Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Daily Vlog: Beating the BNP


  1. Labour will help the BNP win EU seats, no doubt about it. I just hope they don't win many.

  2. Good on you for tackling this one.

    I had begun to think it was only minority goats like me that would dare to write about this in terms other than RACIST SCUM invective.

    Personally, I have a big problem with public servants such as the police etc being told that they can't be members of organisations such as this - they may be not my cup of tea but they are a legal party.

    A copper wouldn't be sacked for being a Marxist, Communist or Greenie - what is the difference?

    Racist by definition of occupation and therefore can't apply for the official badge to go with it?

    I am no plod lover having worked with a force myself, but to sanction dismissal for being a member of a legal party smacks of PC-ness that most Old Labour 'traditional values' voters wouldn't find too radical.

    Billy Elliot springs to mind.

    Taking on the BNP is a job for Labour - these are their disaffected voters not Lib Dems or Tories.

  3. I find it ironic that Brown has been pictures in front of the Nazi Flag the following Day after Macshanes comments! Macshane seems to be running against Brown his comments have been sandwiched by Brown relaunching Britishness agenda and Brown posing in front of the Nazi flag:


  4. Iain ,I don't agree with you about the lib dems way of doing it,the lib dems on immigration would have been one hundred times worse than the open door idiots of new labour.I remember on question time a few year back ,when mr kennedy was they leader,he appeared on the show and this lady pensioner asked about china to kennedy,how many chinese asking for political asylum would you let in,he seem to answer all of them,they's your lib dem immigration policy mr dale.The lib dems are proberly bullsh*tting to the people on the doorsteps,this party really wants open borders and if they even ever get a sniff of power,god help us all.

  5. It's not very often I agree with you Iain, but you are right on why the BNP have become popular in *small pockets* around the country.

    One thing you do not take into account is the role of the media, and particularly the tabloid press. When you have headlines demonising all Muslims for the actions of a miniscule minority; falsely claiming all the jobs are being taken by Polish workers; and whipping up hatred against asylum seekers with lying claims they live champagne lifestyles at the taxpayers' expense, anyone involved in politics shouldn't be too surprised when a party that takes these claims and sticks them on its leaflets starts picking up votes.

  6. Did someone put you on the naughty step, Iain?

  7. tykejohnno,

    Yes I agree the LD's are masters in saying one thing and doing another. No one should vote LD as it means continuation of Labour policies. Best way of getting rid of Labour is to vote Tory and this gets rid of Labour and LD! Labour and LD are two cheeks of the same bottom!

  8. Plato, that isn't necessarily the case, at least in my experience. In our (i.e. Socialist Party) campaign in Abbey Green ward in Stoke three years ago, the Labour AND Tory vote collapsed while the BNP's more or less stabilised. I don't think those missing Tory voters were turning out for us somehow!

  9. You are right that there is a responsibility on all parties to tackle this. It is absolutely right to say that we shouldn't be frightened of confronting them in debate. The main democratic parties have far better arguments than the BNP could ever hope to muster.

  10. The start frame makes you look like Prezza...

  11. You are wrong on one thing Iain.

    You don't get people to trust you by repeatedly saying you can be trusted, on someones doorstep. Especially these days.

    You may, if you are extremely lucky, get people to trust you a bit for a while, by apparently and actually representing the interests of your constituency.

    We live in the age of, 'NO TRUST' whatsoever in virtually anything we used to have trust in. Except the inevitability of DEATH and TAXES, of course.

    Trust has to be earned, even at the best of times. Trust these days is like Morris Oxfords, or penny seats at The Pictures. A thing of the past, that will never make a comeback under any circumstances.

    Trust in politicians, is a potentially fatal mental disorder, caused by lazy wishful thinking.


  12. Iain, the working class should not be exclusively Labour's 'client state'. What happened to working class Thatcherites? You know the people who helped Thatcher win power and keep it. Of course Labour is 90% responsible for the rise of the BNP but we Tories should shoulder some of the blame as well. We are not addressing the issues and providing an alternative for people. Recently in one of his columns Matthew Parris recalled canvassing for the Conservatives on a council estate in Wandsworth. And how the response from the overwhelming majority of people was that they were voting Thatcher come what may. I could not imagine a situation like that now. Conservatives should try to win these people over and not dismiss them as unwinnable or Labour's people.

