Monday, March 16, 2009

Miliband Should Discipline Ambassador to North Korea

Paul Waugh has a blogpost commenting on our Ambassador to North Korea's account of the elections there. He thinks they were just fab. I think he should be summoned back to the FCO and told to FO.


  1. “...those who admit to not voting are carted off for re-education.”

    So not all bad then.

  2. Maybe the diplomat was embarrased to criticize North Korean elections which bare a striking resemblance to internal UK Labour Party & Trade Union ones.

  3. Appeasement. We Brits are world class at it.

  4. Golly gosh - I thought it was April 1 again (No. 94)

    But no, just another cretin in the FCO.

    What is he on???

  5. Having lived in the DDR myself, I knew a few people who came to be unable to differentiate, and sort of appreciated the domestic help the host government arranged, and though it quite generous,

    Do you know what this fellow really reminds me of?

    "Le Journaliste" and his pesky pooch: Tintin au Pays des Soviets...

  6. Surely, not only should this moron receive the 'F.O.' treatment but also the cretin who appointed him...

  7. Leave off, Iain. Miliband's the last person who should be involved in dealing with this. Knowing him, he's probably referred to the Dear Leader in North Korea as "Kimmy" or something equally chummy.

    Bunch of hoons, the lot of them.

  8. He won't, of course. From being a sort of natural Brown successor (and even at one time a challenger to Brown before the latter's coronation), Miliband has since proved to have very poor judgement, in particular his inept remarks on his trip to India, and his defence of the indefensible decision to ban Geert Wilders, describing as "hate filled" a film he had not even seen.

  9. We have an ambassador to North Korea?

    WTF does he do all day then?

    Look after Britain's interests?
    Process visa applications for Koreans wanting to visit the UK on holiday?
    Thriving ex pat community?


  10. Sheesh, have we got a diplomat in North Korea who understands what Diplomatic means? There's a surprise.

    Heads off to read HE's comments ...

  11. We sell arms and safeguard Hong Kong. Bloody good trading partner is North Korea - keep China's bank accounts fluid. Good drug running from Burma too. Not everyone puts their money in Turks & Cacos. Hell, when Madagascar goes - there really is tectonic movement.

  12. He will probably be appointed election co-ordinator for New Labour at the next General Election. Comical Ali will be press spokesman. Lord Mandlesohn of Fooey will be accounts secretary. Lord Mullin will be in charge of Old Labour People. Keith Vaz will co-ordinate the stationary cupboard. Lady Harperson will be in charge of accurate, careful and considered comments.

  13. The Grim Reaper said dot dot dot

    'Knowing him, he's probably referred to the Dear Leader in North Korea as "Kimmy" or something equally chummy.'

    It's true isn't it? I mean for God's Sake!! I can actually imagine him saying that. Jeshus Cwist!

  14. Her Majesty's Diplomatic Service is now almost entirely politicised. That, in itself, wouldn't be such a bad thing - if these highly paid and privileged public servants had enough sense not to allow their political views to influence their professional judgement. Regrettably their career prospects are now determined by politicians. Worse, these carefully chosen people will remain in post long after this 'Government' has been thrown out by the electorate. So it's a pity that the Diplomats will not also lose their jobs at the same time.

    As Old Holborn indicates - what the hell is the point of this post in North Korea? What does HM Ambassador (and substantial staff) do? Read Alan Clark for an entertaining insight into the Diplomatic way of life.

  15. Disciplined? Isn't that a bit of an overreaction?

    He's only written a blogpost. What did you expect? An academic theses on the Strategic problems of a nuclear armed North Korea in South East Asia?

    I think you're overreacting a bit!

  16. Has that dude who went nuts about Israel in the gym (clever chap!) been sacked yet?

  17. Might he have intended to be ironic?

  18. Who knows, maybe he had to leave his wife and kids behind...

  19. I hardly think Miliband is best placed to criticise after he cockwaffled his way through India a few weeks ago.

  20. It is worthwhile following the links to the original blogpost and reading the comments on this.

  21. Do they have postal voting?; or do they consider it too susceptible to abuse?
