Thursday, September 02, 2010

Top 50 Scottish Blogs

Today Total Politics announces the top 50 Scottish blogs.

Here's the Top 10:

1 (1) Tom Harris MP
2 (3) Underdogs Bite Upwards
3 (2) SNP Tactical Voting
4 (7) Caron's Musings
5 (4) Mr Eugenides
6 Bright Green Scotland
7 (11) Stephen's Liberal Journal
8 (5) Two Doctors
9 Subrosa
10 (6) Malc in the Burgh

Click HERE to see the full Top 50.

If your blog is one of the ones featured above, please feel free to put the following button in your sidebar and link it through to this post:

This list is the result of more than 2,200 people who voted in the Total Politics Annual Blog Poll during the second half of July.
Click on the blog to visit it.

All these lists, together with articles from leading blog commentators, will be published in the TOTAL POLITICS GUIDE TO POLITICAL BLOGGING, in association with APCO Worldwide. It will be published in October at £14.99. You can preorder your copy HERE.

COMING NEXT: Top 30 Councillor Blogs


  1. What about Norfolks Top Blog.

  2. You're not a sweaty sock though mate.

  3. Did you know that numbers 3, 8 and 10 have now joined forces?

    Maybe they could take no more of Mr Harris' domination...?

  4. Would that be the same Tom Harris who has now done 1000 posts complaining about IPSA?

    (I think he managed a whole 2 posts on the expenses scandal itself)
