Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Harman Commits Chipmunkicide

Harriet Harman has just knifed Hazel Blears firmly between the shoulderblades live on the BBC News Channel, saying that the rules on CGT and second homes must be adhered to. As I have said before, wounded chipmunks can be very dangerous when cornered.


  1. Harperson is working on the basis the Chipmunk will be too busy answering Plod's & HMRC's questions to cause Broon any more hassle.

  2. Hazel Blears is just the sacrificial victim, if they offer her up then maybe the public will avoid looking for other targets to go for.

  3. Perhaps the two of them could mud wrestle for it?

    If the lights were dim enough it could be quite erotic.

  4. But Harpie isn't the first - Daily Telegraph reports already that a Labour MP has said that anyone seeking to avoid Capital Gains Tax "shouldn't be a Labour MP"

    Bliars is toast already...

  5. Iain-Please warn us next time you make an unexpected (as in unTwittered) appearance (3.08pm)

  6. So why hasn't she nailed Hoon, and when is Ed Balls getting his day in the Telegraph ?

    No wonder the BNP are getting seen by some as an alternative.

  7. I feel your confidence in Hazel may be misplaced Iain:

    "Chipmunks play an important role as prey for various predatory mammals and birds, but are also opportunistic predators themselves, particularly with regard to bird eggs and nestlings"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chipmunk

  8. It is good you have access to the BBC News Channel! Those of us living abroad and trying to keep up-to-date (I'm in Rome) have been denied digital access to BBC Radio 4 since the Speaker's outburst was reported on PM yesterday. The constant message - since early yesterday evening - is: "BBC Radio 4 FM is unavailable at this time." How convenient! Is the plummeting state of British democracy so embarrassing it must be censored?

  9. She's more like a flea than a chipmunk, if you ask me.

    Wonder if Harman made any subtle references to Blears' claims not being acceptable in the "court of public opinion"?

  10. Any whispers on Balls?

  11. maybe the Hon Member for Munchkin Land should have payed her taxes Mind you I'd back her in a fight she's feisty She'd cap on in Hysterical Harperson then run around singing "Ding Dong the witch is dead"

  12. Good, I'm going to enjoy watching them kill each other to save their own skins. Justice is that none of them survive this.

    Let me argue and bicker and lets pick them all off one by one!

  13. "Perhaps the two of them could mud wrestle for it?

    If the lights were dim enough it could be quite erotic."

    I'm off to wash out my imagination with Bleach.

  14. As an engineer I was taught the principles of a deadly embrace. I hope Harridan and Chipmunk put theory into practice.

  15. Shouldn't Mrs Blears' be more appropriately nicknamed Hermit Crab as they are nature's second most famous home flippers?

  16. Are you cheerleader in chief for Blears? Maybe she has told you what dirt she is willing to dish but it would be nicer for you to just condem her thievery.

  17. Ed Balls will have his turn when the special couples disclosures are released. Imagine he and his missus, the Wintertons, the Keens etc all on one lovely day.

  18. @Gareth Thomas
    BBC Radio 4 has been fine in Brussels. Perhaps Berscoloni thought comments about a rude, useless, fat balding politico were aimed at someone other than Speaker Martin and cut the link.

  19. Iain <3 Hazel


  20. It says everything about the disarray within Labour that the resignation of a junior cabinet minister who is herself very seriously damaged by self-inflicted financial scandal, is a source of fear to Brown.Who would have believed it two years ago?
