Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The Daley Dozen: Wednesday

1. Sam Coates is delighted that we can all know who Ministers meet.
2. Tom Harris isn't.
3. Mark Urban explains why the West Bank is not rising up in support of Hamas.
4. John Rentoul exposes Brown's hubris (again).
5. Quaequam brings news of a high level LibDem resignation from the party.
6. LibDem blogger Irfan Ahmed rails against "the Jews".
7. PR Media Blog on why Jonathan Ross is a Twit(ter).
8. Paul Waugh on LibDems who swing both ways.
9. Brian Paddick on why he went on I'm a Celebrity.
10. Tim Montgomerie on why he's not giving money to World Vision charity.
11. Iain Martin on a Tory reshuffle.
12. Stephen Pollard on the Palestinians murdered in cold blood by Hamas.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for this, Ian. What a p**ck Tom Harris can be! Although unlike some liberal blogs he doesn't censor his comments too closely... so I was able to post a little rant for him to read.

    Hmm, now I seem to have set up a Blogger account to post on yours, maybe I ought to start a blog... I think I'll call it

    Martin Day = Chris Huhne!!!
