Monday, March 09, 2009

Iain Dale's Diary Fringe at the Tory Conference in October: Sponsor Wanted

I'm thinking about holding a fringe meeting debate on how politicians use the internet at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester in October, followed by a drinks reception for my blog readers. And I am looking for a commercial sponsor. If you work for an organisation which is looking to sponsor a relatively high profile event at the Tory Conference, you've pulled. Do get in touch.


  1. Surly Total Politics could sponsor such an event?? lol

  2. I'll sponsor you for, oh let me see, a farthing...

  3. What's a "Diary Fringe" and why do you want one?

  4. Iain.

    All political parties would love to use the internet like Obama.

    Their problem virtually all politicians of every hue are regarded as free loading hypocrites by the vast majority of the population.

    Once Cameron gets in he, and EVERYONE IN HIS ORGANISATION are going to have to work VERY HARD and be VERY HONEST if they are ever going to reverse that opinion.

    Don't worry though. brown has been so bad I can't see Labour getting back in for 3 or 4 elections.

  5. Fringe? Lets get on to serious matters. What do you think about Clegg's new haircut.

    Makes him look like a 'jarhead' I'd say.

  6. Let's see...your old chums BAA? ppffffff


  7. A Paypal £5 option maybe? Works for Bad Science.

    Power to the People and all that...

    Love Foxy

  8. "What do you think about Clegg's new haircut"

    Hair DOES matter. I think it looks rather stylish.

  9. OT but just watched Labour's political slot on Ch4 and it was truly awful. Hoon & Blears were staring off camera and they just wibbled on about Tory cuts.

    Anyway - Jane Moore's doing a burning the money doc.

  10. I never realised these sponsorships things were sorted out so far in advance of the event!

  11. Jane Moores piece is fantastic- the only prolem is its on a minor channel

  12. Well well well

    Throughout 2007-2008 right wing blogg land was awash with “Boris Boris Boris” etc etc.

    Boris has for the first time since becoming Major, appeared on Flag Ship programme Panorama.

    Normally we would hear all the nutters on Guido Dizzy and Dale posting threads proclaiming “Don’t miss Bozzer on BBC tonight.

    Errrrr NOT TONIGHT I SEE…. Oh I wonder why. Elephant in the room Dale

    When the big issue surface. The right hide !!!!!!!

  13. kinglear said...
    Jane Moores piece is fantastic- the only prolem is its on a minor channel

    March 09, 2009 8:48 PM


    Fantastic…you say

    Its on a Dispatches… Documentary making for 20 something’s…ie shite

    Very poor doc. ITV’s Jade doc on at the same time was very good. Ie no one watched Documentary making for 20 something’s Jane.

    PS very poor listening to Jane Harping on about money, when SHE is the HIGHEST paid female hack in the UK.

  14. Damian Green – Going Down
    Christopher Galley – Going Down
    Leila Deen – Going Down



    Typical Tory, instigating the commotion, and getting others to take the fall !!!!!

  15. Close your eyes
    Have no fear
    The monster's gone
    He's on the run and your daddy's here

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
    Beautiful boy
    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
    Beautiful boy

    Even I admire this piece of Coulsonisn

    You see the original title was Darling Boy, as Lennon recognised and Cameron “Beautiful Boy” was more apt, or rather more spinable!!!!!

  16. Looking for a sponsor

    How about

    Taylor Woodrow

    All Tory Party donors who used an illegal data base to keep union members and irish from working on their building projects.

  17. Jimbo lad, why don't you start your own blog so peeps can ignore your inane drivelings in one perfectly formed location?

    Just here to help. Love ya & mean it!

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  20. canvas said...“"...Clegg's new haircut" I think it looks rather stylish.”

    If you like just-released-from-prison chic.

  21. why not ask all your readers to kick in say £10 each ?

    worked , so we are told, for obama

  22. Iain, I would happily sponsor your fringe, but, as life would have it, it would seem that my disposable income has become somewhat indisposed.

    I don't expect much change in status until long after ZaNu Labour have been banished to political Antarctica.

  23. Simon Gardner says "If you like just-released-from-prison chic."

    What - like your photo?!

