Monday, May 18, 2009

Brown to Rally the Troops

Gordon Brown is making an unscheduled address to the Parliamentary Labour Party at 6pm. It's a bit like the Fuehrer making an impromptu trip to the Oder to address the Hitler Jugend. "Ze War is proceeding as planned, chaps. Keep buggering on!"

I wonder what he will really say. Go back to your constituencies and prepare for an election?


  1. Brown will say something along the lines of, this is a problem that started elsewhere, many miles away. Its not our/my fault. We must all therefore pull together..dont let the Tories win and above all else cling to the wreckage..another year to go..get the expenses forms in and ..DONT get caught this time..

  2. Yet again always remember, who kept the whole thing going.

    Labour are in control of all the committee's that governs Parliament.

    Labour are in control of Parliaments timetable. They denied the MPs a debate on the Speaker.

  3. Rally the troops? The speed in which he left after The Speaker had made his speech tells me that he is again reacting instead of being acting. Leadership is all about acting before an issue occurs and provding a focal point upon which others can follow. Has he, or is, showing that? Or getting swamped in the situation he and others have placed him in. Who is running the country at the moment by the way?

  4. Did anybody spot Brown leaving when things got hot fot Martin.

    I may be old but i am still very observant.P.M just couldn,t stand it any longer !

  5. "I am the first Labour leader in generations who can say-Go back to your constituencies and prepare for opposition. Thank the Gord for that"

  6. Lee has a great point - they are in headless chicken mode.

  7. Then there's a power vacuum, isn't there?

    Who's going to step in to fill it?

  8. It's the fault of the Americans?

  9. "Everything is all right

    The economy will start to grow soon. The budget deficit will dissapear. All the banks will be fine. I am saving the world.

    Martin is an excellent speaker and we must not let the nasty tories get rid of him. He will continue to deal with this minor expenses issue in his excellent way.

    We will win the Euro and local elections, and the next general election."

    Hurah! Hurah!

  10. Not gonna hold my breath when it comes to the great ditherer and general elections.

    But hope springs eternal.

  11. Broon will have slunked out of the chamber because he couldn't bear to see their Labour stooge, aka the McSpeaker, coming under so much pressure.

  12. Its more a case of what they should say to him.

    Likely election outcome worst since 1931.

    From the current 350 seats down to 150 ish and support haemorrhaging.

    Anyone got a magic Scottish bullet that will do away with the brace of complete duffers.

    Surely eventually they must "get it".

  13. Simon The BluesmanMay 18, 2009 5:37 pm

    Brown may say something along the lines of:

    “. . . Is it worth it chaps? I'm so tired I can't be ar**d any more. I have had enough. Over the past 11 years I have worked by fingers and bitten my nails down to the bone in order to ruin this country and now that I have succeeded I am handing the rains over to my trusty Lieutenant. Ed it's over to you . . .”
    trusty Leutentant. Ed it's over to you . . .

  14. Perhaps he is planning to reveal that he is a Tory agent sent to destroy the Labour party.

    It would make him look competant

  15. Brown will walk down the line tugging his MPs' ears affectionately, patting them on the shoulders and saying "I wish my cabinet members had your courage"

  16. "Surely eventually they must "get it"."

    Oh, I think it's beginning to dawn on them...


  17. Can GB actually deliver a rousing speech? Didn't he know what the speaker was going to say? He spoke to him at the weekend after all. Or did they agree on what he was going to say, GB then noticing it wasn't going down as planned and made a quick stage left to begin distancing himself from the action and in the process show once again that he is just a politician at heart and not a leader? I would say to govern, to be Prime Minister you need both. I am no fan of Tony Blair but at least he could do both. In industry they say that the Chief Financial Officer of a company rarly makes a good MD. Proof I think is definately in this pudding!!

  18. Brown will say Dave Cameron and I have come to a consensus, we will keep our heads down fend off questions and no one will be sacked. We will then tell the public we are doing what they want and keep on going as if nothing has happened.

    And Dave will say the same to his mob.

    I can’t (well I really can) believe that with all the exposés the grovelling and the admissions of guilt by paying back of some of the expenses that non of the parties have sacked an MP.

    They are therefore not interested in cleaning up their act. Also with the antics of Gorbils Mick they are showing us that they are not interested in changing the way they work. They constantly tell us we must modernize and change to keep pace with the rest of the world, yet these frauds have everyone telling them they must change and what do they do Fuck all as usual.

  19. Daily Mash's take on the Martin issue.

  20. He will come out with a load of crap as usual. It will mean nothing and it will achieve nothing.

    He is actually wasting space and I'm sick and tired of wasting the molecules in my brain processing his useless information!

  21. Whatever he says you just KNOW he will make it worse ( unless he resigns of course ). After a day dooming our world cup bid with Becks expect plenty of team talk.

    In a crisis you can bet your mortgage he will deliver a trademark poo-plated speech.

  22. I'm sure the word "global" will appear somewhere in his speech.

  23. JuliaM,

    I have just read your link, truly terrifying for Labour !!

    It couldn,t happen to a nicer bunch of people.