  13. Mmmmm....
    You are of course right about debating policies with the BNP candidates, rather than ignoring them, Iain (after all, it’s all part of the democratic process) – but the problem with that advice is that these days they are no longer all illiterate skinheads with the IQ of an amoeba.
    What really frightens the sh*t out of the BBC is that some BNP candidates (although admittedly not all) are reasonably eloquent these days and an increasing number are having media training. As such, they are beginning to come across as reasonably plausible in the media.
    The issue here is not a strengthening BNP, but a weakening political class coupled with a near comatose MSM. By ignoring the voices of the ordinary citizens (cue MPs Expenses and the Gurkhas fiasco), the Government is creating a repeat scenario of Germany in the 1930s, where a desperate and ignored populace votes for anyone willing to champion their concerns.
    Worry less about BNP victories in next month’s Local/Euro Elections – it is how much headway they will make ahead of next year’s General Election that should be of real concern...

  14. Anonymous, Maybe I didn't express that correctly. I meant that they are people who Labour treat like a client state. You are quite correct in what you say about Mrs T and David C should be trying to win them over very hard.

  15. Did you film this in your own home, Iain?

    If so, that staircarpet could do with a quick whip-over with the Dyson...

  16. Tory front bench should be visible more on TV hammering home the failures of the govt almost weekly. To do that David Cameron should develop crispy 3-4 headline policies in each area concerning voters- immigration,economy, health and education.
    Cameron should grab every opportunity to harass the govt. Vote with the Labour MPs if necessary in a Royal Mail vote if that wounds Brown and brings forwards election date.

  17. Oh for f**ks sake Iain. When are the Tories start going to standing up for Britain. At the moment they are going for the 'not Labour' vote. The BNP are a joke yet they are getting support because of the Tories failings. Western civilisation is facing total social-economic meltdown with a huge threat from the Islamo-nazis and our politicians are worried about their expenses. Every century in man's history has been bloodier that the last and believe me this one hasn't even got started yet. The Aussies have just launched a massive military build up to counter the threats on the horizon. Why aren't we? Lady Houston saw it coming in the thirties. Why is our political class failing us now?

  18. Whenever I've been challenged on my beliefs (I vote BNP/Greens but am not "slavish" as Iain would put it) I've always won. Lib/Lab/Con make poor philosophers.

    I would welcome a stronger campaign to engage the BNP. Challenging the BNP would ultimately do them favours by allowing the worst parts of the party to be shed further. Any media blackout unfortunately allows the worst parts to prosper under the lack of scrutiny and keeps them from being respectable.

  19. Iain Dale,

    People in a lot of white working class communities have lost faith in Labour...Iain, people in general have lost faith in British politics full stop. When will someone have the decency to openly admit that there are no politicians effectively listening the Indigenous people of this land?
    I am so angry to see this country, I love so much be ripped asunder by every minority group around.
    People forget so easily, that the world was rallying around the ANC when apartheid was imposed on the people of South African by the White Government. We are now beginning to see the creation of that here in the UK with total protection and appeasement of minorities and the shunning of the majority white population.

    It is the big elephant in the room Iain. No one wants to talk about it. As soon as anyone mentions immigration, Islam, or ethnic minorities, out come the conversation stoppers of "racist, hate speech and Islamaphobia".
    Do you not see that the British people are angry at seeing their culture and heritage be destroyed by minorities who have no history whatsoever on this Island?

    As a long time Conservative, no longer voting for them as they no longer exist, I am livid to listen to politicians continually warning one another about "the BNP this, the BNP that, they're this, they're that...." when you and other politicians are completely missing the point.
    NuLabour have destroyed the UK and merely continued the destruction by Conservative who carried it on from Labour in the 70's.
    Let's go back to Thatcher. Apart from privatisation, selling off of Industry and other disasters(not so much as NuLabour I will add) Thatcher, removed corporal punishment in our schools. They were warned that this would lead to a breakdown in respect and discipline and of course, it was further helped along the road with Esther Rantzen's Childline. Look where we are now? All the twits say "We no longer smack children or punish them, as it's wrong" yet instead, we see children as young as ten torturing one another and older youths killing each other as if they were in some Hollywood Blockbuster, or copying some Rap star.

