Saturday, May 08, 2010

Arse of the Year?

From page 4 of today's Times. I never realised I looked so good from behind...


  1. the late lamented diet must have worked wonders iain......:)

  2. So are you now gong to run along 57/59 of Whitehall? Or perhaps the whole of Whitehall, but only 57/59 naked?

  3. That's not the only reason why you're Arse of the Year, Iain.

  4. Technically you have an out.

    You said you'd do it if the LibDems got 59 seats. You didn't say anything about 57.

  5. We need to start a petition to save the nation from the grotesqueness of Iain running naked down Whitehall - come on Iain, it was a (wannabe) politicians promise, so it really doesn't count.

  6. One streak for for 59 seats, two for 58, three for 57. Stands to reason.

  7. I honestly thought, from its title, that this was going to be a coruscating rejection of Tebbit's most recent exposition of his taking umbrage with the modern Conservative party. Sadly not.

  8. In another twist to this fascinating election British voters were shocked when it was revealed by The Times newspaper that Iain Dale (39????) is actually quite buff.

  9. Beneath the quotation in the picture, is that a photo of the expectant crowds awaiting your arrival past the cenotaph?

  10. Don't worry. No-one seriously expects tories to keep promises made during an election.

  11. @IvorBiggun - I hear it's a key demand in the Clegg/Cameron talks that Dale be forced to honour all commitments made.

  12. I never realised I looked so good from behind...

    Perhaps you and the other Mrs Dale should try swapping places once in a while?

  13. On the one hand it will be embarrassing.. on the other it will be great publicity for your blog.... six and two threes.

  14. Its been proved in the courts that election promises are not legally binding. If a commitment to a referendum on the Eu Constitution can be ignored I'm pretty sure you needed worry.

    Or you can just say that the Lib Dems did a deal so technically they now wield more power.

    Its as good an opt out as saying 'we've changed the title, so now its completely different. No need for a referendum now.'

  15. Are you going to sell tickets?

    It would make fund raising fun.
    I'm sure there's money to be made!

  16. Iain, you're dodging the real issue. When will you be running down Whitehall naked?
    We need to know so that we can put it in our diaries!

  17. Which Whitehall? There's a Whitehall Lane in the next village over from us. No street lighting, about 500 yards long. You'd get away with it a 3 in the morning on a foggy November night...

    Very clever politician, Iain. You've left yourself a way out by not being specific. Sort of like Gordon Brown and the Lisbon referendum.

  18. Squeaky bum time.

  19. David's suggestion was:
    "So are you now going to run along 57/59 of Whitehall? Or perhaps the whole of Whitehall, but only 57/59 naked?"

    Good idea. We'll let you run 57/59ths naked, provided you cover the other 2/59ths with something appropriately small, lightweight and flimsy. The LibDem manifesto should do nicely.

  20. Just think Iain, this could be your Balls moment.
