Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Public Health Warning

If you want to keep your breakfast in your stomach tomorrow morning, can I strongly advise you not to switch on GMTV. Apparently, part of Derek Draper's mission to make us love Gordon has been to persuade his wife, GMTV presenter Kate Garraway, to allow us to see the Prime Minister in lycra exercising with Mr Motivator. It could well be the incident which loses Labour the next election...

Hattip for graphic to Tractor Stats

UPDATE: Some people in the comments think I am pulling their leg. I swear I am not. It's happening. Really. Tomorrow morning.


  1. Don't tell me, our Great Leader will be telling us that the obesity crisis started in America!

  2. Come on, get some stills posted up.

    The Penguin

  3. You Cannot be serious?

    Not everyone has a wide screen tele.

  4. So Dolly Drapers been a Tory plant all along, eh?

  5. If the sight of the Prime Mentalist in lycra exercising with Mr Motivator could lose Labour the next election, surely it's in your interest that as many people as possible see it?

  6. Of course, it's a joke. Please say it's a joke.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This surely must be a piss take? If it's not it's going to be the YouTube mash-up of the year.

  9. "...the Prime Minister in lycra exercising with Mr Motivator."

    Not a sentence I ever thought I'd read - even about Blair!

  10. Mr Motivator and Mr Demotivator in the same room.
    Is this their answer to Doctor Who?

  11. Oh God, will no one rid us of this odious twat? Not you Iain, he adds hastily!!

  12. I can think of nothing more repulsive than watching Gordon Brown work out in his lycra.

    I wouldn't mind so much if it was say... perhaps... David Miliband who is far more dishy.


  13. Gordon will wear what he thinks appropriate gym wear .... probably sports casual jacket, wool tie, slacks and loafers. Maybe they will persuade him to lose the tie, like they did on Southwold beach, though.

  14. Mr. Dale.

    I've heard of Easter Eggs on sale in January but April Fools Day is nearly three months away.

  15. I thought haggis came stuffed in sheep's stomach.

  16. Just been trying to find that clip where Mr Motivator looses control of his bladder and pisses himself live on tv while exercising, No luck yet. Saw it on a outtake programme a few years back.

    If it is true that Mr Brown will be appearing in lycra tomorrow there will be a lot of people pissing themselves(with laughter).

  17. Iain, how about a hat-tip to Londoner's Diary who first broke this story?

  18. Lord Elvis, had I read it there, I would have been delighted to give a hattip. I was emailed it by someone I know at GMTV.

  19. There I was thinking he'll have to delay the election to the last minute in the hope that people forget - and the wv is latelec.

  20. Wasn't trying to cast any aspersions Iain, but I thought that was he source of the story. Apologies.

    BTW, are you going to the Cameron Direct event in Chatham next week?

  21. I am indeed. I shall be live blogging it I think. Do say hello!

  22. Brown won't do it now (if he ever did plan to appear) because he's been rumbled and realises what a prat he will look like.
    You should have kept quiet Iain!

    WV-stolly.I'll drink to that!

  23. get her to have gordon on gmtv? no way. i can't even get her to do the washing up x

  24. I'll bet Gordo already had a choice of "fetching" Lycra and spandex outfits to wear ...way before that bloody annoying motivator was booked

  25. Mr Motivator is so called because he motivates people. So perhaps Brown should be called "Mr Depresser".

  26. "Apparently, part of Derek Draper's mission to make us love Gordon..."

    Isn't that the job of the BBC ?

    That's why we pay a licence fee isn't it ?
