UPDATE: That little rascally Recess Monkey is speculating that Channel 4 are in breach of election law by having GG in the BB House. He says: This is guaranteed to give his campaign an enormous boost as he seeks election to Tower Hamlets Council. The Galloway plan is to get enough Respect Councillors elected to take control of the authority at the Council election in May... The voters of Bethnal Green & Bow need not fear that his performance in parliament will dip. According to www.publicwhip.com, Galloway has voted on a total of eight dates since the General Election in May.
Well at least Mr Blair can rest easy for a few weeks I suppose, and at least the voters know where he is.
Iain should be relieved that GG is away for a while. I am sure calling him a t****r would lead to libel actions.
To be honest, it's not like he does any work anyway - so his constituents can't be missing anything.
Keep him in there until the end - and throw away the key.
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