    The BNP have had no input whatsoever in the destruction of the UK, it's been done solely by Tory and Labour over a period of 50+ years.

    The continued way that you speak about BNP candidates is despicable. I'm not singling you out Iain as your video has shown that you want to 'challenge' them, yet, I would like to ask you this, "Why is it, that a large majority of people who support the BNP are police, members of the armed forces and of course previous armed forces servicemen and women, proud to be British? Are they not a democratically elected party? Do they not have their own manifesto, that is attracting people towards them? Are people not visiting their website, posting on their forum and seeing that they're not a bunch of, racist, knuckle dragging cavemen?"

    If the British people choose the BNP are they wrong? Are they any more wrong than those people who have elected Labour(1964-70, 74-79), Conservative(70-74, 79-97)?

    The continued demonisation of the BNP IS attracting more and more voters to them as it seems to the people that not only are the Main parties more concerned with keeping BNP out, but also they are against most of their policies, which happen to be the very policies that the British people are wanting.
    The Main 3 parties are totally out of touch with the British people and this is why they are losing.
    They are not listening to the people. They are more importantly listening only to the ethnic minorities who make up some 10% of the UK population. This is creating anger amongst the British people. We are so angry that we are being ignored by a small elite at Westminster who have signed over our rights and border control to Brussels.

    When the main three parties realise why the British people are moving to the BNP will they only be able to address it. They have become so absorbed with cultural Marxism(Political Correctness) and multiculturalism that they have forgotten everything that made this country stand out from the rest of the World. I strongly suggest you or anyone has a watch of this video by Vladimir Bukovsky about the EU - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM2Ql3wOGcU&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fthedestructionofbritain.blogspot.com%2F&feature=player_embedded

    This is what's happening here. Our culture, our society and everything British is being utterly destroyed by communists, masquerading as British/European politicians in different political parties. It is all about the creation of another communist state and the British people are beginning to see just what's going on, thanks to the Internet, as the MSM still shuts out the truth.

  20. I'm going to vote BNP because ...

    1)I'm fed up of patronisingly being told that I shouldn't
    2)They have lots of policies I agree with (certainly more than NuLabour)
    3)I like to support an underdog, and the way the BNP have been vilified, stereo-typed, misrepresented and denied access to the channels open to other legal, democratic parties is a disgrace
    4)They are the only ones who haven't succumbed to Dhimmitude
    5)It's the best way of saying "a plague on all your houses".

  21. Tone made Me do it - He's a bad influenceMay 05, 2009 9:56 pm

    "Take on the BNP?"
    When the hell is a political party is going to take on the fact that 250,000 people from Pakistan enter Britain every year. 250,000 people from a culture that despises our ideals and certainly don't believe in legalised homosexuality.

    Iain surely you have more to fear from continued mass immigration than you have the BNP?

  22. I'm glad your taking our messages to heart Mr Dale, and won't be giving the BNP any more publicity.

  23. A very nice white shirt that has the effect of creating an aura of light around you, as if you are an angel.

  24. tykejohnno - re your comment regarding immigration makes me wonder what the big deal is across all parties.

    In this current crisis, the doors of the UK should be firmly CLOSED. The country is not in any position to allow more imports in and give them tax-payers money called benefits. On top that, how many of them ever work? How many of those just have children and keep claiming? It's an utter disgrace!

    If immigrants do come here and claim benefits, why cant they do public services for those benefits like cleaning the streets? Instead, we pay for other people to clean them. The whole immigration system is flawed and it is irresponsible of any government to allow this to continue. It must stop and stop NOW.

    In other words, bollocks to political correctness - do what is right for the country and that is...stop this absurd immigration system.

  25. What a grubby little thing for McShane to say, and so true to form.

  26. I will be voting BNP because YOU LOT HAVE NO CLUE IN YOUR IVORY TOWERS

    What is happening in this country is down to the Labour and Conservatives, not the BNP.

