Friday, May 15, 2009

Regular Friday Night Radio Show Starts Next Week

On my way up to Wales this afternoon I got a call from Play Radio UK, confirming they want to commission a weekly Friday night talk show starting next week. They were delighted with the listening figures from the last one and the reaction to it.

So, hopefully many of you will make a date with me each Friday night from 11pm-1am for some lively political chat. If you want to listen to the pilot, the link is on the sidebar just below the videobox.

One thing. If there's someone who lives near Arundel who'd like to help out on the night in the studio by becoming my sidekick (reading out emails etc, like Izzy Clarke does on 606) please email me privately.


  1. Well done - look forward to it

  2. Great news Iain, I really enjoyed the show; a nice by-product of tuning in was finding out that Tommy Boyd is back on the radio.

  3. Iain, you go DOWN to Wales from London, not UP to it.

  4. not a tory snobMay 15, 2009 7:17 pm

    Don't bother it's awful give me the excellent Simon Darby much better.

  5. I look forward to it and only regret that I don't live anywhere near Arundel!

  6. Well done & good luck. It was about a week ahead of the news.

    Stephen Pound is currently on Newsnight describing his constituents 'feeling of total disconnect with the political establishment.'

    The female contributor rages at him, citing the faith & hope(-ish) that people, in good faith, invest in those elected to govern.

  7. Sky News must be gutted that you'll no longer be available on Friday nights.
