Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Speaker Martin Embarrasses Himself Further

Labour MP David Winnick has this afternoon raised a point of order asking the Speaker to apologise to Kate Hoey for his attack on her yesterday. In his typically graceless style, Michael Martin refused to even countenance the issue and said that things had moved on from yesterday. Winnick tried to speak again but was slapped down and told: "You know what you must do". Yes, he should sign Douglas Carswell's no confidence motion.


  1. Labour Labour Labour - Out Out Out! :smile:

    Labour have shown why they are unfit to govern - Brown has "DONE NOTHING" on expenses!!!!!


    Gordon Brown has done very well out of MP expenses just ask Gordon and his wife about the Flat they cashed in at the top of the housing boom! Lloyds TSB certainly were the bank that liked to say yes! :(

  2. Martin's "Were you in the chamber yesterday?" a meaningless question-As if it makes any difference. We all saw his pitiful performance on TV
    Incidentally, Kate Hoey's 'midnight' performance didn't take place on Sky-It was in fact on Radio 5-Stephen Nolan-Saturday night-Sunday morning. She repeated her comments about expenses on R4's Westminster Hour Sunday night

  3. A man alone it seems -well apart from Browns support as far as that goes- and under a lot of pressure.
    Is the pressure becoming too much? He seems to have forgotten his role in the house and taken on delusional airs of grandeur.
    Hopefully Carswell's motion of no confidence will start to gather support. Although it would be a lot easier on everyone if he just took a long walk and stepped down instead of adding to the woes of the British politics.

  4. This man is an uneducated oik. That's not a class comment, it's a fact.

    I've always appreciated Kate Hoey. She's got a good independent mind and won't be bossed around by the Labour bully boys. Frank Field is another in this category.

    Martin behaves like a puffed up despot, typical of the Labour party thugs from Glasgow.

    As I penned on Guido yesterday,

    Travels by taxi paid by the proles
    Loves his wallpaper wallpaper rolls
    Gorbals Mick hissy fit
    Gorbals Mick hissy fit

    Calls them mister calls them miss
    The right hons think he's piss
    Gorbals Mick hissy fit
    Gorbals Mick hissy fit

    Think 'rap' Iain. Not your style, I know!

  5. Martin is doomed, Iain,
    Brown has given him his full support. I will give him till Friday.

  6. Cassius on the Michael Martin situation:

    Cassius on Carswell petition"Every MP should know that, whilst apologies are welcome, actions must follow – and a vote for the motion is the practical means by which honest MPs can demonstrate that their words are spoken in earnest, that they are prepared to drag this jaded politico from the Chair and replace him with a Speaker committed to cleaning up the mess."

  7. not a winnick fanMay 12, 2009 5:34 pm

    David Winnick, the "stupidest man in Parliament" (H. Wilson, PM) being slapped down by Michael Martin, the most shameless. Hard not to laugh.

  8. "Martin's "Were you in the chamber yesterday?" a meaningless question-As if it makes any difference. We all saw his pitiful performance on TV"

    If I were Winnick I would have swiftly responded "No Mr. Speaker, but I saw it all on TV!" ;-)

  9. Ehh, is Gordon's full support a good thing to have? Talk about poisoned chalices. Makes it an easy way for his numerous enemies to further undermine him: get rid of the Speaker.

  10. England has a Cancer, Scottish communism.

    McSpeaker OOT!

    McLabour OOT!

  11. The man's a disgrace and must go this week. The only question is who has the credibility to replace him.

    Stuart Bell's also a disgrace if (as Radio 4 news quoted him a few minutes ago as having said) he thinks the Speaker's job is "to protect MPs".

  12. I really think, Martin *has* to go.

    This is just getting ridiculous. He's just putting the entire House into disrepute.

    David C. and Nick C. need to go and have another of those "private meetings". I just hope it's a little more successful than last time...

  13. Ian you can't embarrasses an arse you just laugh at them and stick them in dodgy pants and shove them down the toilet.

    If there is any credibility in parliament or in Labour they will get rid of this wee celtic bhoy.

    On a more serious note, the arse and the rest of the wankers (Kate Hoey apart) in Labour have shown how out of touch they are with the public. I really do get pissed off by Labours Nuremberg defence; they are just thieving bastard scum.

    Dave has done the a lot today to get a grip on the Hooray Henry’s shafting the taxpayer, and Nick Clegg seems to be making some of the right sounds on the expenses issue.

    As always is the wankers in Labour who are out of touch, they remind me of an oil tanker it takes forever to stop and even longer to turn to get onto the right course.

    Ulster Unionist & Conservative

    Ulster Till I Die

  14. Michael Martin is a prat.

  15. PMQs should be fun tomorrow.
    Hope Clegg isn't shafted by the Telegraph in the morning because that'd give Brown an escape route.

  16. Its about time someone followed a classic lead and said this to Martin:

    "Sit down man. You're a bloody tragedy."
    (James Maxton during Ramsay MacDonald's last House of Commons speech.)

    It would be interesting just to watch the boiling tomato explode.

  17. If our parliamentarians, and particularly D.Cameron, want to regain their reputation, how about arranging a public apology to Elizabeth Filkin, the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner they sacked for being too much of a stickler for honesty. It is long overdue. She might have saved them from themselves.

  18. Douglas Carswell is tabling a motion for Martin to resign - it's gathering momentum - the Table office has approved some of the text