    How many people commenting on here have read the BNPs manifesto?

    I have and I agree with 90% of the ideas for making Great Britain Great again.

    If the Conservatives really valued this country and not just a power trip they would debate with the BNP.

    But alas they are scared, why, because the BNP are not knuckle dragging idiots, they can speak and put across an argument, but the 3 main parties cant argue about what they HAVE NOT done to save this country over the last 20+ years.

    Time for a change, now its either BNP of a party with the balls to stand up and look after us.


  27. Well said Iain

    It is precisely because everyone is ignoring the BNP that they are making up so much ground.

    They are increasingly being seen as the 'none of the above' party, or the 'anti-politics' party by a growing number of disenfranchised working-class (or benefits-class) people who do not see issues that they seem relevent to them (immigration, societal integration, rising unemployment) debated at all in the mainstream of politics or media.

    You are right that the only way to tackle this is to debate with them, the fact that everyone ignores the BNP is a major reason for their populatity.

    There will absolutely be a number of BNP councillors and MEPs returned on June 4th, with the collapse of both the Labour and UKIP votes, what I don't know is what we can do about this in the next 30 days

  28. I am in total agreement with the sentiments, so eloquently expressed by 'Winston the Smithy'.

    I fall into the category of one of those he mentions in paragraph 5.

    I have voted Conservative, but will now vote for the British National Party.

    Sixty years of misgovernance by Labour and Conservative has made England the cesspit of Europe.

    I am totally ashamed of the legacy I leave my children, and grandchildren, maintaining the status quo as Mr Dale wishes is not an option.

  29. wonderfulforhisageMay 05, 2009 11:12 pm

    I like the idea of voting "A plague on all your houses" - hat tip Rebel Saint 9:56.

    I can't work out if voting UKIP or BNP would get the message across better and in particular whether it would be more effective to prod Dave & co. with a sharp BNP stick/vote or a sharp UKIP stick/vote.

    I think I'll probably go for UKIP.

    Anybody else any views?

  30. The BNP will cease to be a problem when the problems they address are addressed.

    The major parties have just ignored mass immigration, or encouraged it labelling any dissenting voice as 'racist'.

    No point confronting the BNP with clever debate. It won't work. The problem has to be solved and the longer it's ignored, the harder the solution.

    Sorry, but that's the way it is. Deal with painful, nasty problems now, or watch other people produce other far less acceptable solutions down the line.

    The last Tzar faced something similar and failed the test. Look what came next.

  31. I understand the strategic thinking going on in this not so subtle bigging up of the BNP.
    New Labour and the Conservatives along with their friends in the media are following this line as one, but I think this will backfire in ways you fail to imagine Iain....

  32. I am in agreement with Steve's comment.

    The BNP are a protest vote of sorts, but perhaps there is more to it.

    I know parents who are appalling with their children and really do not address their real needs. Accordingly the kids behave badly and do not do as they are told.

  33. This is not a 'party' thing, it's a 'political' thing.

    Many people no longer trust ANY politician of ANY particular persuasion. To many, they are all liars.

    Therefore, if politicians of any party denounces the BNP, those same people will take that as a further nudge to vote BNP.

    My enemy's enemy is my friend. Ever heard of the saying?

  34. The main political parties have not just got to take on the BNP, they must address, and address effectively, the concerns of those who are swayed toward the BNP, because many of their concerns are very real and not, as someone suggested, stoked up by the tabloid press. They look around them, see the reality of the situation, voice their concerns but are then patronised, vilified and not listened to by both local and Westminster politicians.

    Particularly, there must be a sensible debate on immigration because there is a problem here, a big problem and it’s my view that the indigenous population as a whole, and not just those who are being swayed toward the BNP, are rightly very concerned about it and their views are being stifled or misrepresented. But what’s of much concern is the regretable behaviour and arrogance of politicians of all political persuasions, and the gross incompetence of this Government that’s caused the majority of the electorate to foster a very low opinion of them. And yet politicians still don’t see it that way and convince themselves that the electorate are at fault. God help us if the BNP find a charismatic and erudite leader.

