dammit, I didn't, was get together with another man and the two of us put together a joint thing."
Is Susan Kramer saying that it takes two women to do the job of one man?
Typical of the Lib Dems. Jumping on policies other parties have rejected.
The Green Party had two presidents did it not!
They ended that farce.
Perhaps that is what it should be re-named THE FARCICAL PARTY.
The Secret Person - Ha ha ha ha ha! V good!
Oh For Gawd's sake - learn how to spell "Ian"....Ian
Blog owner approval?
What a lickle Eye-Aah-tOLLER YOU ARE>
So she's a Moonbat right ? I'm getting the hang of it now ;-)
OK I've got this moonbat thing covered now .... you have to be liberal.
7:10 - Excellent! The word 'moonbat' was coined by Samizdata blog-owner Perry de Havilland around three or four years ago and it has traction.
Susan Kramer sure knows how make herself look silly, what part of the word "leader" doesn't she understand?
Oh I don't know I think a joint leadership might work for the LibDems... say the Cheeky Girls...
silly old Moonbat Verity - as usual deflect any criticism by reference back to something else in another thread or summit thats completely irrelevant. A bit preditictable love.
whatev - at least respond on the original thread. Are you mad?
anon@8.02 - at least Verity can spell, a ability you might find useful when you grow up.
Ms Kramer has made me think about what other prominent roles could be shared. How's about prima ballerinas sharing, say, Sleeping Beauty?
"Alicia, if you do Act 1 whilst I put the kids to bed, then I'll cover Act 2 so you can get round Sainsburys, then if you could do the Wedding Scene it would help, 'cos my hubby could collect me on his way home from work and I could have an early night?"
"OK Svetlana, just as long as you'll do the first part of Rite of Spring, them bassoons just do my 'ead in".
Judith - V good!
How about neurosurgery?
"Listen,Sue, I'll drill open his cranium, but I have to leave at 2 on the dot. Not a minute later coz Fred's waiting to take me to Tesco's and he'll get done for illegal parking. Then we have to pick up the nanny. Could you cover for me by popping in to remove the tumour? Samantha'll be in to stitch him up. Bless! I owe you a shift! Can I bring you back a snackie?"
Back to the original, I dunno, but somehow I just don't see Hillary Clinton or Nancy Peolosi on this power-sharing gig.
Judith - you said "a ability you might find useful when you grow up".
Mr P thinks you should have said "an ability you might find useful when you grow up".
It's "an" and NOT "a" ability.
Just here to help......jude...if ya need any more help...you know where I am.
Luv Ya
Thanks for spotting this; her remarks seem quite sensible to me [as a Liberal Democrat] and I certainly regretted at the time that she didn't run for the leadership. She would've spiced the race up & have given Clegg a scare.
Anyway, what you Tories should be wiondering is how on earth you're going to win back Richmond Park: you can't hope to govern alone again until you do.
In fairness to Ms Kramer, I had understood that Charles Kennedy only managed to do the job with full-time assistance of Johnny Walker...
Never, never, never, never, never trust a woman who does not wear make-up.
They are often fat of body and mind.
Just a kindly hint.
To be deluded is an essential quality to be a LibbieDem. Being a complete tosser helps too!
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