Saturday, April 11, 2009

BREAKING NEWS: McBride Resigns

More in a moment...


  1. *BreaKing

    McDirt you are OWNED!

  2. Trying to kill the story, to save Brown!

    Tomorrow's papers will be a joy to read!

  3. Good stuff. Draper may find himself outside the tent also in the very near future.

    Picture of Draper's strategy:


    Of course McBride may now have time to start a little blog of his own ...

  4. He'll still be there raking in some obscure income and continuing The Brown smear tactics. Still more mileage in this, yet!

  5. One down, many, many more to go....

  6. Dolly is defending him on Sky.

    He's arguing for Email privacy. How ironic, this is Labour.

  7. Dolly is attacking Brown on Sky.

  8. Why hasn't he been sacked? How about charging him with misconduct in a public office as well.

  9. *snigger* now let's release the smear e-mails so the shit really hits the fan in the Sunday's.

  10. I've got some Japanese Knotweed in my garden. Every Summer I wage a merciless war on it. Every Autumn I think it's finally gone. And every Spring it comes back. McBride and Draper, like Lord Mandel of Bum and Alistair the black, will be back.

  11. McBride and Draper will carry on working for Labour.
    I'm glad they will, their tactics are rubbish. :D

  12. Draper was very very bad on Sky News. Iain you were only a *touch* too offended.

    But the question of how these emails were hacked is real.

    I still don't see that this works out well for the Tories. Are the smears "true" for instance? If they are, are the ST and NOTW going to publish the contents?

    Without the contents this is a minor story. With the contents, it bad for the subjects of the smears.

  13. Just heard you on Sky. Nice one Iain!

  14. I agree with Iain. I doubt any hacking went on.

  15. Dorries on PM refused to get drawn on the "this is a blog thing" line. Good on her, she stuck to the message that McBride was a Civil Servant doing this on taxpeyer's payroll!


  16. Dolly is next; Guido and Iain should go for him now. I wonder when Mandy will weigh in...!

  17. The diference between you and Derek Draper was really marked.

    ID - calm & reasonable
    DD - panic and constantly repeating homself

  18. Iain, I have been following this on Guido's site as well -

    Can you honestly deny that his commentators are homophobic to an nth degree. AFAIK Draper is actually a heterosexual, but the worst thing Guido's posters can say again and again is that he is camp or bent and on and on.

    Nasty people mit sehr kleiner putzen.

  19. If Brown actually had a moral compass he would have said to Damian McBride:

    "I'm afraid I won't be able to accept your resignation Damian as I'm sacking you with cause."

  20. @Paul Halsall @5:20

    It is rather tedious isn't it? They attack the gay folk in my nice Blue Party too.

  21. As far as most of guido's regular posters are concerned everybody is some sort of deviant. To get the gold out of Guido, you have to wade through the sewer. did you read Johann Hari today? nice article on BUT What About........? being a standard deflection in reply to an overwhelming argument. Suggest you ignore the confetti and concentrate on the nub of the story, or people will suspect you are trying to shift focus from the real story.

  22. @Conand

    OK, but in whose world would "gayers" get a better life? One run by Labour or Guido-type Tories? I reckon there is no contest.

    Meanwhile the NOTW has announced it's going to publish the contents of the emails. How is that good for anybody? Did Guido sell them to the NOTW? How much did he get?

  23. One battle won, the war goes on

  24. Guido did not sell them. No money has changed hands.

    This is for pleasure, not payment.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I am afraid Guthrum is right.

    This is only the start. If you think they are all going to roll over and have their tummies tickled you are wrong.

    Brown is evil. He has resurrected the evil dead and uses them to do his dirty work. There are plenty more where McBride came from; New Labour is built on the foetid atmosphere of lies.

    This mess will carry on because they have nothing to lose.Unless one of them gets a sudden attack of conscience and blows the whistle on Brown, there is going to be another 12 months of the same.

    Now is the Summer of our discontent made inglorious winter by this son of the manse.

  27. Iain,

    Still how can you stand being around "Guido's People". It's making my nose bleed.