  35. Hector The DogMay 06, 2009 12:36 am

    wonderfulforhisage said...

    "I can't work out if voting UKIP or BNP would get the message across better and in particular whether it would be more effective to prod Dave & co. with a sharp BNP stick/vote or a sharp UKIP stick/vote."

    "I think I'll probably go for UKIP.
    Anybody else any views?"

    Voting UKIP is a total waste of time in 2004 they came 3rd, got 16.1% of the votes and 11 MEPs
    long term result? -nothing.

    You have to be brave and vote BNP this time - it is a kick up the arse of the political/media complex, NOTHING else will wake them.

    Stuff the Pound, we have 29 days to save us from the abyss.

  36. I certainly will never vote BNP, and I don't think they will win a seat at the European elections, it's just scaremongering by Labour to get their vote out. However I am disappointed that the Tories haven't addressed the immigration issue more clearly. I am in favour of limited and manageable immigration but it's a numbers game. The problem of mass immigration is real not imagined. In 1997 immigration was just not an issue at all ever, now it's consistently in the top three issues people want addressing. Personally I don't think it's a race issue for the majority of people like it is for the BNP. It's more that people want to let in immigrants that want the best for this country, respect this country and want to make a living for themselves and their families. Hence the reason people are up in arms about the Gurkhas. Recently I read that the unemployment rate amongst Somali immigrants is 81%. Other countries (Australia, New Zealand, America) only let in people who are a net benefit and we should do the same. There is another issue that goes hand in glove with this subject and it's the welfare system, in it's current form. I think it was Thomas Friedman that said 'A country will not be sustainable, in the long term, with both a welfare state and mass immigration'.

  37. A snippet from todays Max Hasting's column in Daily Mail. Tells you all you need to know.


  38. I write not really knowing where to start so please forgive me if I haven't managed to exactly articulate my feelings and opinions but I have done my best.

    My use of the English language is the best I can manage so don't be surprised if it isn't in keeping with your other posts.

    The mass, unfettered immigration situation concerns me deeply, that we are now in danger of losing our own unique Englishness, a sense of fairplay, democracy,openness,hard work,honesty and a willingness to help others less fortunate than ourselves. And don't forget a great meritocracy too! But working hard no longer counts if you want to get on in life. You can just get on now by being either a woman or a member of an ethnic group to help fill the socialists quotas, but I digress.

    So are we really allowed to discuss this here, rationally without fear of being labelled a racist? So can I let you know what I think?

    It seems to me a serious case of gerrymandering on a huge scale. What better way of getting rid of the "conservative" nature of this nation that the lefties detest so much? Mass, unfettered immigration. Immigrants who on balance are far more likely to vote Labour.

    Take this example. In the London Borough of Redbridge, Hainault Ward, the voters returned Labour councillors year after year, always! Any of you who know Redbridge will understand that there is a greater immigrant population in the south of the borough than the north of the borough. Hainault ward is in the north of the borough, getting close to Epping Forest. So what changed then that enabled 2conservatives and a BNP councillor to be elected in a very safe Labour ward?

    A muslim cemetary was allowed to be built on land in the Hainault ward that had previously been pasture land for generations. The majority of the people of Hainault were against this, it mainly benefitted the people in the south of the borough. None of the mainstream parties would defend the Hainault electorate's position not to have the cemetary built. The Tories wern't bothered because they had never represented Hainault anyway so they just kept quiet, even though they have benefitted. Labour were too busy defending their bigger interests in the south of the borough. So all those voters who had slavishly, year in, year out, supported Labour, were hung out to dry.

    You won't find it put in these words any where else locally, but this is what happened. Main stream politicians don't want it put in such a clear cut way as this do you? You are too busy coniving for your bigger picture than to worry about the voters in one ward. So my conclusion is that ALL the mainstream parties are responsible for the rise of the BNP. You just want them to go away, you're not interested in engaging with them. That's a big mistake because what you're saying is that the electorate are racists if they have concerns where ethnic interests clash with those of the indiginous people. It's too dangerous to debate for the sake of cultural harmony.

