Monday, May 18, 2009

Quote of the Day

"I used to think Devil's Kitchen was extreme. I now think his sentiments are getting close to mainstream."

Blog Commenter


  1. Crikey I was just watching the News and Mandelson and Brown were unveiling something on scrapping cars. I don't think Brown even said anything. The Present government has no credibility at all and are just a bunch of morrally corrupt schisters!

    If we want muppets running the country at least let us elect them in a genral election! These pieces of dog excrement in power must be the worst politicians we have ever had in power!

    Not such a case of Weak, Weak, weak but useless, useless, useless!

  2. Mr Kitchen hasn't been swearing as much as usual - it must be his new corporate website look :)

    Things are getting bad!

  3. Dave
    The country needs a speech from you at your strongest and best telling Brown and Martin and co to all resign.

    You have done a reasonable job of distinguishing yourself and your party from the guilty and tired men when it was not altogether clear to the naked eye that there really was such a distinction. But unless you do something like the above, you and the Conservatives will end up shackled to them,

    "There is a tide in the affairs of men..." Remember?

  4. Forget the car thing, my daughter tried it today, conditions as long as your arm.

    The usual NuLab scam, the devil is in the detail.

  5. Just thought I would post these Daily Telegraph pages on the good eggs of parliament!

    These are cross party and yes do they do have some Liberal Democrats (Unhappy face),Labour and Tories!

    It was hidden away!

    I notice Nick Brown is not on the lists!!!!!

  6. Illiberal Democrats

    Nick Brown.....yet.....
    All good things come to those who wait...tick tock tick tock....

  7. What was that old saying about poachers making good gamekeepers?

  8. Yes Lee!

    I am waiting!

    That would be major negative for Labour if he has dodgy claims.

    What on earth Labour have been doing with dodgy mortgages and the rest I do not know?

    It just shows that Power corrupts and there is a good reason why in the US a preseident is restricted to 8 years!

    I think we could learn from that here!

    8 years is plenty of time for any leader and if they have not made use of office by then they should be barred from more time in charge!

    On the other hand their are some individuals who should not have a single day in Power! Stand up Gordon Brown you useless one eyed idiot!!!!

  9. Is Brown looking like he's off the hook?

  10. The car scrappage scheme will never work - the british public are buying second hand cars like there's no tomorrow - why on earth buy a new one,as it loses 10 - 20% in value the second it leaves the showroom.

    This scheme is the epitome of the failed govt - out of touch with reality.

    As for Brown visiting a car showroom,how ironic - he is so mean,he would never buy a car for his family - firstly he cannot even drive and secondly he would want to buy the 10 yr old car that is being scrapped.

  11. Don't let DK read that - he won't be too chuffed.

  12. Brown is now permanently wearing the bonkers smile he wore while Dan Hannan made his speech in the EU Parliament. The 'I'm in la la land smile and I can't hear you'. Looking at Gordon Brown and Speaker Martin don't you get that feeling it must all be a bad dream and we'll wake up soon?

  13. illiberal democrats... can i ask where your conception of the lib dems as illberal (nazi-esque?) comes from?

  14. If you accept that commenter's POV as true, then either you spend far too much time online reading Kitchen-esque comments (not difficult given the piles of crap that get written) - or else there is something wrong with the British people rather than their politicians.


  15. Gladstone,

    The fact that if you do not suckle from the teat of Liberal Democrat success you get abuse on various websites such as PB, LDV and even here by some posters.

    Indeed some Liberal Democrats have called for me to be banned on various sites due to my non-compliante views that the LD party says one thing and does another. LDV have banned me but i note Labour list and the Conhome do not ban posters who do not agree with the sites view! I hate the LD for the duplicty, the lies and the misinformation. They are not Liberal but schisters of the highest order.

    Take MP expenses - A dozen LD MPs caught making dodgy claims, a peer who is also chief executive (still in place making dodgy claims) and the Michael Brown donation not repaid but we still have the pious idiots going on about other parties. Liberal Democrats are part of the problem not the solution and in some senses - the two horse bar graphs and other distortions and lies creates peoples cynical nature of MPs.

    The Liberal Partyused to be about Liberal values, freedom of speech etc - it is a chimera that has grown out of a decent and honourable party into a sleazy and morally corrupt edifice that should be put out of business.

  16. ID thanks for that link;

    Adam Afriyie is my MP. I complained to him about HMRC draconian policies and he wrote back to me personally. I was pleased to see he was not one of the troughers.

    I do believe his seat is safe. Good man!

  17. Devil's Kitchen hasn't been swearing enough in his pieces recently. Although I must admit I enjoyed a recent piece where he teared Michael Martin a new arse hole.

