Monday, July 19, 2010

Missed Me?

The first day back at work after a great holiday is always somewhat challenging, and when I think what I have to catch up on, I feel like heading straight back to Crete. Still, I've never been one to get any fulfillment out of an empty in tray.

Now that I have had a much needed week of rest and relaxation I also hope to rediscover my blogging 'mojo' as I am aware that of late this blog hasn't really been up to par. All bloggers go through periods of fallowness and lack of inspiration and I am no different. But after a week of sun and doing nothing apart from read Geoff Hurst's and Bill Frindall's memoirs, among others, I'm back and raring to go.

You have been warned!


  1. I can almost hear Guido Fawkes quaking in his boots this morning...

  2. You're probably right about the Blog underperforming.

    What is your hesitation in appointing contributors or even a Deputy?

  3. Frank, I have tried it before, and most readers didn't like it.

  4. Welcome back!

    I did feel you were a bit below par before you left.

    On the other hand, your "par" is way above most other people's best.

    Good to have you back.

  5. Glad you had a good relax.

    I find having nothing to rail against or champion really hard.

    The Coalition seems to have taken the edge off my opinions which is no bad thing as it means things are pretty much on the sensible track!

  6. You could take a run at the Burka thing. I know I am sick and tired of Ministers saying we are not going to do this even when the country supports some form of control. It was bad under the previous regime now this one is starting. Spellman saying the Burka was liberating could be a starting point.

  7. when are you posting your holiday pictures?

  8. Welcome back Iain. You have a niche to fill. For example I came here first this morning to look for comment on Michael Gove's performance on Today this morning, and particularly for comment on whether the Tories in government intend to take on the left-wing bias of the BBC. The prejudices and assumptions built into Sarah Vaughan's line of questioning were challenged several times this morning.

  9. I agree with Frank. Allow a small number of "carefully chosen" contributors to initiate subjects.

  10. Has your link on ConHome disappeared for good?

  11. It's been one helluva long campaign. You've probably chronicled the full despair of what? 5 years of the ruinous Labour project - no wonder you're a bit blogged out. I had to quit the other day as I had nowt left - stupidly got an even more Tory interview on Wednesday and pretty sure I don't want it.'re Sleazyjet experience hardly inspires the notion of running away from it all.

  12. Iain,

    Glad you are back.

    I can think of several things that the coalition is doing concerning the EU (for example, the Home Secretary likely to nod through the extension of Police surveillance into member states)that could exercise you.

    It is about time the Tory Right came out and showed some 'soundness' on these matters that they were elected on.

  13. Iain Dale said "Frank, I have tried it before, and most readers didn't like it."

    They might get more media appearances than Dale, he's just scared of the competition. Wimp. ;-)

  14. Seeking to take the Left wing bias out of the BBC is like aspiring to take the Left wing bias out of the Labour Party. It is pointless.

    If it was not biased to the Left it would not exist. Its function is to justify the redistribution of money from tax payers to the middle class Leftist establishment.

    The essential message of the BBC is always the same. Higher taxes and a bigger State is always good. Lower taxes and a smaller State is always bad.

  15. lovely to have you back - hope you had a great holiday
