Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Tale of Two Ex-Prime Ministers

Compare and contrast.

A couple of weeks ago I happened to see Tony Blair. Well, when I say I saw him, he was actually in the biggest BMW I have ever seen, driving at breakneck speed down Edgware Road accompanied by a vast retinue of ancilliary cars all with lights flashing and containing stern looking police bodyguards.

Last week, a friend of mine was driving down Great Peter Street in Westminster when the small people carrier in front of him stopped outside the block of flats by the junction with Marsham Street. Out stepped Gordon Brown and one police bodyguard.

Good on Gordon Brown for apparently eschewing the police outriders and back up car that is his by right as an ex Prime Minister.


  1. Brown's in hiding. Blair is not. That is all.

  2. Tony Blair is the best augment for a Constitutional Monarchy.

  3. Gordon's not a huge target for crazy stope the war protestors though is he?!

  4. We should not quibble about the size and scale of Blair's security.

    Personally I'd be willing to give him the full protection of one of Her Majesty's prisons for life on the strength of his war crimes.

  5. I'm looking forward to Gordon finishing his book and getting it published. Mandy's book isn't going to provide me with enough toilet paper to last much longer...

  6. The nicest thing you've ever said about GB.

  7. and without Mrs Brown as well....wonder how she`s getting by without her er `hero`...

  8. "driving at breakneck speed down Edgware Road"...

    Obviously in a hurry to screech right into Connaught Square for a cup of tea and a crumpet.

    I can't think of any other reason can you?

  9. as he spends most of his time in a secure unit i'm sure mr brown's protection needs are limited. and even al qaeda probably draw the line at blowing up the deranged. as an aside.....anyone managed to spot the dear leader and the love of his life sarah in the same room morethan once since the election?

  10. Did you wave and say "hello"...... On either occasion?

  11. This is a benefit that should be means tested...

  12. Did your friend ask him "Gordon, did you know the most popular video of you on YouTube is one where you're picking your nose?"

    It would be too much to resist for me.

  13. I've seen Sarah Brown in the Commons on several occasions - odd indeed.

  14. @sinosimon

    Actually I thought al qaeda's entire modus operandi consisted of blowing up the deranged.

  15. meanwhile Dover Council, Canterbury City Council and Kent County Council have all sent delegations to the Golf Open at St Andrews some of them for 9 days !

    This because Royal St. Georges in Sandwich is next years venue.

    Just let them bleat once when the 20% budget cut hits that they have to cut front line services

  16. "Tony Blair is the best augment for a Constitutional Monarchy."

    What a lovely thing to say, although I suspect some will say it doesn't need to be augmented.

  17. The Blairs' understanding of the benefits of public office are widely shared I'm sure by his arab neighbours around the Edgware Road, where cars of vulgar and ostentatious size and luxury, wives covered with Harrods' bling and millions hidden in overseas accounts are asde rigueur as the loathing of their own peoples. I'm sure he fits in with them all very well.

  18. Sarah's his minder. Nor would I think that Brown particularly wants to draw attention to himself. Blair, however, wants to be the Mick Jagger of international politics. If he's at risk, it is his fault - he should pay for his own security. Better - stay away.

  19. Didn't they call out 3 fire engines and the SAS when he set some toast on fire at one of his country houses?

    King Alfred just got a clip on the ear.

  20. Blair needs all the accoutrements. How would he cope with being seen in Tescos carrying a plastic bag. Cherie would never live it down.

    That said I wouldn't want him totalled by a Serbian hitman like Dando. There are still guys in jail who tried to tell the truth about that one. Blair bombed Serbian TV. Two days later Dando was hit. Barry George served seven years. He was nothing to do with it. Blair's face costs more than money to protect.

  21. Jimmy, I'm sorry,
    argument, argument, argument.

    Sometimes spellchecker doesn't pick up typo's. I should make more effort to proofread it myself.

  22. Blair is a war criminal and is loathed by most of the population, so it is understandable in a way, if undeserved.

  23. Good of you to identify his home location for Alky Aider

  24. @ skynine

    As the Duty Pedant and Resident Apostrophe Cop I'm sorry to have to point out that the plural of typo - is typos.

  25. Are you sure Tony wasn't under arrest?

  26. @Tom Lees "Gordon's not a huge target for crazy stope the war protestors though is he?!"

    Who? little "Illegal War" Nicky Clegg?

  27. @ Guido Fawkes

    We can all but live in hope.
