Monday, May 03, 2010

Dear Uncle Iain...

From a reader...

Hi Iain

I am a lifelong Labour voter who is wrestling with the notion of voting for you lot on Thursday. Well do I remember stating (during the Thatcher years) that it would be a cold day in hell before I EVER voted Tory - I guess there could be something to the 'global warming' myth after all.

I was wondering if your party is offering ant kind of pre or post voting counselling services as I may well need them....

Stockton on Tees

PS Just the mention of Harriet Harperson has strengthened my resolve. My Tory pals are already in tucks at my dilemma, and one has even offered to accompany me to the polling station to steady my hand ....

Happily I have a stand-by bottle of SoCo which i will be turning to after the dreaded deed is done

Perhaps this is better directed to Richard Bacon's HELP feature on Thursdays at 3.30pm on 5 Live!


  1. As Nick Clegg said: "You aren't letting Labour down, Labour are letting YOU down."

    So Liz, this voting Tory lark isn't that hard. Trust me, I know. Postal vote and all that...

  2. I know the labour candidate in Stockton north and even I would be tempted by the dark side in that constituency.

  3. Just keep Ed Balls, Yvette Cooper and Harriet Harman in your mind and you'll find it easy!

  4. Vote Clegg, get Labour.

  5. @ thatsnews - is that the same as going postal ?

    @ killemalletgodsortemout - sadly I am dyslopsic but at least i have a pronouncable name. Are you related to that Icelandic volcano? :-))

    @ john - yes - she managed to turn 6 labour voters to ex labour voters in the space of two patronising letters.
    and btw - I am only half kidding re needing counse... errr... ptsd support

  6. Please tell Liz to stride forward and think of England.

    Beat the marauding Scot back to his native land, then rebuild Hadrian's Wall, only higher. And make it impermeable to money.

    Alan Douglas

  7. Dear Worried,

    Have no fear. You will be numbed into a state of believing THE TORIES HAVE CHANGED when you reach the ballot box. Only in later years will the depressing realisation that they have not sink in. By then, your problems will seem trivial by the standards of everyone else's, so they won't seem so bad.

    Your Friend
    A Tory Counsellor (Er, did I mean Councillor?)

  8. A vote for the Conservatives is a vote for a change of government. I think you would be more in need of counselling if your vote led to a continuance of the present government (propped up by the Liberal Democrats) than if it lead to a Conservative majority government.

    If a Conservative government disappoints you then you can always vote them out of power at the next election.

    If the Liberal Democrats (in alliance with the Labour Party) have enough votes to form a government they will scrap the voting system and replace it with one that will prevent you from ever voting the Liberal Democrats out of power (because every future government will have to be an alliance with them).

    This will lead to a system where the same few politicians will be permanently in power. No matter how corrupt and incompetent. This is what the Liberal Democrats mean by change.

  9. Not voting Conservative in 1997 was a very hard thing for me to do (although living in a safe Plaid Cymru seat with an untouchable majority eased the blow), but it was the spectre of I.D. cards (I.D. cards, oh the irony!) and a raft of other unpleasantness showed it was time for things to change, even if I knew in the case of Blair it would be a change for the worse (kind of like detoxing by eating VIM).

    I didn't cast a vote Blair's way, but I know when a Governing party that's been in power too long needs a thorough kicking. Take heart from the certainty that this is an outgoing Government no person of good conscience has any business voting for.

    Cameron doesn't make my skin crawl the way Blair and Brown do, so I'm taking that as a positive sign that you won't regret your vote.

  10. You will never walk alone, we are with you in spirit

  11. There's no such thing as a free lunch, despite what Labour say.

    Socialism, is always accompanied by authoritarianism and ends in bankruptcy.

  12. Dear Dave:

  13. Liz are you voting in Stockton north or south, Stockton north was lost many years ago to labour, but we could win back stockton south, with your help

  14. You don't have to vote for anyone. Why not simply get a head start with your drinking while your friends are out voting?

  15. @frugal dougal - don't you watch 'True Blood'???!!! (it's not about the Tories, btw...)

    @dark lords - south... where we've been heading for some time now :-(

    @ Rich - lol - I like your style. Being a responsible citizen I feel I ought to vote - happily the polling station is only 5 mins walk and heeding your advice I'll take a hipper....

    thankx to all for their words of encouragement, sympathy and support....

  16. @Liz

    Don't leave anything to chance! Please take a picture of Harriet to the polling station with you as an aide memoire.

  17. "Vote Labour And Get A Free Bucket Of Sand To Stick Your Head In" Nothings wrong comrade, everything is rosy!!
    Lots of Luv Richard From Northants British National Party, alternativly vote the Iclandic Volcano Party, they stopped Immigration more in 5 days than Labour in 13 years LOL, all the best and keep up the fun.

  18. Good luck, Liz!

    Change is always difficult but, to quote a certain poster campaign, we can't go on like this.

    Enjoy the Southern Comfort afterwards - you'll have earned it! Have you ever tried the 100-proof version? I've only ever seen it in the US - duty free at Chicago - but it's even smoother than the standard sort. Mmmm! :)

  19. If you find your resolve weakening, a dose of spectacular rudeness from Ed Balls in today's Daily Politics election debate might help:

  20. Of course, if the Labour Party of my grandparents generation still existed, you could vote Labour. But it doesn't, so that option is null and void.

  21. While my sympathies are Tory, unfortunately my local Tory MP, in one of the country's safest seats, is a total sh1t, as are the local Tories who control this constituency. I have decided not to vote as I could never vote Labour or LibDem and the smaller parties do not appeal. The local Conservative Club does not like Cameron and does not even have his picture on display. Dotted around the place are pictures of Margaret Thatcher, William Hague and the aforementioned total sh1t local MP. Would love to see Cameron dethrone this lot.

  22. update....

    I have just learned that the god that is Colin Firth is a Tory supporter. Suddenly it's not so hard after all....

  23. I wonder if you would have replied to my recent e-mail if I'd written "Dear Uncle Iain" on the top of it, Mr D?

    If anyone is even thinking about voting Labour on Thursday, just think about the prospect of Harriet Harman potentially becoming Prime Minister. The woman may make Ellie Gellard cry her eyes out, but the rest of us will cry for very different reasons to the stilettoed one.

  24. The deed is done.....

    though even with my 8 year old daughter along to steady my hand and see democracy in action (she declared it like voting for the school council but with fewer nice candidates) it still took several moments and a few deep breaths before I could bring myself to put my X in the tory box...

    I'm hoping that a hot shower and a few stiff drinks will make me feel better about myself; at the moment I feel I have committed a shameful act that will live with me unto eternity.... :-((

    Get a Thesaurus...

    Council= Assembly, board, cabint, panel

    CounSel(ling) = advice, help, guidance

    Grangefield Grammar School for Girls class of '75... E x 1 did me just fine.

  26. I had to vote Conservative also, this was more like a laxative as I`m pro British National Party, But Gordon and his cronies have to go....Liz keep up the stiff upper lip!! remember were British!!