    But my main conclusion is that Labour can't wait for the older white middle/working class voter to die so they can then realise their dream of a socialist England. They don't even like the word England to be used! To them we're just an irritating inconvenience!

    Many millions of our country men and women died in two world wars to keep us free so I have to vote for their sakes.

    But I never ever thought I would see myself voting for the BNP. As a proud Englishman, I have no where else to go.

  39. Very public sociologist 7.45:


    I was the candidate for Labour in that ward on that day and the Labour vote went up.

    I missed out because YOU fielded a SACKED ex Labour Councillor under the socialist workers party ticket.

    You fell for it, I had the BNP on the run and YOU split the vote.

    Incidentally, the Tories also fielded an EX Labour member.
    Within two days of resigning the party she was announced as a Tory candidate.

    Welcome to Stoke.

  40. Within the BNP there are homosexual and lesbian members, some of whom are candidates in the coming elections !
    It may surprise some people that the BNP have members of polish,Italian, hungarian decent, gay, disabled, jewish, and many members have foreign wives/husbands etc.
    The BNP have Jewish councillors, a Jewish treasurer.
    BNP also have Members of the Armed forces, ex WW2 veterans, ex spitfire pilots, pensioners.
    Unemployed, Self employed and professional people !

    Adam Walker BNP teacher has a Japanese wife, Richard Barnbrook (BNP GLA member) his partner Simone Clarke (BNP member)are bringing up Simones mixed race young child.

    Regarding the usual ‘racist’ accusations – the most seriously injured BNP activist turns out to have a Chinese wife; one of the two BNP officers in Wigan turns out to have been married 24 years to an Asian woman, and has a mixed race child (well, she’s 20 now).

    Democracy=the will of the people, the opposite is dictatorship.

    Soon the Media will HAVE to report the BNP in a fair and honest manner, because the people are waking up!

    It was not the BNP that started the illegal wars that are getting our soldiers slaughtered. I WOULD CALL THAT EXTREME!

    It was not the BNP that stole the pension funds of millions of our elderly.

    It was not the BNP that sold of our Utility Companies to overseas buyers who now exploit us. I WOULD CALL THAT EXTREME

    It was not the BNP that betrayed the True British People by swamping Our Country with mass unfettered immigration. I WOULD CALL THAT EXTREME

    It was not the BNP that sold our gold for peanuts to Europe.
    It was not the BNP that gave away our fishing fleets, industry, farming.
    It was not the BNP that allowed the banker to rip us off for billions.

    It was not the BNP that destroyed our education, NHS, Law AND Order etc
    It was not the BNP that destroyed our manufacturing base.

    It is NOT the BNP handing our country over to gradual Islamification of Britain.

    It was not, not, not the BNP that created the mess we are now in !

  41. Anonymous(May 06, 2009 9:13 AM),

    I understand and agree with everything you're saying and it truly saddens me. You speak of the utter disrespect of older Englishmen and women by our political establishment. It is very true. I remember watching a programme on CH4 I believe, about illegal immigrants, who had been living in some area of England for a while. They of course were from the Asian Sub continent(as usual), couldn't speak a word of English, working illegally in the UK and voting for NuLabour. I asked myself, how could this be? Anyway, the ploy by Labour was simple - flood the UK with as many immigrants(unskilled) and when they come in, say to them - "Remember what government let you in and show your gratitude come Election Day."
    This is the sure win plan by NuLabour, that will be continued by the SDP(David Cameron's Conservatives)
    The politicians don't care about Islamisation, for many haven't a clue about Islam, as none of them have ever picked up the Qur'an. We have scenario's where the previous Prime Minister, who has done more than any to destroy the Christian roots of our society broadcasts on live TV - " I wish to say finally as I've said many times before that this is not a war with Islam. It angers me, as it angers the vast majority of Muslims, to hear Bin Laden and his associates, described as Islamic terrorists. They are terrorists pure and simple. Islam is a peaceful and a tolerant religion and the acts of these people are holy contrary to the teachings of the Qur'an."
    We also have the situation of Muslims in society, becoming involved in Politics, not to run the UK as Britain, but to turn it into a Pakistan or another Iran as according to Shahid Walik, the Labour Politician for Dewsbury, within 30 years Muslims will dominate Parliament and we will have our first Muslim Prime Minister. For anyone to believe that they will not push for an Islamic state does not know Islam.

