Saturday, July 31, 2010

Attending the Jacqui Smith Charm School

The Mail on Sunday have a front page story about Jacqui Smith applying to be Deputy Chair of the BBC Trust. I cannot understand why she has applied. The chairman, Sir Michael Lyons, is a former Labour councillor so there's no way you could have two Labour people in those positions. And in any case, Jeremy Hunt intends to abolish the Trust.

When asked about her application, Jacqui Smith replied...

"How did you know I had applied. Fuck off."



  1. a corrupt, failed socialist with pious disdain for the feelings of the proles?

    She's a natural for the job

  2. Insert joke about pay per view television here.

  3. Iain,

    You are too cruel to poor old Jacqui "five bellies" Smith.

    She was merely quoting from her husband, Richard Timney, when he was responding to the question:

    "When did you join the Redditch Dirty Mac Film Club?"

    And he / she said:

    "How did you know I had applied. Fuck off."

    Still, it's probably the closest that either of them have got to a real fuck for the past 18 months...

  4. Och wheesht, Mr Dale. A former MP told a nasty tabloid newspaper reporter to f... off. Good for her. Why should she be expected to be charming? Nobody would expect a man to be charming to some slug from the Daily Mail. More people should do that sort of thing when faced with such a beast.

    And your censorious reaction reminds me of a wee girl at our primary school who heard someone say a bad word and her hand shot like a rocket and with a delicious expression of shock and pleasure on her face cliped to the teacher.

  5. Plainly nobody expects the kind of person who leaves comments here to be charming!

  6. As a response to any question from the Hitler on Sunday it's about seven words too long.

  7. Class will out, Iain. T'was ever thus...

  8. Ms Smith could bring her valuable (£18 originally claimed if I remember corectly) experience of pay-per-view broadcasting to the BBC "Trust" at a time when new funding methods are under discussion. As for her alleged riposte, that passes for "edgy" comedic wit in many BBC commissioning editors' head voids.

  9. Are you seriously suggesting someone should be banned from a job because of their political opinions? A bit Stalin-esque, don't you think Iain?

  10. Nick, that's not what I was suggesting at all and you must know it. I said it would not be possible to have two Labour Party supporters as chairman and deputy chairman of the BBC Trust. I am sure you can see the logic of that. The BBC must be impartial and seen to be impartial.

  11. She's a thief. Should be in the courts with Morley, Chator et al. I thought we had heard the last of her, and that she would go away and hide in shame, but no, here she is again demanding that the public purse support her.

    Still, it might put a few more license payers off.

  12. Nick, she should be disregarded because she's a useless, incompetent, troughing twat.

    That's all.

  13. @Kiera Hardie said...

    Och wheesht, Mr Dale.

    And your censorious reaction reminds me of a wee girl at our primary school who heard someone say a bad word and her hand shot like a rocket and with a delicious expression of shock and pleasure on her face cliped to the teacher.

    Any chance of the above in English, Keira?

  14. Nick I am saying she should not be a member of the BBC Trust (or in any position of trust) because she is a no good lying cheating dissembling contemptible twat.

  15. @nick:

    Of course she should be banned from the post. She is a corrupt politician who would try to use the Beeb for her own ends!

    WV: bactria. Just needs an E to describe her to a tee

  16. So, if the Beeb needs to run a balanced ticket, Iain, we can take it that your application form is in the post?

    Excellent lifestyle choice for you there ...

  17. Iain - "The BBC must be impartial and seen to be impartial."

    ...which opens the wider question of is the BBC impartial? I'm not as swivel-eye'd as some of the "Biased BBC" brigade, but I do think there is a case to examine and some adjustment to be done. It's unlikely to happen of course with a very samey metropolitan clique running both the BBC and the BBC Trust, but we can but hope.

    Life looks very different from the deep countryside than it does from London.

  18. she can't get it while Lyons is in post, but her response was the only possible one. I wish I had used that language to more tabloid hacks. Anyone else who has applied should insist the process be started again, as someone at the Beeb is briefing the press on the recruitment process.

  19. Clearly that's exactly what you're suggesting Iain. You say

    "it would not be possible to have two Labour Party supporters as chairman and deputy chairman of the BBC Trust"

    In which case, you are saying that she should not be allowed the job based on her political beliefs.

  20. Nick, I can only assume you're either being deliberately obtuse or just plain thick.

    It is clearly not in order for two people of the same party political background to hold the top two jobs on the BBC Trust.

    I'd have thought we could all agree on that.

  21. Iain, that's fine if that's your belief. I personally believe that you shouldn't deny someone a job based on their sexuality, race or disability or any other ground such as political belief.

    If she cannot competently and impartially carry out the job, then of course that's unacceptable. But a fear of her not being impartial without seeing how she handles the job should not be a bar to employing her.

    I don't understand why you have such a problem admitting that you'd deny her a job based on her political beliefs? Maybe because you know it's wrong

  22. "I cannot understand why she has applied."

    1) £70 Grand for doing very little.

    2) Few quality applicants (as being wound up)

    3) Looks good on CV.

    4) Generous Expense account

  23. @ Nick

    What's your view as to the selection of Speakers of the House of Commons?

    Why do you believe Ms Smith is suited to the job? Is she competent? Has she any intellect and integrity? Does she actually know anything about broadcasting in general and the BBC in particular?

    Do tell.

  24. She's obviously on a mission to clean up the language on the BBC.

  25. @ Unsworth

    My view on the selection of Speaker of the House of Commons is that the best person for the job should get it, regardless of their party.

    You've spectacularly managed to miss my point. I don't claim, and have not claimed at any time, that she's in any way qualified for the job. My point is that the fact she is a high-profile Labour party member should not be a bar to her being interviewed or appointed. It's irrelevant.

    Can you imagine the outcry if a Tory was banned from a job because of his political beliefs?

  26. Nick, or is it, Richard Tierney? Jacqui Smith should not have this job because she has never shown any competence in public office. Secondly, we have more than enough Labour party apparatchiks on the gravy train as it is. Thirdly, we have no need of the BBC Trust at all as it is only there to provide patronage.

    I could probably go on to tenthly but one of those might be that she lost her seat. We, the taxpayers, have no obligation to replace her income with a sinecure.

  27. Ahh, glad to read of her lingustic capabilities. They seem on a par with her performance in the Home Office...

  28. @ Nick

    So how's the remedial reading coming along? You seem unable to read beyond one sentence. Is it something to do with your span of attention, perhaps?

    See, what I said is this:

    "Why do you believe Ms Smith is suited to the job? Is she competent? Has she any intellect and integrity? Does she actually know anything about broadcasting in general and the BBC in particular?"

    Spectacularly miss the point?

    I don't think I suggested that Smith be 'banned', although others may have - for perfectly sound ethical reasons. However, I might have suggested that she is a thick, venal, brass-necked, meritless, thieving cow, of course - but you'd have to read between the lines to get that nuance.

    Oh and what criteria might be used to determine 'the best person for the job' of Speaker? Would you now wish to change many decades of tradition for something more 'modern'? Are you Speaker Bercow, by any chance?
