Monday, March 16, 2009

West Wing Actor Dies

Danny Finkelstein
pays a moving tribute to the West Wing actor Ron Silver, who played campaign strategist Bruno Gianelli in what I still believe is the best political TV drama ever made.


  1. "in what I still believe is the best political TV drama ever made"

    I'd leave out the word 'political' from that sentence.

  2. Damn your eyes Chris Doidge, you beat me to it !

  3. An amazing drama. They even got the ending right :)

    Did he meet Gordon recently?

  4. Sorry to read that , as he was a good actor.

    Of more interest - especially as he for a time was in West wing where the usual lefty liberal Hollywood consensus of the word was a given - is that despite being a lefty to start with he became an independent and a supporter of Bush and was anti the Democrat view on terrorism.

    So, many good reasons to miss him. Might be of interest to hear what the lefty liberal consensus says of him.

  5. Am sorry to read about his passing, The West Wing is an all time favourite drama of mine, and am gald you posted that scene as it is one where many politicos over here, whatever their party or colour, felt like cheering when they saw that clip

  6. West Wing - the first TV show to be shot entirely using energy-saving lightbulbs.

  7. Ron Silver was a great friend of keeping Jerusalem united and free under the State of Israel.

  8. Bruno was one of the greatest "cameo" characters in WW. Loved that rant about people trying to make him feel ashamed to believe what he believes.

    His other great rant was the one about how politically incompetent do women have to be to form over 50% of the electorate yet still not get their issues taken seriously.
