Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Would You Like to Sponsor My Blogreaders Party At the Tory Conference?

At last year's Conservative Party Conference I held a party for my blogreaders. More than 250 of you turned up to be entertained by Steve Nallon, a comedian who was the voice of Margaret Thatcher in Spitting Image. Many of you told me afterwards that it was the best thing you attended at the conference. Well, I want to repeat the exercise this year and have booked a venue from 10.30 - 00.30 on the Tuesday evening of the conference.

I've booked the German comedian I saw at the Edinburgh festival, Christian Schulte-Loh. His act is called "I am German and I should not be here".

He's blond, he's two metres tall, he's German and he's sorry. International
comedian Christian Schulte-Loh ('King Gong' winner at London's The Comedy Store,
October 2009) says about his country: 'Don't judge a book by its cover - unless
it's a German passport.' Any further questions? You will be shocked! 'One of the
most subversive acts ever. The gags have an astonishing freshness and power'

Now, to the important bit. I'm looking for a couple of sponsors - one to sponsor the refreshments (ie. booze) and one to sponsor the costs of the comedian.

I can promise sponsors a high profile on the blog during September, marketing opportunities at the event and the eternal gratitude of 250 conference go-ers.

If anyone's interested, please email me directly. iain AT iaindale DOT com


  1. Will your new goafer - sorry, I mean Executive Assistant be in attendance?

  2. Will the tories be holding another gay pride party during the Conference ?

    or was last years just a pre election stunt ?

    I think we all know who should be guest of honour though.

  3. Are there only 250 places - do we need to book?

  4. Sounds like a good party. I'm sure the attendees will enjoy it.

    Can bloggers (who aren't employed by a media organisation) be classed as part of the media at the party conferences?

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed the Blogreaders party last year. The venue was slightly soulless though; more appropriate for a discussion panel about the manufacturing of pins than a stand up comedy show.
    The German guy sounds fun but I do hope we get Steve again in the future and get him to put on the full [M]ag.

  6. I met Christian once and I like him. Two of his (painful) jokes at that event.

    "Why did my grandfather cross the road? To invade Poland, of course".

    "What do they call a German humorist? Exiled. Unless it's in the country. Then it's bored."

  7. Wild Horses would not keep me away!
