Saturday, July 04, 2009

Quiz Question

Q: If you have two members of staff, how can you possibly need eleven laptops in four years?
A: Ask Labour MP Fabian Hamilton if you see him...


  1. Shhhhh don't tell Mrs Tory Radio...... I have 5! but then I am addicted to gadgets... and then of course the taxpayer hasnt paid for any of them

  2. Maybe he's been visiting naughty websites and downloading lots and lots of malware. You'd be surprised how often that happens when you give computer illiterates access to the pornucopia that is Teh Intarwebz.

  3. I have a desktop, a laptop and a really teeny one... computer that is - obviously!

  4. Because he's a crook. Where does theis parasite hang out? Is there a neaby lamppost? I'll go and fetch the piano wire.

  5. A valid question. However, you failed to cover the questions which both Gideon Osborne and Alan Duncan need to answer in relation to flipping and why David Cameron hasn't yet got rid of them?

  6. Well, if he takes the laptops into meetings with the Prime Minister, and he has a prediliction for throwing rather larger electronic items than Nokias around the room, then maybe this is somewhat understandable.

  7. @ jailhouselawyer

    His usual response is its my blog i put what i want on it !

    fair enough but it does show the obvious bias you hold when deciding what to blog about.

    I also see that cameron got a pounding from the gay lobby over his new back to basics plan

    i do wonder sometimes if cameron is just using the odd gay friendly quote to keep them happy.

  8. A former boss of mine lost five laptops in a similar period of time.

    1) He left it on the roof of his car!
    2) He spilt coffee on the keyboard
    3) He dropped one
    4) He had one stolen
    5) He burnt one out

    A grand total of five laptops.

  9. Computer TechnicianJuly 05, 2009 5:32 am

    Because he buys cheap crappy PCs that keep crashing.

  10. Perhaps he gave them to his family when they became obsolete after a few weeks?

    When you consider that nobody is going to query such items, 600 odd pcs at around a grand a throw isn't going to clock up much of an eyebrow now, is it!

    I bet there are staplers in every room too!

  11. According to wikipedia he is married and "they have two daughters and a son".
    So 5 people needing free laptops; they were Apple computers, a fashion item to be upgraded often..... in fact 11 seems too few.

    Whilst jailhouselawyer is banging on about inconsistencies perhaps he will let us know why, in his opinion, he is out boring us all after killing a defenceless old lady with an axe.... and Ronnie Biggs is still in prison after a robbery in 1963 which resulted in a man getting a headache.

  12. I'll bring the wire, you bring the lampost.July 05, 2009 7:05 am

    Manager of local Cash Converters,

    " That nice Mr Hamilton has visited us eleven times over the last four years so we are inviting him to our Staff Christmas Party."

  13. Just as well he didn't have his moat cleaned, wysteria trimmed and ducks housed.

  14. he has a friend in a laptop shop?

  15. Give them all away as xmas and birthday presents of course!

    Tory Activist

  16. Sons and daughters - there's your answer Iain.
    And I have to scrimp and save to get my kids a PC for their work - if I could press a button and exterminate every one of those xxxx in Parliament,I would do it.

  17. Well that's simple. Hamilton has fully equipped his home, his second home, his office at the House of Commons and in Leeds North East and his kids all got I-phones and apple airbooks. He has probably also set up his constituency with all the equipment they need for committee rooms on election day.

    Fraud - out and out fraud!

  18. Jailhouse.

    Both Osborne and Duncan did what a lot of MPs did which is have one large mortgage on their main home, some of which was used to fund their second home. The Fees Office were well aware of this, checked the details and paid only the interest applicable to the second home.

    When the rules changed, both Osborne and Duncan took out mortgages on their second homes in order to comply. Neither flipped their homes.

  19. xmas and birthday presents.

  20. Has he been selling them on ebay?

  21. we are told he is an ex apple employee so let's hope he is still able to get staff discount

  22. Were they all from Computers for Labour? That must have helped party funding.. Makes it a bit tricky for the Party to say they didn't know what he was up to, though...

  23. The Fees Office authorized each and every penny ....

  24. Anonymous said:
    "The Fees Office authorized each and every penny ...."

    July 05, 2009 11:32 AM

    Not the moat cleaning and duckhouse though, those claims were both rejected remember ....

    Is jailhouselawyer making some anti-semitic point in referring to Osborne as Gideon ?

  25. jailhouselawyer said...
    A valid question. However, you failed to cover the questions which both Gideon Osborne and Alan Duncan need to answer in relation to flipping and why David Cameron hasn't yet got rid of them?

    Ok Jailhouse lawyer, here's one (of many, many) for you. Why hasn't Jacqui Smith been prosecuted for receiving £100,000 odd of public money by claiming (wrongly)that her sister's back bedroom was her main residence.

    Your glasses red-tinted are they?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Dimoto: "Birth name Gideon Oliver Osborne" wikipedia.

    haddock: You're a "stinker".

    iain: Pass. No.

  28. I'm surprised nobody's made a joke about 11 laptops holding a lot of pornography yet.

    Oh well, I shall wait.

  29. The Grim Reaper: You are right of course, it's an obvious typo it should read eleven lap dancers...

  30. jailhouselawyer said:
    Dimoto: "Birth name Gideon Oliver Osborne" wikipedia.

    Yes, and as you know, Osborne changed his name to George as a teenager.
    Labourites who refer to Osborne as "Gideon" are generally trying to make the point that Osborne is very close to the jewish community (like the Letwin/Fagin stunt), indeed some have even tried to show that Osborne is jewish.
    You obviously have an agenda of some sort ...

  31. haddock: You're a "stinker".

    that's as maybe, but you are an axe killer.... I set you a poser.... why is Ronnie Biggs in jail and you not ?
