Friday, July 09, 2010

No Blogging or Tweeting...

This blog is taking a break, as is its owner. Normal service will resume on Monday 19 July.

I'm off to sun my tired limbs in Crete. I'm not taking my laptop and will not be blogging or tweeting at all. Imagine the cold turkey...

And for any burglars who happen to read this, my house is fully occupied, not least, among others, by a vicious Jack Russell! And the moat will be full. Joke.


  1. "I'm not taking my laptop"

    You're not taking it or your other half won't let you? ;-)

    Have a good time.

  2. And the moat will be full

    Of bullets?

    (Sorry ;) )

  3. ...Cue a military coup of Parliament by Vince Cable, the formation a new European Union super-state and the signing of Messi by West Ham United...

    // two of these things are at least remotely feasibly possible...

  4. Wish i could have your readers for a week!

    Have a good'en!

  5. Have a good and restfull holiday.

  6. But will the moat be clean Iain? That, as we know, is the most important thing with political moats.

    Have a great time.

  7. Have a great holiday, Iain.

    And you're leaving your Blackberry at home as well?

    Of course you are.....!

  8. Have a great and relaxing time.

    Very best wishes

  9. Just make sure that if a yacht sails from Cyprus to Crete..."never get ON the boat".

    Have a great break.

  10. Have a good break, Iain.

  11. The Moat?

    As in Raoul? Crikey!

  12. What do you cal a blog with no posts?

    I don't know either.

  13. Do enjoy yourself and mind the withdrawal symptons.......

  14. Last time I went to Crete the whole Island smelt of crap and the airplane had to do some smart unerving manoeuvring to negotiate the postage stamp landing area.But have a good time though...

  15. What will the Lefties do now that one of their internet piƱatas will be away for a week?

    They might have to - you know - get a life or something. Or bore me with dreary articles about socialism.

  16. Well done. In a 24/7 world, not many public figures would have the confidence to go away for a well-earned break.
    I'll be waiting to bite you when you get back; get off my leg, Gio.
