Thursday, July 22, 2010

Compare and Contrast: No 94

From Alastair Campbell's Diary, 21 January 1997

I also liked the idea of maybe one night focussing on campaigning through the night - all night factories, motorway cafes, really show hunger for it.

From Alastair Campbell's blog, 5 May 2010, when David Cameron campaigned through the night...

Suffice to say that if the Tories were any good at all, at policy, at strategy, at campaigns, they would have rested easy in their beds last night, rather than careering round the country annoying bakers and fishmongers.


  1. What do you expect? He's a compulsive liar and mentally unstable.

  2. Comical Ali Campbell a hypocrite - who knew?

  3. He's no stranger to hypocrisy and inconsistent stances, then? ;)

  4. That neatly sums up why Alastair Campbell is widely thought a complete ***t and why he should not be allowed on any TV programme in anything other than a completely partisan role. He is not a pundit he is, as I have said, a .....

  5. Al Campbell is not consistent; I am shocked!

  6. He and the Dark Lord... good bedfellows (so to speak) in slipperiness and mendaciousness and, well, just being rude.

  7. Was Campbell suggesting that Blair do it the night before the election, which was when Cameron did it?

  8. Good point, well made!

    Although undoubtedly the world (and the country) has changed in many ways during the intervening thirteen years, I cannot think of anything that would have merited any change in emphasis on this matter, let alone a complete U-turn.

  9. Who is this Alistair Campbell?
    Didn't he used to be somebody?

    SCAN: Thanks for the Newhart

  10. Campbell - nothing if not inconsistent.

  11. To quote Chris Grayling "Sounds like a Gimmick to me".
