Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The Daley (Half) Dozen: Tuesday

1. Mark Pack welcomes David Cameron's proposal to cut the Electoral Commission down to size.
2. Paul Waugh asserts that it was the MSM which brought down Alan Duncan, not blogs.
3. Luke Akehurst goes against the blog consensus on election night counting.
4. Prisoner Ben blogs about the virtues of rehabilitation.
5. Nick Robinson asks when David Cameron will give the detail.
6. A Lanson Boy previews Mark Oaten's autobiography.


  1. A problem with Ben's blog is that the MoJ is claiming that speaking out is against the Prison Rules. Equating the conduct with risk to the public of re-offending. If the MoJ talked with even half as much sense as Ben it would not be so bad. I prefer it as it is without the government spin.

  2. Have you any recommendations for info about the German elections?

  3. changing election night,from a government on its last legs is the nu labour mantra to a tee.

    if it aint broke lets break it.

    lets face it, these idiots have even managed to slow the trains down between edinburgh and london by 30 minutes.that is some achievement,along with ruining the country.

  4. I love the fact the googlead underneath this blogpost is asking me to click through for sexy armenian girls

    What have you been doing over there Mr Dale!

  5. Re. Mark Oaten's auto-bography, I'd almost rather eat excrement than read it.

    (I hope this comment and nom-de-plume are acceptable now).
