Friday, February 13, 2009

Vote for Your Most Fanciable Peer!

Lady Hollis (L)
Marquess of Cholmondeley (CB)
Lord Razzall (LD)
Lord Goldsmith (L)
Lady Vadera (L)
Lord Marland (C)
Lord Coe (C)
Earl of Liverpool (C)
Earl Ferrers (C)
Earl Courtown (C)
Lady Northover (LD)
Lady Bottomley (C)
Lady Boothroyd (CB)
Lady Verma (C)
Lady Scotland (L)
Lord Lang (C)
Lord Owen (CB)
Lord Browne (CB)
Lord Bragg (L)
Lord Freyberg (CB)
Lady Warsi (C)
Lady Kennedy (L)
Lady Harris (LD)
Lady Anelay (C)
Lady Murphy (CB)

So, here are the 25 Peers in the shortlist for the Most Fanciable Valentine's Peer. You need to give them marks out of 10, purely for their looks and, ahem, sex appeal.

Voting will close at midnight tonight. Apologies for the layout of this page, if it looks a bit odd. I am not very good with html!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No Baron Adonis?

  3. Is it just me, or does anyone else think that the Earl of Liverpool looks like a possible father of Piers Morgan?

  4. What a bunch of slappers!

    I wouldn't use someone else's on any of them. Not even yours Iain.

  5. Not even in my wildest fantasy, under no matter what concoction of illegal substances, could I categorize any of these as 'fanciable'. Nulle Points all round

  6. I have never been so not turned on...

  7. couple of trannys there ...methinks

  8. I suppose that Lady Anelay could do it for me but only because she's a tory.

  9. 25 faces which could kill an erection stone dead.

  10. Why is Ian McKellen and Michael Winner in there?

    They are all double baggers, but if I had to it would be Lady Scotland (that is a very unflattering pic)

    My gay choice would be the Ian McKellen lookalike.

    I couldn't fancy Betty Boothroyd - it's like fancying your mum!

  11. I have not (until this point) considered myself to be a homosexualist - but trying to find something alluring about these female peers was actually less attractive than an erotic clinch with Lord Coe. I consider myself turned. Very slippery of you, Mr Dale.

    On a separate note, it's all kicking off (again) between lovable loony Draper and Guido over on the other channel. Draper is trying to whip up some "right wing bloggers are all racists" conspiracy theory - nothing to do with his shaming this week of course. Apparently, the best way to combat racism is to reproduce allegedly racist comments on his site and proceed to draw attention to said comments in a frenzied manner.

    Golliwoggery all over again.

    Mr Dale, you have been very restrained where the Drapoid is concerned. I think it's time for you to re-engage!

  12. Looks like 25 escapees from an eastern european circus...


  13. The Marquess of Cholmondeley! What a name!!

    Is he by any chance related to the great Mr Cholmondley warner?!?

  14. ok, I've got the beer goggles on now, I wonder if I can sweet-talk the lovely Lady Northover to change her name by legal deed poll to Lady Bendover...

  15. Lord Freyburg, whoever he might be, looks like he's just escaped from Borstal.

    If I had to choose, it could only be Lady Bottomley, who has, I fancy, a certain wistfulness about her challengingly direct gaze....


  16. Is this some kind of sick joke??!



  17. Its like being asked to choose your favourite type of vomit.

  18. Mind you that David Rocksavage is pretty dishy in real life...

    The rest are so ugly they make onions cry...


  19. I've always found Lord Ahmed of Pentonville sexually stimulating, alluring in a dangerous, gruff and masterful fashion and also an ideal candidate to be my life partner.

    Apparently, when in prison, the knights are lonely.

  20. Freyburg looks eminently fancyable to me. And I couldn't five a fu*k as to who might be on top.


  21. dont know, think Sayeeda Warsi is well fit but as for the rest... I`ve seen better lookers in Battersea Dogs Home.....

  22. None of those could even tempt a semi out of me....this is a poor list. Stick in Bottomley and I might have a dip

  23. This ain't working Iain sweetie, I can't vote for Marland.

    Vote FUDGED!

  24. I have just seen an advert on the side of this page asking if I want to go on a "gay cruise ship" Their words, not mine.

    It sounds infinitely preferable to being on a cruise ship with these mingers.

  25. Darcy, no, Iain is better off out of it, even though he has now been instructed (!) by Draper to delete his link to Guido Fawkes.

    Commendable restraint, Iain, if I may make so bold, though I confess I do find the current Derek/Guido bout very funny and a third wrestler in the ring would liven things up no end. The pleasure is also a guilty one: I know I shouldn't be amused by watching a nervous breakdown (DD's) in public, but that just shows what a low and pathetic (and no doubt racist) character I must be.

  26. I can't vote for any of them. Sorry.

  27. Sex appeal? Talk about giving generously to the unfortunate! WV: cropyodo. Dunno what it is, but I'd rather shag one.

  28. I've just got back from having a "binge drinking session" in my local - and I still wouldn't contemplate touching any of them with a disinfected bargepole.

    There really isn't a big enough set of beer-goggles in existance...

  29. Oh dear this is most depressing. More depressing then 12 years of Labour have been, and that is really saying something.

    I used to pride my self on being able to shag absolutely anything as long as it was plausibly female, and keen enough.

    After looking at this lot. I have finally realized how old I now am.

    Not even with yours, for a large sum of money, in a darken room, after 15 years at sea, with only Iain Dale as company.
