Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Caption Competition


  1. Oops, I hate it when a quote gets thrown back in my face!

  2. "Even I know I can't keep this promise, but what's the odds I'll ever be in Government anyway?"

  3. I am pleased to announce that we have achieved "a fairer alternative" to the Labour party's dreadful tuition fees system. For over 50% of graduates this is a graduate tax for 30 years and although it is capped the wealthier graduates will pay more. Hence we have fulfilled our pledge to get a fairer alternative.

  4. P.T.O. (where it says)
    unless by some bizarre quirk of fate I end up in Government and all bets are off and I am required to take serious decisions and not just posture which, at the time I signed this, was what I was doing and so in a very real sense rather than 'no crosses count' in this case very real crosses on ballot papers do count and force me to ignore my silly, silly past and think about what we can afford and what will work.

    Oh piss off Simon Hughes, you're not in Government (thanks goodness).

  5. As a student - I'm glad I'm voting for Nick Clegg!

  6. I never break a pledge... says "next parliament", not this one!

  7. It's this kind of electioneering that Saddleworth simply won't put up with.

  8. Invisible ink rules ok

  9. 'When I realise I am wrong, I change my mind. What do you do?

  10. "might as well sign it, they'll be too drunk to remember anything hrhrhr"

  11. "Sadly the Lib Dems didn't win the election, and this is an area where we have had to give in to the Conservatives."

    Not funny. But accurate.

  12. It doesn't matter what I say, I'll never be in power...

  13. It's always easy to promise stuff when you have no real expectation of having to deliver

  14. Work it out - a graduate on average income of about £25000 a year is going to have to pay about £7 a week. What in the name of God is all the fuss about?

  15. At least the Tories had to give up Trident...

  16. "... and I always obey all speed limits, I never shout at my wife and I am generally a very honest person."

  17. I'm never going to win anyway, so might as well make another totally unafordable promise...

  18. 'i have principles and if you don't like them i have others'

    groucho marks

  19. "And while I'm at it I promise a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty & on EU membership & not to break fields full of promises like the other parties & to improve the economy & that we need to destroy half the economy becuase catastrophic global warming is true & that I have had 30 women & that I am not going to retire & join a windfarm company & that I oppose war crimes & that I don't rape children & that I am not involved in dissecting living people to steal their body organs.

    What British politician could promise more?"
