Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When You Know the Notes to Sing...


  1. Thanks Iain. [joke]Nadine has just texted me to say that the woman at the back 2:27 minutes in, and still at it at 3:17, snogging some other woman's husband is NOT her. She has never been to Antwerp. She says.[/joke]

  2. Hang on! Wasn't that Derek Draper just before 30 seconds?

  3. I was praying the Germans would burst in at the end and mow them all down.

  4. It's New Labour, isn't it?

    "Quick! The trains aren't running! Let's dance around and distract them from this fact!"

  5. How totally uplifting. A small pool of happiness in the usual ocean of despond.

  6. Definitely wasn't UK ... The anti-terrorism police would've been stopping and searching everyone and then demanding names and addresses. ;-)

  7. I think this also happened in the UK at a mainline station. It's an advertising gimmick. (Else why would there be multiple angle high quality images? :) )

  8. Was one of those criminals smoking?

  9. OT but that station building, seen from the outside, is one of the glorys of Flemish architecture.

    And the work done on the railway there over the last three years or so is just amazing. They built a entire new station underneath the existing one to carry the fast trains from Paris/Brussels straight to Rotterdam etc. Previously the trains had to approach and then back out round a tight loop.

    I can't imagine that the time saving on the journey is actually worth the millions spent but it's an impressive piece of engineering nonetheless.

  10. Just brilliant - amid all the gloom about the world economy, despair about sleeze and frustration about about murky emails - a small puddle of joy to splash about in! Thanks Iain - good post.

  11. How 'heart warming'. I must buy T-Mobile products.

  12. This is Fabian pr0n - all those people dancing to the same tune.
