Watching Gordon Brown on
Sky News. The man looks done in. Haggard. Down. Compare and contrast his words and performance with that of David Cameron earlier. That's what the public will do. He's getting very tetchy with Jon Craig who is pressing him on paying money back and asking why he's not being as tough on his MPs as David Cameron is. he keeps saying "I was the first to..." and grinning like a hyena at totally inappropriate moments. No change there then.
If I was Brown (thank God I'm not), I'd hold out until PMQ's, and if Cam asks him whether he will too force his ministers to pay any expenses back, say yes then. Hopefully he won't though
ReplyDeleteI have just had a very impressive reply from Dave complete with video clip now also on YouTube, coming on top of a reply from my MP as well. Seems like Dave has a very slick operation in place to deal with this. Maybe there is still hope...
ReplyDeleteTotal weathercock. Best place for him is at the top of some spire or other with its point inserted firmly up his fundament, buffeted by the winds of fortune and public opinion.
ReplyDeleteThis man is busted. Full of verbosity - and totally empty of commonsense.
It's just a matter of time, now.
It was a poor interview for the Brown one. I wonder about his mental health, I really do.
ReplyDeleteSaw a bit of this, where he was saying that there was no impropriety in what was occurring.
ReplyDeleteNow correct me if I'm wrong. If I try and claim a house cleaner on my expenses, HMRC would reject it, and I would be taxed as a benefit in kind.
Why should we pay for his property to be cleaned? Why can't he pay for it out of his own money if he wants someone to clean it for him like the rest of have to.
They (none of them) simply Do Not Understand. DC is the closest to a reasonable and workable solution to this mess.
Do you think they'll be taking swabs of the Chipmunk's DNA for the National ID Cards Database that she had a hand in creating so she can be then screened for other crimes just like a common criminal?
ReplyDeleteBrown has the appearance of a man that knows his games up.
ReplyDeleteOn borrowed time until the pounding he will get at the Euro Elections & County Council.
The pressure will see Labour MP's realise they need a fresh leader, untainted by the past....the recession....MP's expenses......these same MP's will panic that they will lose their seats at the next election and have nothing to lose by a leadership challenge and a dash for the polls in October.
David Miliband is super invisible. Never on the tv. never defending his boss. He wants to remain teflon. Untainted. He is waiting like a crouching tiger, ready to pounce.
First he waits for a stalking horse to wound Brown, (as Heseltine knows he who yields the dagger does not get the prize)...and David waits.
Brown knoes his worse times are yet to come.
Cameron has shown today why he is ready to lead. And the fact that he has been one of the cleanest MPs not troughing at the taxpayers expense, he is ready.
ReplyDeleteOne point, Ive always said that it is the people around you when you are leader that bring you down not you yourself. My advice to Cameron is to when he becomes PM, is be careful who he appoints in cabinet....
Brown is a sitting duck...
Simple. McSnot is not up to the job. Even on his soft interview on News 24 with Toenails he looked out of his depth.
ReplyDeleteOn the 6PM News Toenails was claiming that McSnot would look good in all this. What planet does Toenails live on?
"Brown Fails to Rise to the Challenge"Are you quoting from Mrs Brown?
ReplyDeleteHang on. McSnot has just said that it's no good one or two MPs (Cameron and Clegg) taking action and that it needs to be reviewed. So what was all that Youtube crap the other week then when he was grininng like dome demented idiot?
ReplyDeleteIs Snot capable of actually making a decision without having to give it to a Committee?
I feel that Brown's mental health is going to cause a major problem in the very near future. He's teetering on the brink.
ReplyDeleteSky News 10.13pm
ReplyDeleteThe presenter said 'This is what the Prime Minister had to say on the issue a few moments ago'
and then they played a long clip of David Cameron's press conference!
Brown has done too little to late!
ReplyDeleteAs aleays he responds to events rather than making the weather.
Labour are the rot at the heart of the political process with their Liberal Democrat allies who have still not paid back a donation that was derived from crime.
I don't know who was worse Brown or Martin.
ReplyDeleteTo be stuck with these two for another 12 months is a national trgaedy
Clegg has also failed as well - The Liberal Democrats whilst saying Sorry, should write out a cheque for over £2 Million for the poor souls who were swindled out of their money before the 2005 General Election.
ReplyDeleteIf Clegg fails to do something about this donation he will have failed to lift the taint of Liberal Democrat sleaze that his apology on expenses revealed today.
If Clegg is Sorry about the MP's expenses, then he should also be Sorry about the donation that Michael Brown made and the Liberal Democrats Spent.
