Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Iain Dale's Diary on Your Mobile



PS Sorry again for lack of posting. Another full day at work. But you will hopefully like the results of at least one of my meetings today. But you will have to wait until 2010 to find out what it is. Patience!


  1. Iain, you are not very good at this Technology malarky are you. This service it says is only for Amerikenya

  2. Have to be careful Iain. Repeated excuses for a lack of posting - last week, this week, next week - doesn't compensate for your blog going down hill.

  3. If you spread yourself anymore thinly you'll only be observable by Polymerase Chain Reaction.

  4. Today is the most crucial day in the history of the Conservative Party since the fall of Thatcher.

    Cameron will either save the day, or the Party is finished for a generation,or even permanently.

    Iain Dale must have a comment. A snippet. An observation. Or what kind of political commentator is he?

    Iain your blog needs you.

  5. only available in USA it says - or is that because I only have a French mobile?

  6. We wont know until 2010, are you being appointed to the House of Lords, Lord Dale of Tunbridge Wells?
