Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The McBride Downfall: The Sequel

Yes, I know, they're coming along two a penny, but this one does indeed contain some good lines. Love the one about Ed Balls. Damian McBride plays The Fuehrer.


  1. It subverts the meme enough to be funny - just about.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. All this is great fun, for those who can afford it, but out there it is not so funny for many of the most vulnerable in our society, and who are having to pay the price, just take a look.

  4. "Labour is a loving family" of morons and halfwits. Great vid again.

  5. McBride has been playing the part of Borman...

  6. Well worth a watch - some great lines but I liked the 'miss you the most Watson' best.

  7. I thought it was just me, but Guido looks dead as a dodo.

  8. Guido still down .... I wouldn't be suprised if Draper has gone round his house and burnt it down .

    He is nutty enough and the discovery his degree was got froma small shed in a desert for a fiver has already turned him violent. Has Kate left him yet ?

  9. For those who do not have the RSS version of Guido's last post:

    "The Lobby’s Shameful Complicity in McPoison’s Reign of Terror
    Guido Fawkes
    Today, 11:11 AM
    Guido’s eyes welled up when he read Alice Miles piece in The Times this morning. For five years this blog has squarely blamed Lobby journalists for failing the people. The Fourth Estate may not have a formal constitutional role, but the role is real.

    Journalists are to there to “speak truth unto power”. Not trade favours for tittle tattle, not report spin as truth. From the start of this era of spin the Lobby pack have been willing accomplices. It is actually hard to name journalists who can hold their heads high. Peter Oborne - seen as an eccentric maverick, Martin Bright - hounded out of a job by Brown’s henchmen, Fraser Nelson - frozen out by Downing Street despite being Britain’s most widely read politcal columnist. Who else stood up to McPoison and revealed his text message terrorism?

    Cowardice and cronyism runs right through the Lobby. Fear of being taken off the teat of pre-packaged stories served to them. That is not journalism, that is copy-taking. The many stories filed this week which reveal just how horrible Brown’s cabal have been are of mere historical interest. They would have been brave if they had been written before McPoison was toppled. You all knew and said nothing. You knew and went along with it. Your revelatory articles are merely confessions of previous personal cowardice.

    It is not as if it was a secret, as an outsider Guido went on Newsnight and laid out his manifesto, telling the Lobby to get some backbone and stand up to the spin machine. That j’accuse was met with a ferocious counter-attack from the doyen of the Lobby system, Sir Michael White, Nick Robinson cried foul, Paxman sneered. The issue was glossed over. The Lobby felt relief. The little boy who had pointed at the naked Lobby was rebuffed. Who has ended up looking the biggest fools? As you write your reviews of the years of terror and spin, do you not feel just the slightest tinge of guilt at your complicity? Guido, too far below the salt to even be nominated for the Orwell Prize for Bloggers, remembered that speaking truth in a time of deceit was a revolutionary act, and the Lobby journalists now sleep safe in their beds tonight, because a rough blogger was prepared to do violence on Damian McBride.

    You knew and did nothing, you failed your readers, you failed the truth. Hang your heads in shame."


    p.s. I am biased, natch, but IMHO this downfall is only ok-ish. Lacks strong binding to the cadence, emotion of the scene. Even the opening does not gel. Some good lines, tho'.

  10. ...and Guido is still down as at 1.50pm - Have they done for the poor chap?...

  11. Looks like he's got a web server gremlin - error 500.

    Feel free to twiddle your thumbs over at my place.

    Sir Humphrey on opinion polls and rather interesting bit from the Grauniad about postal votes and Labour nepotism.

  12. Perhaps Ed Balls' rant on this morning's 'Today' programme was the signal to take Guido down...

  13. Iain "I'll never turn down the chance to review newspapers for Sky, me" Dale said: "Damian McBride plays The Fuhrer."Surely you meant to say "Adolf Hitler plays the role of Damian McBride"?


  15. The Sun have an article on this vid, nice to see its spreading.

  16. After having a look at the labourlist im coming round to the notion that it is looking a lot like the last days in the fuhrer bunker everybody clamouring to escape denying any involvement in its actions and the usual but more vitriolic conservative bashing. Although I do foresee the end out the thousand lies reich I worry that derek draper will become more famous than he is now the last thing we need is a tell all book or dreadful late night chat show.

  17. That was, in its own way, one of the funnier uses of that clip.

    It's the gift that keeps on giving, isn't it?
