Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Gordon: "It's Not About Celebrities"

"This election isn't about celebrities, it's about people," says Gordon Brown on 5 Live after Simon Cowell turns his back on him and declares for David Cameron.

How strange then that Ross Kemp and David Tennant were the stars of Labour's final PEB. It's clearly not about celebrity at all. Oh no.

There was another exchange earlier which went like this...

Caller: I've got a good job now but I've just gone over £20,000 so you want to now take more NI off me.
Brown: Well, I have to pay for the NHS...
Caller: No, Prime Minister. You don't pay for the NHS, we do.


  1. Did I also hear GB at a steelworks, promising protection of manufacturing??? Considering what he has done to it, I thought it hypocrisy...

  2. iAIN-well done for highlighting this use or misuse of cenebrities in Electioneering. I have just tweeted @Shappi Khorsandi who I had a converstaion with yesterday that I believe celebrities should not use their platform to promote a political party, in a democracy they are basically using their fame, fortune & platform to take advantage over general voters.

    Now Brown obviously supports my position. Incidently Brown lied again on BBC Radio 5, Inflation was 2.6% in May 1997 and BOE independence was a pre-condition diktat issued by the EU for EMU.So in effect all parties would have made the same move on the central bank.

  3. The NI increase is not to pay for the NHS its to pay for the debt he has run up. His remark is just one big lie.

  4. Any chance of an audio link? I'd love to hear that caller telling the PM just whose money it is.

  5. Celebrities? Did not recognise half of them.

    Does anyone have the list?

  6. "call it treason against rock 'n' roll because rock is the antithesis of politics. Rock should never be in bed with politics. ... When I was a kid and my parents started talking about politics, I'd run to my room and put on the Rolling Stones as loud as I could. So when I see all these rock stars up there talking politics, it makes me sick. .... If you're listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you're a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we're morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night and very rarely do we sit around reading the Washington Journal"
    Alice Cooper -
    Same applies to any celebrity as far as I am concerned.

  7. "Brown: Well, I have to pay for the NHS..."

    If he did use the word 'I' Gordon doesn't see the Government as the economy, he sees himself as the economy. All money is his to be spent at his command.

  8. Gordon should have a work with his candidate in Cambridge. Main election newspaper ( has pretty much nothing on the key issues at this election, but does have endorsements complete with big pictures from Stephen Hawking, Tony 'Baldrick' Robinson and Eddie Izzard (surrounded by a bevy of beauties, captioned What's Eddie Izzard up to?). The front page is about the judgement of the candidate who thinks a nazi salute is an appropriate way to illustrate what he thinks of his political opponents. You really couldn't make it up.

  9. .. and paying for the NHS in its present form is insanity. Mind you, if all that extra NI was actually put into health insurance, we probably wouldn't need to pay for the NHS in a few years anyway.

  10. In the 32 years that I've been elligle to vote I've only ever voted Labour. I won't be bothering this time because of the mess Brown and Harman have made.
    I'm looking for a job but the jobcentre are saying that, on average, 400 people apply for every vacancy.
    Yesterday I applied for a job that 59 other people had gone so that was a little better, but still not good enough.
    I was made redundant from an Argos distribution centre after 6 months. The workforce there was comprised of 70% eastern Europeans. We really need a "British jobs for British workers" policy in this country. Gordon Brown promised it, but failed to deliver. I just hope he loses his job tomorrow the way I lost mine.

  11. The incompetence of Mr Brown is just terrifying. He and his side kick Blair have destroyed the UK. Yeah, I know the banks caused a lot of the problems but please don't tell me that Blair and Brown didn't have a damn good idea what was going on. After all, a certain Mr Davis of Goldman Sachs, yes them, was Browns adviser in the early days of New Labour. Brown is the worst Chancellor the UK has ever had. He's also been a very poor PM. And strip away the celebrity gloss of Blair and what are you left with? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Good riddance. Maybe 'Things will now get better' as the amateurs of NU Labour say ciao.