    The social engineering project has been going on for 50 years and is only more noticeable now because we have a socialist government, but everything has been working and moving to this precise point we are in now. I am 38 and yet, I look around and see a society that I feel utterly alien too. I live in the Capital and loathe it, desperately trying to relocate to another city/town in the UK, where I can hear English being spoken, instead of walking down the street, feeling as though I were in Islamabad, or trying to decipher what council workers are saying in their thick, foreign accents. If I complain about not being able to understand them, out comes the word "Racist."

    The destruction of the UK is happening because the younger people in our society are gaining more positions of power, ignorant on history and totally bereft of history. Many believe that we can create a society where all cultures can live together. It means that the UK has become that experiment and instead of other cultures normally coming to the UK to integrate, this new experiment has meant that the Indigenous have to give up theirs in order to fit into an amalgamation of many others.
    It deeply disturbs me to think of the elderly, the last bastions, of honesty, integrity and kindness, with the British spirit, trapped here in the UK, because their savings have been squandered by rogue banks and fly by night financial cowboys. Whenever they speak up they are of course shouted down as racists.

    This is why people are turning to the BNP and not UKIP. UKIP have good ideas on Europe - to pull out of it, but that's where the buck stops. Their home policies are no different really to the Main 3. They may stop immigration slightly but they too see the benefits, believing that as long as Brussels isn't controlling their borders, then it's ok. They are just utterly oblivious to the threat of Islamisation within the UK, growing and very, very real.

    I hop that things do change, as really, if I don't see a drastic change within the next couple of years then I really cannot stay in this country any longer. I'm younger than many and won't stay here and be subject to this experiment any longer.

  42. Sir Oswald Moseley (ex potential leader of Labour/Conservate parties)was also very inclusive of a mixed bag of Nationalities in his BUF party.

    When victory was within reach and his truer inner Nazi feelings came to the fore, he run the lot out, including his personal bodyguards.

    Nothing new in the BNP looking tolerant for the media.

    It's a trick on a page in the new handbook Griffin is handing out for the elections.

    PS, how dare you attempt to hide behind respectability when your kind saw 30 Million dead in the world (1945).
    British traitors who would have landed Hitler and installed a pupprt Government under Moseley.

  43. Ian,

    Take them on in local communities?The problem with that is that the BNP is truthful in its claims about no-go areas for whites, Muslim grooming of young white girls, jobs going to cheap immigrant labour, councils spending huge sums on accomodating "asylum seekers", etc.

    You cannot defend what is happening to the English people. You will only appear as a slavish supporter of "diversity".

    Take them on in the media?The problem with that is that the "dangerous and divisive" policy of returning England to the English is unimpeachable moral and wholy necessary.

    The alternative, which you politic for, is the race-replacement of the English in our own ancestral land. There is, Ian, absolutely no morality in race-replacing any people, including us.

    You don't understand the nationalist case. But more and more ordinary people do, because it is their case, too.

  44. JohnnyPlumsteadMay 06, 2009 3:24 pm

    Fair play sir: I am a proud member of the BNP and would relish the day when the likes of Griffin and Darby get a fair platform!
    Labour Tory and Liberal politics are pushing people to the BNP why? Because they are not interested in the white working class: they make the indigenous people feel like second class citizens in their own Country!
    Roll on June the 4th 2009.
    We blame the Political elite for all is wrong in our society: not the white working class.

  45. Gary,

    Your post of 6 May at 11:12 is precisely the sort of tosh that increases support for the BNP simply as an up-yours response to your rant's bizarre hyperbolic irrelevance.

    All these tired references to the Nazis, Hitler and in this case Mosley: the uncommitted punters will just write you off as a nutter.

