Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Burnham Shows Some Ankle (And Eyelashes)

Now that I have picked myself up off the floor and recovered from a laughing fit, let me point you to THIS mini scoop for Paul Waugh, in which he reveals that Health Secretary Andy Burnham is considering running for the Labour leadership after the election.

I mean, it's almost as preposterous as Ed Balls putting himself ... er, right. Yes, I see...

I don't know why, but I have always thought Andy Burnahm would be more suited to being a teacher in Waterloo Road.


  1. He could never lead a significant political party. He's about as substantive as Nick Clegg.

  2. Burnham, along with thta other vacuous fly weight Ben Bradshaw, typifies everything that is wrong with modern british politics.

    not a single principle between them, just ambition and a sneering contempt for the majority.

  3. Burnham a teacher? Perhaps at the St. Gwladys School next door to Goodison Park, but maybe not. He looks much more like the sort of chap who sells 125% 30 year mortgages to people on benefits.

  4. "Tom said...
    He could never lead a significant political party."
    He'll be in with a good chance at the Labour leadership, then.

  5. Burnham! - So it has come to this has it.

  6. I don't suppose it ever enters the consciousness of arrogant, complacent chancers like Balls, Johnson, Miliband, Burnham or any other putative leader of the moribund Labour Party that, post-election, they may not actually have a seat.

  7. Just what the world needs now, another incompetent bungling professional political arse.

    Where do they get these people?

    He'd be rejected by Armando as being too fictional for the Thick of It.

  8. Does anyone believe that Mrs Mills:
    1. Will keep the toe-curlingly ghastly Olympic twaddle-fest budget to £2.3, err sorry £9.4m? It’s already looking like more than £15b
    2. Did not know what that smart arse New Labour groupie lawyer was up to when their mortgage suddenly got paid off at just the cost of her signature to confirm matters?
    3. Is genuinely ‘separated’ from Number 2 above
    4. Would make a good manager of a leadership campaign? Just the girly to get the brothers all lined up to vote their millions to the working mans cause don’t you think?

  9. I doubt he would pass the CRB checks!

  10. Surely nothing is too far-fetched; surely in the dog-days of Gordon Brown anything is plausible.

    Transformed from the cunning rabbit, alert to the slightest threat and capable of escaping down a hole at the first whiff of danger, he is now a mangy case of political myxomatosis, stumbling around in the path of his enemies.

    Given that his natural predators view him with disgust, where's the surprise when divers weasels and stoats come out for a frolic?

  11. It never fails to amaze me how big the ego is of some of these politicians. A psychologist should make a study of MPs like Burnham and Ed Balls.

    Do they really believe that people in this country regard them as leadership material? Ed Balls would be hated by the people and I find it funny that some people in the Labour party regard him as a serious candidate.

  12. Who on earth is he?

  13. Labour gains in Polls so . .

    "Labour Leadership Crisis Panto Shock Doppelganger!" was inevitable I suppose . . .

  14. I could see him as a leader.

    Labours answer to Cameron who isn't much different to Burnham.

    Taking your political bias to one side what does cameron have that Burnham doesn't ? If you say principles remind yourself of the " cast iron promise on the EU" and move on.

    At least Burnham has actually had experience of a big governmental department.

    Cameron was an economic adviser to the chancellor i hear you cry yes to Lord Lamont during the ERM debacle !

  15. Andy Burnham has an endearing quality- he can still bloosh (blush) He has a delicious accent , wow, those beautiful eyelashes are like those of Bambi the fawn.

    He cannot possibly think he is a serious candidate though. Bet Balls put him up to that, set him up I think.

  16. But have you seen the lad jam with Feargal Sharkey? To be seen on


    It's been a long time since I've seen a politician just enjoy himself like that. Gets my vote.

  17. It's a shame in a way.

    The obvious young leader would be Jim Murphy, the guy seems to be supremely talented, his constituents seem to love him but because he is Scottish he has no chance at all I guess.

    Twigg is coming back in Liverpool too next time so there's another classy contender for it.

    I think Watson and Purnell were the other young hopes but they've probably both blown it by now.

  18. That's the first time I've heard anyone say a good word about Jim Murphy

  19. @golden_balls

    Surely Chameleon was merely a special "advisor" to Lamont, not an "economic advisor"?

    His other position was as a PR man to a TV company.

    Lamont may not have found his advice all that special, he was sacked, and the TV company went under.

  20. @quietzapple

    I appreciate the clarification.

    I think to call DC a "special" advisor is pushing it abit but i understand your point.

    I see no one could actually explain what Makes DC so different to Burnham.

  21. Interesting. I knew Andy Burnham at college, where as far as I could tell he was uninterested in politics and spent most of his time playing football and mooning around after his very attractive girlfriend (now his wife). Nice guy but a total lightweight - as illustrated by his short period as #2 at the Treasury, where he was completely out of his depth. But he is photogenic, genuinely working class and "normal" - and I reckon he has every chance of succeeding Brown as Labour leader. I'm already on at 50-1, still 25s available at most bookies - not a bad punt (and you can donate the winnings to the Conservative party!!!!)

  22. @ golden_balls:

    Sorry, Burnham not on my radar yet, he hasn't happened to anything yet, and may be hardworking and competent.

    It is quite true that after Gordon Brown Labour may chose someone with a less fraught history. (Brown was even hothoused at school, to his chagrin)

  23. Such a nice boy. Always liked that sultry petulance he displays when under pressure. So attractive.

    And now he wants to run for the Labour Leadership? Isn't that a trifle ambitious for this elegant young man?
