2. Welsh Ramblings on the fallout for Leighton Andrews AM from the Aneuringlyndwr blog farrago.
3. PoliticalBetting analyses the latest ICM poll, showing a 13% Tory lead.
4. Chicken Yoghurt makes a dick of himself for the second time this week. He so hates me.
5. Liberal Burblings on James Landale's fight against cancer and his views on Jade Goody.
6. Alex Foster of LibDem Voice announces his engagement. Many congratters.
7. A Very Public Sociologist pschoanalyses Derek Draper.
8. Archbishop Cranmer bemoans the departure of the Bishop of Rochester.
9. Tom Harris dares to take issue with Simon Heffer.
10. Quaequam becomes the second LibDem blogger to jump to Eric Pickles' defence.
11. Douglas Carswell on how The Plan has become a bestseller.
12. Dan Hannan on why Gordon Brown has a point on the Act of Settlement.
"Chicken Yoghurt makes a dick of himself for the second time this weak. He so hates me"
Freudian slip..? ;)
The Carswell link is wrong
Not psychoanalyse, Iain, but socioanalyse.
13. Ordovicius returns in the form of a microblog
Chicken Yoghurt: Pete's comment to Justin about his Orwell Prize post says it all: "You should have written this piece in green ink.(You're jealous as well as being a nutter.")
Couldn't have put it more succinctly myself.
On a more positive note (it is the weekend after all), have you seen the great review of your blog & others (Andrew Sullivan, Tom Watson et al) in a recent post in The Johnson Diaries-Life on the Edge at www.nora-johnson.blogspot.com?
As Justin himself might put it, Iain,get a life -oops link!
Note: 'et al' may include Al but Justin no way...
So calling someone a nutter is OK, and not abuse in your book; have I got that right, Iain?
How about 'toerag'. Is 'toerag' an abusive term?
Just want to be sure of the rules before you twist them to your advantage again.
I know you think this whole thing is going to be much easier if you come up with a plausible excuse to ban me, but you really should drop by and explain yourself.... what you did to me (again!) really needs explaining, and your top-secret excuse doesn't cut it.
I don't need a plausibe excuse to ban you. It's my blog and I will ban who I want. Art the moment it is just interesting for my readers to watch your slo mo car crash and have all their ideas about you confirmed.
I'll pull the lever when I am good and ready.
I can't believe you're still playing poser's games after the gravity of the stunt you pulled on me.
You didn't address any of this, BTW:
So calling someone a nutter is OK, and not abuse in your book; have I got that right, Iain?
How about 'toerag'. Is 'toerag' an abusive term?
A dick? It's Orwell Prize winning stuff to be sure.
Get over yourself Iain. I don't so hate you at all. For a man in his fifties you sound like an eight year-old. How can I hate you after all the laughs you've given over the years?
Iain's only carrying on about how much you 'hate' him because of my recent headline, I'm sure.
Projection. Projection. Projection.
After the contents of the last email you just sent to me, consider yourself banned. No one uses the word "c***" in a private email to me and suffers no consequence.
Any further comments by you on this site will be deleted.
You've gone too far this time. Again.
For the avoidance of doubt. If you leave any comment on this site, or email me again, I will consider that to be a form of harassment, and I shall take further action if I feel it necessary.
Consider yourself duly warned.
Oh, and one final thing. If you publish private emails, that says far more about your morals than it can ever do about mine.
End of correspondence.
May I be permitted to offer a suggestion for the Jacqui Smith husband's porn story?
Eee Jacqui! Elision?
(Say it quickly)
The Real story on the Jacqui Smith revelation is that her husband obviously doesn't know how to use the internet properly - because if he did, there is so much free porn online that there is no need to fork out for a pay per view film. Or so my friends tell me.......
The Real story on the Jacqui Smith revelation is that her husband obviously doesn't know how to use the internet properly - because if he did, there is so much free porn online that there is no need to fork out for a pay per view film. Or so my friends tell me.......
"Should have gone to RedTube" sounds like a good slogan
Iain, you're confused about what a dick is, which I understand from a man in your position as you seem lack one and the balls that go with it.
You seem to have confused the shape and form of Justin McKeating as a male member but for the record, he's a human and, from all the evidence I can muster, a jolly sound one who has a penis and balls; unlike you that is.
Isn't this childish behaviour thing fun?
May I also add, back in the day, people ran their mouths off far less often, especially without evidence; something you clearly lack because there was always a very real threat of an old fashioned punch in the mouth.
I think that sharpened the mind somewhat when it came to picking fights and making sure you had some degree of truth on your side.
Oh for those days.
A bit of face to face always sorts the men from the boys, this blogging tit-for-tat is, quite frankly, for cowards.
Finsbury Park, no weapons, only bare fists and some grease.
Ready when you are.
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