    At least you didn't go as far as your colleague Donald Worsley, PPC for Folkestone Hythe, who, reacting to the election of a BNP councillor in Swanley, offered us this gem:

    “The past 100 years has shown us [too] often what will be the consequences if we ignore such an evil philosophy as propounded by the BNP...”

    “Genocide in Ruanda... and the holocaust of the Jews across Europe. Never forgetting the tens of millions killed or raped in two World Wars.”


    If you're going for the deep historical attack, what about that Tory chappie, Neville Chamberlain, eh? He seemed to get on quite well with that nice Mr Hitler, didn't he?

    Incidentally, where does the figure of 30million come from?

  46. Can you imagine how awful it would be if Britain was run by these Fascists?

    They'd make sure everyone carried identity papers and you'd be arrested if you failed to show your papers to a policeman, a policeman who would be armed with stun guns and two handled billy clubs and who'd beat unarmed demonstrators to the ground if they protested government policy. The police would be granted the right to intern suspects without charge for months and if anyone spoke out against the government they'd be arrested as "terrorists".

    There would be constant monitoring of every citizen by CCTV on every street corner, the government would have access to your emails and phone messages, crikey, they might even do crazy stuff like implanting computer chips in your bins to monitor your rubbish!

    The state run media would be intimidated into parroting government spin and lies and everyone from doctors and nurses to teachers and neighbours would be expected to report to the government any behaviour which was deemed to be outside government decreed standards.

    Who knows they might even go crazy and start invading other countries.

  47. The problem with the rise of the BNP support does not lie at any one persons or party's feet.The media has generated a public perception that quite simply doesn't reflect the reality. To generalise and label a whole movement of people is to be quite honest a stupid stunt to try to pull off. You couldn't label one Muslim the same as a terrorist because they share a common belief the same as you cant state that The BNP are all racist thugs with a hidden agenda. The Muslim extremists are quite openly decried by the vast majority of the followers of Islam and so is any extremist views within the BNP. The common misconception is that the BNP is a replacement and a renamed National Front but there is Extremist National Front parties still running so why would you tie the two together? To say that the thugs have educated themselves is a condescending statement from a narrow minded outlook .could it be possible that intelligent people can have nationalist views? The ability to always see the the other perspective is to me what I would call open minded so why is it that the supposedly open minded people are guilty of the narrow minded views they accuse their opposition of? If National politics Is on the increase then you will encourage it by not bringing these people to the table because every supporter will feel outcast and so their passion will grow.Every democracy (if we still have one) should be capable of extending itself to all opinions you cant tell intelligent people how to think!

  48. Hmmmm ! Lot of truth been spoken in these comments. It is the fault of the big 3 parties for allowing the rise of the BNP by ignoring the issues and creating the void for the BNP to fill!
    Thats the problem with living in ivory towers (that are no doubt claimable as second homes under the rules)

  49. The term fascist is wrong for the BNP.The Nazi party were fascists the British fought them and won.We stopped the control of Europe by one party and reinstated the freedom of the individual European country's and gave back the freedom of choice to many. The BNP are primarily standing for the liberation /referendum from a central European government that has been enforced on the British people (sound familiar) Most Brits have not researched and are not aware of the full intent and implications of the EU membership and at the point of realisation turn to a party that stands for that. There is unrest at the potential Islamification of Britain that has been voiced many times over and over again (watch youtube) We may laugh and think that will never be the case but then most of us thought that way at the start of the EU bureaucracy! Any which way forward that this country has must include the opinions of all the elected parties or we will never move forward as a united nation. Together we stand, Divided we fall. This is 2009 not the 1970s

  50. Stairlift broke Iain?
    Give Thora Hird a ring!

  51. In your usual tolerent way, you are completely missing the point Iain. To see why, try to answer two simple questions:
    1. After the Kosovo war in 1999, and the expulsion of Serb forces, why were the so-called refugees not sent back to rebuild their homeland? Was it because Labour's points-based immigration system demanded that Britain needed more drug dealers, pimps and night-club bouncers?
    2. Why have certain areas of the UK (eg Bristol) been flooded with tens of thousands Somalis, most of whom remain unemployed (if not unemployable)? Was it because Labour's points based system required rival gangs to take on the Kosovans?
