Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lady T Woos the Al Jazeera

Last week, on the afternoon before polling day, I appeared on Al Jazeera English, along with my old university sparring partner Mark Seddon. We were followed by Steve Nallon, appearing as Margaret Thatcher.

I invite you to scroll in 16 mins to watch Lady T woo the 180 million viewers of Al Jazeera.

It's hilarious stuff.

PS If anyone wants to hire Steve for a corporate bash, let me know. I have his contact details.


  1. I enjoyed that! Good stuff, so well done Al-Jazeera for putting that out.

  2. "future former PM Gordon Brown"


  3. disrespectful of the best prime minister we have ever had.

  4. "The French?! The French?!"

    That did make me hoot.

    Nice to see Steve still as sharp as ever.

  5. Never mind all the jollity, what is this 'save Dave' stuff?

  6. "Emigrate as soon as possible" - Many a true word, spoken in jest?

  7. Good grief, it's been 20 years since the mad old bat (alternatively: she who walketh on the water/greatest Englishwoman ever/saviour of the nation) got the heave-ho. Hasn't he learned to do anything else?

    Apparently not.
    I'm firmly of OldSlaughter's opinion. Laugh? I almost started.

  8. Carl Harris said... "disrespectful of the best prime minister we have ever had."

    Oh lighten up Carl. Its called satirical humour and very good it is too. I bet Maggie would love it!

  9. "PS If anyone wants to hire Steve for a corporate bash, let me know. I have his contact details."

    Is he free tonight? Lightweight may have a job for him.

  10. What a complete sell out from Cleg. No one seems to remember what the Thatcher goverment did to this country but we are still paying for it

  11. Am I alone in thinking that Lord Mandelson has possibly hatched a plot, in cahoots with the LibDems to put the Conservatives in the impossible position of being forced to form a minority Government. Such a minority Government would find it impossible to take the decisive action needed to address the very grave economic circumstances Britain faces, being constantly at the mercy of the opposition parties. For the Tories to embark upon such an ill advised venture, would be like accepting to take part in a game of Russian Roulette, agreeing to go first, only to find that the person who provided the gun, had put bullets in all six chambers instead of just one chamber.
    If such a situation develops, the following question should be asked of the LibDems. Having secured most of the conditions your party had asked for, why are you now refusing to form a stable coalition with the Tories?
    If such a scenario does emerge, David Cameron should call an immediate re-run of the election in three weeks time, seeking a clear mandate from the moral high ground of being the only Party who had been prepared to act selflessly, in the Nation interest.

  12. Lady Thatcher was hilarious!

  13. Saw Lady Thatcher...but didn't see this Steve guy?