  24. Brown could not rally a Bicycle.

    He may get people into action. But it will only be against him.

    getting rid of the speaker should only be the start. Blears and Smith should be long gone. Mc Nulty should be long gone. He has no moral compass because he surrounds himself with bullet proof vests.Or at least that's what he thought.

    They have no talent but they take the heat off him. Maybe they did, but not any longer.
    He picked them, he should own up to them.

    I want the lot of them out.They have damaged so much of this countries beliefs and standing.

    Look at the speaker today. Clinging on to what he has.A lot of em have been found out and they want a scapegoat but hey!! it wont be me caus were all as bad.

    Probably the only thing he has got right.... ORDER ORDER.

  25. Can we push for a league table of unreciepted claims by MP's per annum, that should provide yet more interesting reading.

  26. "JuliaM,

    I have just read your link, truly terrifying for Labour !!"

    Mmmm, I love the smell of panic in the morning. Smells like...victory!


  27. Iain

    don't be daft.

    Hitler was a decorated soldier and not afraid of being seen by his troops - even up to the end.

    Stand by for Brown ( Gordon not Eva ) announcing he's off to South America where there are a few less bullets flying around and independent bodies can consider the answer to pressing problems until it's safe to come out.

  28. The image of Gordon Brown trying to rally the troups reminded me of scene from the documentary of the making of Apocalypse Now, Hearts of Darkeness.

    YouTube ClipJohn Milius talking about trying to talk reason to Francis Ford Coppola after the script had gone haywire.

  29. 'Ze War is proceeding as planned, chaps'

    Remind us please. Where did you study German?

  30. Iain, what will it take.... ?

  31. "Unlike the Tories we will be addressing all these issues not only in regard to any irregularities which may come to light but also with a view to introducing measures which will enable us to improve existing safeguards and where necessary built on the proposals we have already put forward, recognising as we do the concerns of ordinary hard-working families but I have to say that the proposals now under consideration were proposals which we put forward some time ago ... z z z z z z z"

  32. Go back to your constituencies and prepare for the jobseekers' allowance.

  33. I have just seen Lord Foulkes on the BBC accusing them of bias!! The BBC, bias, never!? Bias not against the Conservative Party (a first) but bias against the Speaker, his mate!! He said he thought the statement this afternoon was spot on!! I dont think the leader of his political party (GB) agrees, he left in a hurry and is now chatting to what is left of his PLP. To be in Westminster now... I am sure we have a recession going on at the moment dont we?

  34. The BBC's man on the inside, Nick Robinson has come out and said that GB is going to take it to the country...steady people not that. Some how he is going to gauge public opinion? and find a way forward. Now that is leadership for you. I cannot answer the question so go back to your CLP's and get me the answer so I can take it as my own!! Well not quite. The NEC will discuss it tomorrow, committees will meet, processes gone through etc etc etc. Maybe a deal has been done? The Speaker makes the ultimate sacrifice and takes all the heat for as long as possible (Thursday would be good) then goes (after taking advice of course) giving GB time to get others to do his thinking for him before he comes to save the day!? Alister Campbell once said "If you can ride the storm in the press for 11 days" then news moves on!

  35. OT - just wathcing Sion Simon on parliament channel.. oh my .. what have we come to.

  36. Never in the history of the Labour Party,has such a nonentity taken them to the edge of such a deep crevasse and then, when looking over the edge,promptly stepped into the abyss.

    He will resign by the end of this week.

  37. Brown will tell Labour MP's that they are screwed come the next election, as a result they should go balls out on their expenses and get what they can now.

  38. If he makes his address whilst on a rocking horse, I might pay attention to it - even if he is saying the usual crap about everything being the fault of the Americans.

  39. >>David Davis asked how the motion could be made into a substantive motion... only with the government’s blessing said the Speaker<<

    How is the Speaker not now in office at the pleasure of the Government ?

  40. He just want to share the latest "Downfall" video with his cronies.

  41. Godwin much?

  42. "You're f*****, i'm f*****, we are all f*****"

  43. " I have decided to establish a committee of all the talents to consider a strategy to plan for a contingency in the event that, and it may or may not happen, that we have to have an election, if, and only if, that course is unavoidable and at present I cannot say if that is or is not the case or is even a likely outcome of this scenario which is unprecedented and caused by events in a country so far away that I have forgotten its name. So in the meantime, keep your heads down, ignore the abuse when you walk down the street and claim everything you can before they vote us out"

  44. Lord Foulkes on the BBC

    That would be Lord Foukes of Arrogance

  45. Brown left the chamber so he couldn't be filmed, so "the public" couldn't be told of his reaction.

    He's no doubt hoping he can set up yet another committee, which will take months to discuss the problems, and will decide what he's told them to decide.

    I think his time is running out.

  46. On a similar theme to Iain's post, people might like this posting on BoxPolitical; General Brown

  47. Comrades, return to your constituencies and prepare for de-selection.

  48. Comrades, return to your constituencies and prepare for your lynching?

    No, that would require Gordon to have his finger on the pulse, and we all know that you can't find a pulse where Gordon keeps his finger.