    Meanwhile, the BBC News Channel seems to have just shut off Paul Staines for fear of libel (who? Tom Watson?).

    I take it you are saying that Guido *for pleasure* (i.e. to take down the admittedly disreputable McBride and Draper) has given libellous emails to be published in the NOTW and ST? And somehow Paul Staines has more moral standing?

    I don't suppose for one moment that Nadine Dorries has had an abortion (this is just an example from thin air), and I support her pro-life activity. How would it help her to have to face such accusations tomorrow. T

    That is just an example. Some nasty story is right now being printed that will destroy someone's life - for Paul Staine's Pleasure?

    Please tell me how this has anything to do with a conservative philosophy of restraint, human compassion, and human respect.

    It does not matter if Staines sold the emails. Perhaps it's even worse if he did it "for pleasure."

    You strike me as decent human being. So do many other Tories. Draper does not so strike me: neither does Paul Staines.

  28. If any Conservative Party official or politician was found to have supplied information to Paul Delaire Staines, ought they to resign any official position?

  29. David, a nice try at a deflecting tactic, but it won't wash.

    If any Tory was caught doing what McBride did I'd expect them to be sacked. His offence was worse because he is a civil servant and did it in government time using government computers.

    I have yet to hear you condemn what he did. Feel free to.

  30. @ Paul

    I don't want to comment about Nadine.
    I think Guido's pleasure derives mainly from damaging Draper and McBride.
    No, I don't think Guido is a saint. His campaign against MPs expenses is absolutely right, so at least he has respect for taxpayers/voters.

  31. Paul Halsall, if you don't like the smell at Guido's just don't go there. Simple.

    The Penguin

  32. Paul Halsall.

    "Still how can you stand being around "Guido's People". It's making my nose bleed."

    It's little wonder I spend most of my time over at Guido's with whingers like you on here.

  33. What is that rubbish about "yet to hear me condemn what he did"? I'm not involved. As a point of fact I haven't condemned the Highland Clearances or the expulsion of the Jews by Edward I either. So I don't understand your point.

  34. You know "mr bean", it's always odd when attackers like you have "blocked profile pages".

    Meanwhile the BBC says its pages 1-3 of the Sunday Times tomorrow what will be all about this.

    If the stories go public, it's Paul Staine's fault.

    Hey, perhaps he got upset that Nadine called someone "fat".

  35. "You know "mr bean", it's always odd when attackers like you have "blocked profile pages"."

    That's odd. So do most of the NuLab supporters, like 'golden_balls'...

  36. The very lame D listers on ITV News said the stories are so "toxic" (several notches up from "juvenile") that even now the Sundays are weighing up whether or not to publish. Brown is clearly desperate to come up with some rationale to censor the papers - even when it's utterly contradictory. So which is it - jokey 'lads will be lads' emails or emails so toxic they can't be published?

  37. David Boothroyd - I hereby formally forgive you for the expulsion of the Jews in 1290. After all it is Passover.

  38. Mr Halsall - please return to your own blog if you don't like Mr Fawkes' contribution. You may find more people who agree with you there.

    And do give it a break - "this is a minor story"


    I must remember that this at oooh about 11pm tonight when the first editions of the NOTW and ST hit the stands.

  39. David Boothroyd. You are an intelligent man. You are a supporter of the Labour Party, and I presume, not knowing you, that you are not a juvenile.

    I believe that any serious supporter of any political party would have major concerns if people like McBride, Draper, Whelan and others, had positions of influence.

    I applaud Charles Clarke for coming out and demanding McBride be sacked. There are honourable people within the Labour Party, I am sure, who must be concerned about this developing story.

    Let us hope that this makes ALL parties wake up and ensure that campaigns can be held on issues rather than on smears.

  40. Guido seems to be offline. Has he simply run out of bandwidth or is it dirty tricks?

  41. @AD627

    He's just watching Doctor Who like the rest of the country.

    What a lousy episode - it was like watching Bedknobs and Broomsticks

  42. When I watch Doctor Who my website stays online....

  43. @ Strapworld

    "David Boothroyd. You are an intelligent man. You are a supporter of the Labour Party"

    That is a classic oxymoron.