  18. Join me on Saturday There'll be plenty of bad language

  19. James Purnell is outed again today - why doesn't someone in the media pick this up?

    Who lives in a house like this? Well this Labour MP really likes his net curtains. Known to be a mucky MP - not for his reputation as a womanizer with his numerous flings with women or the auctioneering of the Hutton report signed by Alistair Campbell and Cherie Blair, but by his somewhat lack of cleanliness. Notice how the bins have been left knocked over and the PVC windows need a good scrubbing. Over to you David...

    Yes this is the home of the Cabinet Secretary of State for the Department of Work and Pensions, James Purnell MP. The MP for Stalybridge & Hyde who has a salary of over £140,000 per year supposedly lives in a terraced house which he bought in 2002 for £50,000 as his primary home at 66 Mottram Road, Broadbottom.

    Purnell quickly obtained the house after inheriting the "safe" seat of Stalybridge & Hyde from Lord Tom Pendry after being dropped in there by his long time good friend, Tony Blair in an attempt to make it look like as if he was a local lad. James lives in quite a desirable area of Tameside. The house prices for the area are considerably low in comparison to other houses in the area which averaged over £75,000.

    Rumour has it that the houses in that row of terraces suffer from subsidence hence the cheap price. So presumably a bank wouldn't hand out a mortgage, so he would have to buy the house outright. Money being no problem for James after being privately educated from the Guildford Royal Grammar School which currently costs £4244 per term.

    Lets cut to the chase. Purnell is one of the MPs currently being investigated by HMRC for dodging paying Capital Gains Tax for "flipping" his primary home. The Times originally reported in 2008 that Purnell sold his London "mansion" in 2004 as his primary household in order to avoid paying capital gains tax. Yet he claimed the full amount in additional costs allowance (ACA) for his second home through 2001 to 2003. However somewhat conveniently for James, he could not remember which property he claimed on between becoming an MP in 2001 to 2003. He claimed to the Times that "parliamentary authorities had destroyed the records because they were so old". According to the Express, James is not offering to pay back the dodged capital gains tax.

    As mentioned in the past, we are confused as to why James Purnell is charging the taxpayer over £2,000 a month to rent a London apartment which he leaves like a tip, yet he has sold his mansion off. It just doesn't make sense. It is obvious that Purnell is keeping his Broadbottom home as a shed to claim it is his primary home so he can keep to his comforts in London where he was originally a councillor in Islington to claim ACA.

    Purnell is already digging a hole for himself by bleating to the local press that expenses need reform. It as seen as by many, too little, too late especially after being caught with the hands in the till. As one reader pointed out, Commons guidelines say that for a home to be classed as a main residence, a MP needs to spend more than 183 days a year there. Going off the above pictures, it is highly unlikely that James lives here. After conversing with neighbours, they confirmed that they know that the house belongs to James Purnell, but they have never seen him there. Instead we are lead to believe that when on constituency business that James spends his time in the Raddison Hotel in Manchester.

    We, the taxpayer are paying for James Purnell to live a lavish lifestyle in London at our expense by scoffing through £400 a month on grocery expenses whilst his constituents struggle to pay the bills and suffer from high levels of unemployment as a result of Labour's recession. What makes it all worse is that James is telling the public that there needs to be a crackdown on benefit claims - it isn't really credible coming from a minister abusing those rules. He even has the nerve to say that £60 a week Job Seekers Allowance is enough to live on, yet he claims many times over that. His position as MP for Stalybridge and Hyde is untenable and we don't mean a sacking from Gordon Brown, but the only option to get rid of this crook good and proper - the ballot box.

  20. There we are Iain - I have changed it!!! I am sorry if it offended you and some Tories!!!!

    If it offended LD I am not sorry at all as they are euro fedralist surrounder monkeys!!!! Plus they are near Nazis in wanting to limit critism of their brand!

    Instead of the Liberal Democrats being led by Nazi attitudes they are now linked to the Labour party with a rose! LoL plus i have increased my views on my many anti-LD websites by Hundreds of percent!

    A vote for the LD is a vote for Labour!

  21. I think your commenter has it the wrong way round. It is the mainstream that is closing on DK.

  22. Devil's Kitchen is "mad as hell", like the rest of us.

    Aaron Russo also did a "mad as hell" video which is worth a watch. It's not so far removed from the situation in which we find ourselves in Britain.

    Watch the video with a view to the essence of freedom and the role of government. Many of you won't like American concepts of republicanism and gun ownership but the basic tenets of his argument are sound.

    Watch part one here:
