Tuesday, December 15, 2009

BBC Caves in to Carter Ruck Threats Over Trafigura Film

Carter-Ruck have succeeded in persuading the BBC to remove all reference to the Trafigura story from its website, according to the New Statesman. They really don't learn do they - Carter Ruck or the BBC. You cannot suppress things like this in the modern media age. If one organisation caves in, there will the dozens more only to willing to step up to the plate.

So do enjoy this Newsnight film, which I really wouldn't bother to have posted had the BBC not caved in.

Could I encourage every single UK blogger to embed this video in their blogs too?

Footnote: For the history of this saga click HERE.

UPDATE: The original Newsnight report, which is the one Trafigura really object to has now also been removed from Youtube. However, Wikileaks still have it for download HERE.


  1. I posted it.

    They are shits.

    God on you Iain

  2. Done: http://railwayeye.blogspot.com/2009/12/rt-bbc-caves-in-to-carter-ruck-threats.html

  3. Shame!

    Hopefully one day, someone will 'take out' Carter Ruck in much the same way that the Americans do with their Trash.

    Well done Iain for putting this out there and standing up to these establishment bully boys.

  4. Iain, that's the Newsnight report on the super injunction in October.

    The video that's the subject of the legal action was broadcast in May. It's not available on YouTube but you can download an FLV copy from wikileaks:


  5. Has Andrew Marr covered this story?

  6. Well of course it is a bad day when the law manage to get a media org like the BBC to remove content that has already been widely reported. As well, it is a severe indictment of our thousand year parliamentary democracy can be be fettered by a solitary judge sitting in Chambers.

    But .

    but ..

    I suspect there is more to this Trafigura story and their, what is now believed to be their 'guilt' in dumping harmful waste. Probably, I'm guessing here, that third parties were involved and the legalities hinge on where the liability burden lies.

    The Minton Report makes for some interesting reading though. Particularity the comments related to further considerations, questions and mass hysteria.

    Oh, it just occurs to me, is there a risk for me (and you as well Iain if you publish my comment) of even mentioning the existence of a report by Minton?

  7. Good job, Iain. The landlord has posted it.

  8. Well, someone from Carter-Ruck read my blog this evening and looked at the comprehensive Wiki entry linked from that...

    They can't gag us all!


    #Trafigura on Twitter

  9. I've posted before about this bunch on my blog. I'm more than ahppy to do so again.

  10. Happy to do so... and have done so.

  11. Would that "original report" be the one on this page on the BBC site http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/8259765.stm?

  12. Good on you Iain.

    The planet is becoming a like a blinking stinking sewer.

    Suppression of the truth brings us down to the level of third rate corrupt regimes elsewhere- like the Chinese baby milk scandal or thalidomide etc

    Yep, huge organisations are the bullies we don't need.

  13. It's on my blog Ian. Always obey your calls to arms!

  14. Good for you Mrs Dale for posting this...

  15. Done it too... hope more people do as well... http://tr.im/HJCE

  16. Thanks for pointing this out, Iain. It's now on my site.

  17. Well said, Iain.

    But we need to remember that sometimes, the media needs no prompting from libel lawyers.

    Sometimes, it shows a remarkable willingness to censor itself....

  18. New Statesman has removed thier story!!

  19. i recommend 'arkell v pressdram'

  20. Sorry. Just noticed that the link I provided was too long to appear in the comment.

    Let's try doing it as an HTML link.

  21. Iain, I think you'll agree it was strange to see Newsnight actually apologising to Trafigura last night http://tinyurl.com/yd2q6q8

  22. A few things about this thread . . .

    -the BBC apologised, presumably because of slopppy reporting, no? or why?

    -the BBC website still carries lots of info on Trafigura I think (contrary to Iain's description of the New Stateman article)

    Am I wrong?

    (and, (@ed the shred), does extent of coverage or content matter more when it comes to libel?! lol)