How can the Liberal Democrats ever be trusted on crime if they have used the proceeds of crime to fund their 2005 campaign. Clegg likes to use smears by talking about European inspired anti-kiddie fiddler strategies that would not take place under a different party.
Yet Clegg fails to explain his stupid and evasive position on the Michael Brown donation!
LD = Two faced Sleazy smearers.
Just saw Brown on the re-run. Truly woeful. And as for the Chipmunks near-tearful 'Waving of the Cheque' - cringeworthy. Sorry Iain, I don't think much of ABBA either.
ReplyDeleteNo-one comes out of this looking very good, but Cameron perhaps is looking less bad.
I don't expect Clegg to maintain his recent sure-footedness, but you never know - he'll have Dave's template to work to, come the morning. Although he is eminently capable of getting it wrong... £30 pension anybody?
Brown's suggestion is typical nonesense... another review of every claim in great detail by a new government office of highly paid
ReplyDeletesnouts.. probably won't report for 3 years.
He's irrelavent.
Only a few days ago Brown was assuring us that all expense claims made by his Ministers were within the Rules.'
ReplyDeleteNow - after Cameron has acted - Brown is following suit. He is supposed to be Prime Minister.... why can't he ever do the right thing and show the country some Leadership.
He is the most appalling Prime Minister we have ever had. He should be removed from Office immediately ....along with the cretin masquarading as Speaker of the House of Commons
Last week it was Joanna Lumley making Nulab policy. This week Cameron...........
ReplyDeleteWell it's better than Brown doing it and screwing up. Remember the 10p tax fiasco?
About seven years ago. I was on the verge of a breakdown behaving in ways unusual to my persona and making some very serious errors of judgement. I came through it though even now there are still consequences.
ReplyDeleteWatching GB tonight, I was reminded of myself in those days. If I remember mobile phones were a lot bigger and certainly heavier. Just as well that wasn't one of my symptons
Brown was dreadful in his interview with Nick Robinson.
ReplyDeleteGive him his due, ole toenails pressed the ashen-faced, exhausted PM to admit he was trying to catch up with that irritating bugger Cameron.
In answer to every question we got:
"Er, No Nick, you've got it wrong...."
Wot larks, eh, Pip?
Brown looks ever more exhausted - do you imagine he ever gets to spend time with his children, given his manic dashing around the world?
ReplyDeleteHe is quite obviously a workaholic, and is reportedly unable to adequately deputise. Add these factors to the dire national conditions he has created, and the dire worldwide economic conditions that mean he cannot turn elsewhere for help, and it is obvious that he is on the fast track to utter burn-out.
Just watched this; Brown was awful. He even retreated to "I'm getting on with the job" (10:43).
ReplyDeleteCameron's performance today was excellent (though he may still need to do more). But just how good it was can be seen by Labour's complete disarray on how to respond. Hazel's followed suit and offered to pay the CGT, and noone can answer "what about Hoon, Darling, etc"?
I feel so angry watching him squirming away, just assuming that we are all fools who will be done over with soft words and a cheeky smile...!! This is surely now just a government of ego!!!
ReplyDeleteWithout a shadow of doubt we now know the full truth as to why the Country is in this financial mess,it is because there is no difference between BANKERS and POLITICIANS.
ReplyDeleteThey have proved themselves to be equally hopeless at; SELF REGULATION.
New Labour has cost the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of £pounds and the Tories have cost the taxpayer tens of thousands of £pounds. As they are by far the largest political parties with the largest amount gained they may be permanently damaged by this expenses scandal whereas little or no notice will be taken of the smaller parties. However New Labour will be damaged the most because they have been the party in power who presided over this greed fest for 12 years and did nothing about it.The Tories may howeverl bounce back because of Cameron's quick and decisive response yesterday as opposed to Brown's usual dithering and grudgingly late responses. All in all its yet another nail in Brown's and New Labour's political coffin.
ReplyDeleteSome liken Cameron to a 'buttered new potato'.
ReplyDeleteMake of that what you will.
Gutless Gordon's interview looked like a tipping point to me - he's clearly floundering and not up to the job. No-one comes out of this covered in glory but Cameron appears to have taken real action - he looks like a fresh boxer dancing round his battered opponant.
ReplyDeletemy opinion of GB as PM is as low as the next man's and he and his party should be out of office asap. However if this is seriously affecting his (mental) health, which I think it is, he should also call it quits for the sake of his sanity and his wife/family, cos God knows what thay are having to put up with at the moment